Mystical Traveler

Mystical Traveler ⛰️Travel Peru, Cusco, Machu Picchu and other places of power. Shamanic journeys and healing 💚

Willka Uta or Aramu Muru as it is currently known by most people is located in Puno in a place of power called Ajayu Mar...

Willka Uta or Aramu Muru as it is currently known by most people is located in Puno in a place of power called Ajayu Marka (Place of the Spirits). This site is an interdimensional Lemurian portal that connects us to other dimensions of reality from time immemorial in Andean mysticism.

#перу #титикака

Old peruvian technologies

Old peruvian technologies

🦅One of the most remarkable features of many of the Power Places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, are their doorways, ma...

🦅One of the most remarkable features of many of the Power Places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, are their doorways, made of precisely cut stone blocks, fitted together so tightly that not even a blade of grass can fit between them.
This technique, ashlar masonry, provided incredible structural stability that helped these ancient structures withstand earthquakes and time.
⛰️ Mortarless construction shows the architectural ingenuity, advanced engineering skills of the Incas, and especially their rare ability to harmonize their structures with the natural landscape.

Our next expeditions to Peru are in March and July 2025!

#перу #мачопикху

Ancient staircase, Kuelap, Peru

Ancient staircase, Kuelap, Peru

🌱Аюваска - Лиана Ду́хов (aya - дух, waska - лиана) - это напиток-отвар, традиционно изготовляемый шаманами племён Амазон...

🌱Аюваска - Лиана Ду́хов (aya - дух, waska - лиана) - это напиток-отвар, традиционно изготовляемый шаманами племён Амазонки, и употребляемый местными жителями для очищения и исцеления, а также для общения с духами, получения знаний о Земле и Природе, и открытия целительских/магических способностей. Основной компонент этого волшебного напитка — лиана Банистериопсис каапи. Это красивая, очень сильная лоза, напоминающая огромную лесную пуповину. Своей структурой она очень похожа на молекулу ДНК.

Шаманы говорят, что Аюваска - это Дух, который, попадая в наше тело, меняет вибрации организма и сознания, настраивая нас на более расширенное восприятие, как гид проводит и показывает истину и причинно-следственные связи наших проблем.

Но самое главное, Аюваска дает сильный исцеляющий эффект, снимает блоки и зажимы, так что энергия начинает течь свободно, а организм настраивается и запускает программу исцеления. Болезнь отступает и организм звучит с новой силой, для чего конечно нужна готовность чувствовать, видеть, слышать и принимать новую реальность. Поэтому для подготовки к церемонии рекомендуются духовные практики и здоровый образ жизни.

Эта древнейшая традиция служит для укрепления нашей связи с телом, душой, сердцем, природой, Землей, Духом, Богом, чтобы мы могли научиться жить в равновесии и гармонии с миром.

Ритуальное использования этого магического напитка является традиционным методом народного лечения во многих племенах Южной Америки.
В такой церемонии, как и в любой другой практике/ритуале важна готовность к изменениям, так как в процессе происходит целостное переживание нового опыта, с положительным для жизни и здоровья результатом. Поэтому так важно ответственное, осознанное отношение к этой церемонии, как со стороны участника, так и шамана - проводника, который является связующим звеном между человеком и духом этого древнего сакрального напитка.

Аюваска - это исцеляющая Священная Медицина, которая помогает восстановить целостность на всех уровнях - от физического тела до пробуждения Сознания. Это всегда глубинная работа, на всех уровнях - энергетическом, физическом, духовном. Мне известны многие случаи, когда шаманы-аюваскеро помогали людям исцелиться от различных, в том числе и диагностированных как неизлечимые, болезней.

Процесс исцеления в шаманизме направлен на избавление от источника/корня болезни, на восстановление целостности человека (whole), и благотворно влияет не только на физическое тело, но и на психику и разум. Открытие сердца, восстановление связи с Духом Предков и с Природой, даёт нам возможность после таких церемоний обрести более ясное видение и понимание себя и своей жизни.

