Namirembe Parents School End of year Party - 2023 was a huge a vibe with artists #AZAWI and #FIKFAMEICA performing to the delight of learners and staff
#teensandtotssafarisltd #namurembeparents
#endofyearparty2023 #Azawi #FikFameica
Pastor Wilson Bugembe was present to grace Namirembe Parents School End of year Party - 2023
#teensandtotssafarisltd #namirembeparents #endofyearparty2023
Mivule Primary School - Kisubi having fun on the octopus π at Wonder world amusement park Kansanga
WOBULENZI PARENTS SCHOOL had one of the memorable sunrise game drives in Queen Elizabeth National Park as they came up close with this rarely sighted wildlife species
#morninggamedrive #queenelizabethnationalpark #channeltrack #wobulenziparentsschool #explorethepearl
Karibu Lake Nakuru National Park π₯°
#MSTjuniorschool #teensntotssafaris
Bomas of Kenya never disappoints. MST JUNIOR SCHOOL had a fun filled experience the whole afternoon starting with the cultural dance before crowning it all with this thrilling acrobatic show
The irresistible Magical Kenya remains calling even to those who have been there. Namirembe Parents School P7 class 2023 are now officially brand ambassadors for Magical Kenya.
#magicalkenyaexperience #namirembeparentsp7class2023 #brandambassadors
You travelled with us as clients but at the end of the 7 days tour to magical Kenya, you become a family that will forever be chrished. Well behaved, good listeners and eager to learn. We gave Namirembe Parents School P7 class of 2023 a surprise last dinner and it was epic
#teensandtotssafaris #NamirembeparentsP7class2023 #magicalkenyaexperience #lastdinnersurprise
CREAM HILL NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL being treated to a cultural dance experience at Igongo cultural centre in Mbarara city.
Wild Waters Park - Mombasa
Namirembe parents school P7 class having fun after fun at Wild Waters Park in Mombasa. Book your school tour with TEENS AND TOTS SAFARIS LTD and have your learners treated to such Fun...
King Fahad Islamic P/s enjoying their tour with us,,,