Slawomir Dobrzanski is a piano professor at Kansas State University, whose father was born in Hadynkivtsi, Ternopil region. He has done a lot of genealogy research earlier by himself. An idea came to mind for him to play a concert in the region his ancestors come from. Slawomir suggested that this should be a charity concert and we decided to buy a new piano for the cultural centre in the nearest town, where the performance took place.
We worked hard on the advertisement and within a couple of months Slawomir became a local celebrity. Since everyone in the neighbouring towns and villages was talking about the concert, Slawomir was found by two groups of his relatives who didn’t even know each other. By charging 50 hryvnias per entrance ($2), we received 447 visitors. As a result, the cultural centre got its brand new piano. Slawomir met his new relatives and accepted 200 friends on Facebook.
See details with the link: https://kopychyntsi.com.ua/news/hadynkivtsi/neymovirna-istoriia-zustrichi-iz-slavomirom-dobzhans-kym/
Історія Славоміра Добжанського в Копичинецькій громаді розкидана на маленькі шматочки по всьому інтернету та в різній хронології. Вирішив зібрати усе до купи і на...