Аюваску часто называют Учителем, потому что во время церемонии мы можем ощутить и пережить мистический диалог с её Духом, с Богом, со своим Высшим Я. Это может происходить через видение, ощущения, осознание.

Силу этого мистического ритуала вы сможете узнать на наших церемониях с шаманом Natasha Kivak 25-26 октября 2024г. в Newpalz NY.
Пишите мне в мессенджер, если готовы к этому уникальному событию!

Choquequirao is an Incan site in southern Peru, similar in structure and architecture to Machu Picchu. Choquequirao at a...

Choquequirao is an Incan site in southern Peru, similar in structure and architecture to Machu Picchu. Choquequirao at an elevation of 3,050 metres (10,010 ft) is in the spurs of the Vilcabamba mountain range, and can be reached by a two-day hike from outside Cusco The complex is 1,800 hectares, of which 30–40% is excavated.

Где находятся руины самой большой пирамиды в Америке?Индейцы майя не единственные, кто возводил грандиозные пирамиды в д...

Где находятся руины самой большой пирамиды в Америке?
Индейцы майя не единственные, кто возводил грандиозные пирамиды в доколумбовой Америке. Хотя именно с их сооружениями на Юкатане знакомо большинство туристов и людей, интересующихся древнейшей историей.
В Перу есть руины двух пирамид, принадлежащих культуре Моче, которые, судя по основанию, превосходили размерами большинство творений майя.

До того, как в высокогорных Андах возникла великая империя инков, на этой территории обитало множество племен, часть из которых имела достаточно высокий уровень развития и оставила потомкам много культурных артефактов и архитектурных памятников.

Это и знаменитая культура Наска с ее загадочными геоглифами, и Норте-Чико с грандиозным круговым храмом Бандурриа, и Мочика, которая построила два грандиозных храма на территории современного Перу.
Первые следы, оставленные индейцами культуры Мочика (Моче), археологи относят к I веку нашей эры. Центр этого древнего государства располагался на пустынном Тихоокеанском побережье, в районе современного города Трухильо, на севере Перу. Всего же, по имеющимся данным, мочика населяли более 10 долин, климат которых, как и в наши дни, был крайне засушливым.
Основой существования моче было земледелие, и для успешного выращивания овощей им пришлось сооружать и поддерживать в рабочем состоянии обширную ирригационную систему, что также свидетельствует о высоком уровне развития этого государства.
Народ моче жил в нескольких крупных городах, они владели техникой изготовления керамики, обработки металлов, а при раскопках их поселений были обнаружены ювелирные изделия, украшенные золотом и поделочными камнями. В то же время письменности у моче не было.

Но главное, чем интересна культура Моче — это две огромные пирамиды, Храм Солнца и Храм Луны, сооруженные из саманных блоков в V веке. Несмотря на недолговечность этого строительного материала, грабежи и целенаправленное разрушение испанцами, а также 1500 лет, прошедших с момента строительства храмов, их остатки до сих пор можно наблюдать в окрестностях Трухильо.

🌙 Храм Луны имеет прямоугольное основание с длиной стороны 87 метров. Форма храма — усеченная пирамида высотой около 20 метров, на вершине которой располагалась ровная площадка. На стенах этого сооружения моче сохранилось несколько цветных фресок и росписей, и в целом Храм Луны дошел до наших дней в лучшем состоянии, чем Храм Солнца. Как полагают историки, храм служил для религиозных и церемониальных целей, в том числе и для проведения ритуалов жертвоприношений.
Схожее предназначение было и у Храма Солнца. Он расположен в соседней долине, но имеет большие размеры. При высоте храма около 50 метров, в его основании находится прямоугольник со сторонами 340 и 160 метров.
Для сравнения: основание знаменитой Пирамиды Солнца в Теотиуакане 225 на 225 метров. Во времена моче этот храм имел 7 ярусов-ступеней, а угол наклона стен составлял 77º.

