HUA-WEI MACHINE TAIWAN was founded in 1968 and established in 1973, a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer, specializes in designing & manufacturing metal recycling shearing machines and special purpose hydraulic cylinders. For over 40 years, Hua-Wei Machine has been continuously devoting to development and innovation of Automatic Hydraulic Swing-Cut Scrap Shear which is qualified with Varied Ex
clusive Patents and Best Quality presenting
-High Efficiency Performance
-Low Power Consumption
-Excellent Capacity
-Low Operation Cost
-Fastest Payback Investment
-Extremely Long Life Span [over 30 years]
-Easy & Economical Maintenance
Wth the two manufacturing facilities & the strong project teams and professional experiences & advanced technology, Hua-Wei has received highly positive feedback from the recycling industry. Our shear products have already had over 90% market share in mid and large-scale recycling yards in Taiwan. The feature of Daily 24 HRS Operation Capability of our scrap shear is also one of the big benefits to Steelmakers to facilitate the efficiency of steel production. Our AFTER-SALE SERVICE is also highly praised among the largest steelmakers in Southeast Asia, known as the BEST-BUY BRAND.
華偉機械1973年成立於台灣,專業設計製造廢鋼鐵/金屬資源回收機械,重機械零件再生及特殊油壓缸,超過四十年特殊功能機械設計及製造經驗,擁有卓越領先技術及獨立研發能力和兩座自營工廠及40年實力堅強的製造團隊,華偉堅持致力不斷創新研發,提供寶貴客戶最新設計及最高階技術產品- 全自動搖擺式油壓鋼鐵裁斷機 實在呈現最優良品質 :