☀️ Храм Солнца располагался в столице государства Моче и служил, помимо ритуальных и церемониальных целей, местом погребения высшей знати. Храм сильно пострадал во времена колониального захвата Южной Америки.
В XVII веке жаждущие золота испанцы разрушили почти 2/3 храма, перерыв нижние ярусы пирамиды и даже направив сюда течение местной реки, чтобы она размыла основание храма и облегчила поиски золота.
Культура Моче просуществовала в долинах перуанских Анд до VII-VIII веков. Несмотря на множество найденных предметов и захоронений знати, археологи продолжают работы в тех местах, где располагались города моче. Не так давно они обнаружили еще несколько захоронений, выполненных из саманного кирпича и дерева. Погребения содержат украшения, скульптуры, ритуальные маски, керамические сосуды и различные предметы была. Помимо тел усопших, археологи извлекли из захоронений останки лам. Одомашнивание этих удивительно выносливых животных сыграло важную роль в становлении и развитии многих народов Анд, и, как видно из обнаруженных недавно захоронений, ламы были в почете и у индейцев моче.

Я бывала в тех местах, но там мало что можно понять и увидеть, поэтому туристическим группам там не так интересно, как на вершинах Анд.

Secret passages of Machu Pucchu, Peru

Secret passages of Machu Pucchu, Peru

Вдувание РапеЭто требует внутреннего настроя молитвы, концентрации и намерения.Люди не всегда энергетически готовы подел...

Вдувание Рапе

Это требует внутреннего настроя молитвы, концентрации и намерения.

Люди не всегда энергетически готовы поделиться табаком с другим человеком, и мы тоже должны понимать , от кого принимаем табак.

Рапе является священным растением и поэтому несет в себе намерения и молитвы тех, кто его готовит, и тех, кто им делится.

Все процессы шаманской церемонии: от зажигания огня, курения табака, игры на инструменте или передачи табака. Все эти действия должны сопровождаться глубокой связью со священным. Когда кто-то выдувает табак, он передает все свое влияние и энергетические заряды непосредственно в аурическое поле человека, получающего его.

Самостоятельное применение Курипе сильно отличается от использования Тепи (большого аппликатора) для вдыхания в ноздри другого.

Всегда помните, что нюхательная медицина не является развлекательной.
Это серьезное лекарство, требующее преданности и уважения.

Тот, кто делится с другим, должен быть готов, поскольку происходит энергетический обмен, и мы должны знать, как направить энергию, а также осознавать, что мы даем тому, кто получает с нашим намерением.

Так это священное растение будет действовать более эффективно, настраивая тело, разум и дух.

Revolutionary Revelation: A 4,000-year-old temple in Peru reshapes the narrative of ancient South America.In a stunning ...

Revolutionary Revelation: A 4,000-year-old temple in Peru reshapes the narrative of ancient South America.

In a stunning twist of history, a team of archaeologists led by Luis Muro Ynoñán from the esteemed Field Museum in Chicago has unveiled a remarkable 4,000-year-old temple and theater nestled near Zaña, an astounding 3,500 years earlier than Machu Picchu. This extraordinary discovery provides a window into a civilization that predates the Inca, Moche, and Nazca cultures, offering a treasure trove of insights. The excavation, prompted by urgent concerns of looting, has exposed impressive walls crafted from mud and clay, a temple seamlessly integrated into the rugged mountainside, and a theater that likely served as a sacred venue for rituals. Among the striking features, intricate carvings depict a mythical bird-like creature, indicative of the Initial Period (2000 to 900 BC)—a time when formalized religion began to take root in Peru. Adding to the intrigue, the team unearthed the skeletal remains of three adults alongside expansive murals. Color pigments were also meticulously collected, poised to unveil critical details about the dating and potential trade connections of this enigmatic civilization.

The Shamanic Journey: A Path to Profound Transformation and AwakeningThe shamanic journey is one of the most ancient and...

The Shamanic Journey: A Path to Profound Transformation and Awakening

The shamanic journey is one of the most ancient and profound spiritual paths known to humanity. It is a journey that transcends the physical world, taking us beyond the limitations of our everyday consciousness into the deeper realms of the soul and the mysteries of existence. To embark on a shamanic journey is to step into the unknown, to walk a path that leads not outward, but inward—into the very heart of who we are and the essence of life itself.

The Essence of the Shamanic Journey

At its core, the shamanic journey is a process of awakening—a return to the original state of being that is deeply connected with the universe. It is a way of seeing the world and ourselves from a perspective that goes beyond the material and into the spiritual. The shamanic path recognizes that all of life is interconnected, that the seen and unseen worlds are woven together in a complex tapestry of existence, and that we are an integral part of this cosmic dance.

The journey begins with the recognition that there is more to life than what meets the eye. It is the realization that our ordinary perceptions of reality are limited, shaped by our cultural conditioning, fears, and egoic desires. The shamanic journey invites us to break free from these limitations, to expand our consciousness, and to explore the hidden dimensions of existence.

The Profound Insights of the Shamanic Path
As you embark on this journey, you will begin to experience profound insights that can transform your life in ways you may never have imagined. These insights arise from the deep inner work that the shamanic path requires—the work of healing, integrating, and awakening to your true self. Here are some of the key insights you may encounter along the way:

The Illusion of Separation: One of the first and most powerful insights of the shamanic journey is the realization that the sense of separation we feel—from others, from nature, and from the divine—is an illusion. In truth, everything is interconnected. We are not isolated beings, but part of a vast web of life, intimately connected to all that is. This realization dissolves the barriers between self and other, leading to a profound sense of unity and belonging.

The Power of Presence: The shamanic journey teaches us the importance of being fully present in the moment. It is in the present moment that we access the deeper realities of life, where we can connect with our inner wisdom and the spiritual forces that guide us. By cultivating presence, we learn to navigate life with greater clarity, intuition, and grace.

The Wisdom of the Heart: The shamanic path is a journey of the heart. It teaches us to listen to the wisdom that resides within our own hearts—a wisdom that is often drowned out by the noise of the mind and the distractions of the world. As we deepen our connection to the heart, we discover a source of guidance, compassion, and strength that can lead us through even the most challenging times.

The Sacredness of Life: One of the most profound realizations of the shamanic journey is the sacredness of all life. Every being, every tree, every rock, every star is a manifestation of the divine, and each carries a unique essence and purpose. This insight transforms our relationship with the world, filling us with a deep reverence and respect for all that exists.

The Healing Power of Spirit: The shamanic journey is also a path of healing. It teaches us that true healing comes from reconnecting with the spiritual dimensions of life. By working with the energies of the spirit world, we can heal the wounds of the past, release negative patterns, and restore balance to our lives. This healing extends not just to ourselves, but to our relationships, our communities, and the Earth itself.

The Gift of Transformation: Perhaps the most profound gift of the shamanic journey is the gift of transformation. As we walk this path, we are continually invited to let go of the old—the outdated beliefs, the limiting identities, the fears that hold us back—and to embrace the new. This process of transformation is not always easy, but it is deeply liberating. It allows us to step into our true power and to live a life that is aligned with our highest purpose.

How to Embark on the Shamanic Journey

The shamanic journey is accessible to everyone, regardless of background, age, or belief system. It is a journey that begins with a simple but profound intention: the desire to know yourself, to heal, and to awaken to the deeper truths of existence. Here are some ways you can begin this journey and integrate its wisdom into your life:

Cultivate Awareness: The first step on the shamanic journey is to cultivate awareness. Begin to notice the patterns in your life, the thoughts that occupy your mind, and the feelings that arise in your heart. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities that appear in your daily life, as these are often messages from the spirit world.

Connect with Nature: Nature is a powerful ally on the shamanic path. Spend time in natural settings, whether it be a forest, a park, or your own backyard. Observe the rhythms of nature, listen to the sounds, and feel the energy of the Earth. This connection will ground you and open you to the deeper wisdom that nature has to offer.

Meditate and Journey Within: Meditation is a key practice on the shamanic path. Through meditation, you can quiet the mind, open the heart, and journey into the inner realms of your consciousness. Guided shamanic journeys, where you visualize traveling to spiritual realms, can also be a powerful way to connect with your spirit guides and receive insights.

Work with Symbols and Archetypes: The shamanic journey often involves working with symbols and archetypes, which are powerful tools for accessing the unconscious mind. Pay attention to the symbols that appear in your dreams, meditations, or daily life. These symbols carry messages that can guide you on your path.

Seek Guidance from the Spirit World: Shamans believe that we are never alone on our journey; we are always supported by the spirits of our ancestors, nature, and the divine. You can connect with these guiding spirits through prayer, meditation, and ritual. Ask for their guidance, protection, and wisdom as you walk your path.

Embrace Ritual and Ceremony: Rituals and ceremonies are important aspects of the shamanic journey. They help to mark significant transitions, honor the sacred, and connect with the spirit world. You can create your own rituals, or participate in traditional ceremonies that resonate with you.

Live with Intention: Finally, the shamanic journey is about living with intention. Each day, set a clear intention for how you want to show up in the world. Align your actions with your highest values, and make choices that support your growth and well-being. By living with intention, you bring the wisdom of the shamanic journey into every aspect of your life.

Applying the Shamanic Wisdom to Your Life
The insights gained from the shamanic journey are not meant to be kept within the confines of spiritual practice; they are meant to be lived and applied to every aspect of your life. Here are some ways you can integrate the wisdom of the shamanic path into your daily existence:

Embody Unity: Recognize the interconnectedness of all life and act from a place of unity. This might mean cultivating more compassion in your relationships, making choices that support the well-being of the planet, or simply being more present with those around you.

Practice Presence: Bring the power of presence into your daily activities. Whether you are at work, with family, or alone in meditation, strive to be fully present. This will deepen your experience of life and open you to the guidance of your inner wisdom.

Honor the Sacred: Treat every moment, every interaction, as sacred. This could involve creating a daily ritual to honor the Earth, expressing gratitude for the simple things in life, or simply being mindful of the energy you bring into the world.

Heal and Transform: Use the tools of the shamanic journey to heal old wounds and transform limiting beliefs. This might involve journaling, energy work, or seeking the guidance of a shamanic practitioner. Remember that healing is a journey, not a destination, and each step you take brings you closer to wholeness.

Live Authentically: The shamanic path encourages you to live in alignment with your true self. This means being honest with yourself and others, following your passions, and making choices that reflect your deepest values. Authenticity is the foundation of a fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Journey Awaits
The shamanic journey is a sacred path of awakening, healing, and transformation. It is a journey that invites you to explore the depths of your being, to connect with the spiritual dimensions of life, and to live in harmony with the universe. The insights you gain on this path can profoundly change your life, opening you to new levels of awareness, compassion, and purpose.

Remember, the journey is always available to you, no matter where you are in life. It is never too late to begin, and every step you take on this path is a step towards your true self. So, take that first step, trust in the process, and allow the journey to unfold in its own perfect way.

May your path be blessed with light, wisdom, and love. The journey awaits you—are you ready to embark?



Very well known with Herbert Castro for the note:
In dialogue with National Geographic, architect Vince Lee noted that no civilization would choose to build on such a demanding terrain as Machu Picchu for no good reason.

“From a technical point of view, the chosen location is difficult. The work area is small and uneven, it is on a mountainous slope; there are no flat lands,” he said.

Now, why was such a tricky terrain chosen to build Machu Picchu? This is just one of the many questions that arise when Peruvians and curious foreigners venture out to talk about one of Peru's most prized treasures.

Over time, some of these doubts have cleared up, thanks to the results of studies that have shed light on the enigmas that surround the Citadel. One of the latest focuses on unravelling the origin of its inhabitants.

A scientific study published in the journal Science Advances revealed that Machu Picchu was not only home to its local residents, but it was also a meeting point for people from almost all of South America, and even the vast Amazon. The builders and servers would have come from different latitudes of Tahuantinsuyo.

The research team led by Lucy Salazar from Yale University (USA) carried out the sequencing and analysis of 500-year-old DNA preserved in the dental remains of 34 individuals found in the Inca Citadel. According to scientists, these individuals arrived from all parts of the Incaic Empire, including coastal and mountainous regions of Peru, as well as areas of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Paraguay.
Through the study it was known that between the years 1420 and 1532, most of the inhabitants were servants known as 'yanaconas' (men) and 'acllas' (women), who were ethnically diverse.

Researchers compared genetic information obtained from these remains with those of people from sites around Cusco and the Urubamba Valley, in addition to 30 modern genomes from South America, to analyze their kinship. This interdisciplinary approach allowed for a more comprehensive view of the genetic diversity present in the Inca city.

In a section of the scientific article it is noted that individuals from different latitudes of South America and with varied genetic origins lived, reproduced and were buried together in the Inca citadel. Most of the people who arrived in the territory in question had no kinship ties.
In a publication by The Conversation, Ricarda Davidson, co-author of the cited study, mentioned that of the 34 individuals analyzed, 17 come from the coastal and Andean regions of Peru, as well as the Amazon regions of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Another 13 showed mixed descent from places as far away as Brazil and Paraguay, while the rest appeared to have originated from the immediate area of Machu Picchu.

Scholars also revealed that the inhabitants of the Inca city lived with certain comforts, reaching old ages without signs of malnutrition, serious illness or injuries associated with violence or heavy labor. This information suggests that, despite its diverse and possibly humble origins, living conditions at Machu Picchu allowed for a certain degree of well-being.

These discoveries revolutionize the traditional vision of Machu Picchu, which, from a time to this part, was considered by a sector of the Peruvian population as an aristocratic and ceremonial center. This analysis highlights the importance of Tahuantinsuyo's network of cultural exchanges. It's noted in the magazine.

Defensores del Patrimonio Qhapaq Yachay
Chaninsuyo Cusco

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Ps...

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”

FALL EQUINOX SHAMANIC JOURNEY  Cusco-Lake TiticacaSeptember 19-29 2024September 19Day 1 Arrival to Cusco, reception, gre...

Cusco-Lake Titicaca
September 19-29 2024

September 19
Day 1
Arrival to Cusco, reception, greetings at the airport of Cusco, then transfer to Sacred Valley. On the way we will visit Pisac and an archeological site, to have a Coca kintu ceremony to open the path, accompanied by our shamans. We will explore the wonderful ancient site, have lunch, visit the artesian market, and continue our journey over the sacred valley to Yanahuara village inn house.
In the evening - welcoming opening circle, Mandala despacho offerings and fire ceremony, general energy cleansing, and personal healing sessions (optional).
Traditional homemade dinner.
Overnight at the private house.

September 20
Day 2
After breakfast we depart to Ancashmarca, drive over the Sacred Valley to Calca town, then on semi-paved road to the archaeological site of Ancashmarca, where we will have despacho and cleansing ceremony. We will be accompanied by our Kero shamans, working with the energies of the site to clear and open our senses and expand our luminous bodies (POQPO).
Return to the house for a homemade dinner and overnight stay.
All meals included.

September 21
Day 3
After breakfast we depart to ÑAUPAC IGLESIA - Southern Cross Temple, wonderful pre-Inca site, to which we will hike for 20 minutes for meditation, flowers cleanse and despacho offerings. Then visit Ollantaytambo, the Temple of the Winds and Four Elements.
Then we will go to Ollantaytambo train station, for an extraordinary journey by train to Aguas Calientes, a village by Machupicchu. Free evening to explore town, and hot springs (optional). Overnight stay in a hotel.
Breakfast & lunch included.

September 22 Equinox
Day 4
Early departure to the Rainbow City of Machu Picchu. Spring Equinox ceremony, impressive moment of the sunrise to awaken our spirits for renewal, then shamanic guided visit of the site, personal meditations.
Later return to Aguas Calientes for lunch, and to take the train back to Ollantaytambo and to Cusco for overnight stay.
Breakfast included.

September 23
Day 5
After breakfast we will visit an ancient place of power for meditation. Then we will visit the Huilloc Andean community to have a one of a kind experience with them, sharing homemade meals – different varieties of baked potatoes, cheese, guinea pig, along with a weaving demonstration, dancing and music.
Later in the day, we will meet Don Martin Condor for a group healing ceremony, and private sessions of coca readings and cleansings ($50 per person).

September 24
Day 6
After light breakfast we will have a San Pedro ceremony at shaman Pedro’s house. In the afternoon he will lead us to a private shamanic visit to the famous ancient site Sacsaywaman.
Overnight stay at Cusco hotel.
Breakfast and lunch included.

September 25
Day 7
After breakfast, early departure to Vinicunca for an all day excursion. We will drive 130 km on the Panamerican road, then we drive over a dirt road that will take us up to the Rainbow Mountains, 2.5 hours total to the place, where we visit colorful mountains and a Portal Stone Forest.
Overnight stay at Cusco hotel.
Breakfast, picnic lunch.

Day 8
September 26
After breakfast we will depart to Puno, an 8 hour car ride to Titicaca Lake. It is one of the amazing journeys in south Peru, once part of the famous HATUN ÑAN or great Inka trail. On the way we will make stops at several archeological sites: Rumicolca gates, Raqchi Inca Temple, the old Catholic church, aqueducts and fountains of pristine water, artisan market, and at a local restaurant for lunch. We enter into the altiplano – highlands of Peru 13500f/3800mt.
Overnight stay at private house in Raqchi
Meals included.

Day 9
September 27
Early departure to Puno, followed by a visit to Interdimensional Gateway Aramu Muru- a giant doorway carved in a rock formation (i.e. a portal to the stars), where we will have a Despacho Ceremony with a local Yatiri shaman. Next, we will go to Chucuito beach on the lake with our offerings for a cleansing ceremony, dipping into the lake to receive blessing from the Goddess of the Lake – igniting new Feminine energy.
Free evening in Puno, where you will have a chance to explore the town.
Overnight stay in Puno hotel.
Breakfast included.

Day 10
September 28
After breakfast we will go to the port of Puno and take a boat ride to the floating islands of UROS. In the afternoon we will visit a sacred pre-Inka site SILLUSTANI, overlooking an UMAYO lake, where we will have a goodbye ceremony and closing circle to share our astonishing week followed by a sunset ceremony. Overnight hotel in Puno.

Day 11
September 29
After breakfast - transport to Juliaca Airport, return flight to Lima.

Price $2600 double room share
Includes: lodging as stated on the program, private transport, meals mentioned in the program, entrance fees for the sites, Kero healers for ceremonies mentioned, English spoken guide, and Machu Picchu train. 3 stars hotel, breakfast, private transport, entrance fees, local shaman, and English spoken guide.
Not included: air fares, personal healing sessions, tips, extras.

What to bring:
Nights are chilly as well as mornings, so dress in layers.
Light warm jacket, windbreaker, disposable rain poncho, hiking boots,
light thermal wear (long Johns), pajamas, warm sweaters, hat, warm socks, gloves, scarf (can buy at the local market)
Sunscreen, moisturizers, and personal items.
A small backpack for daily use.
Money in small bills like $10’s or $20’s.
*Let your bank and phone company know you are traveling abroad.

For booking please contact me on messenger!




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