Amazing Grace Phenomenon

Amazing Grace Phenomenon We Annually celebrate every January on Different Beaches.

This Improve on making Friends, Promoting our Talents in Sports, Music & Entertainment, Knowing God etc



PLEASE READ IT......It's too long to read but it is important for us to know that ....what the BIBLE says is happening now.....

Satan fulfills his promise!" LORD SAVE US!

Rapture will take place any time from now. Everything hindering the rapture has been removed. Gospel has been preached almost everywhere. All the prophecies have been fulfilled. Angels physically seen and captured on camera @ Dansoman also gives a 'sign'. The devil is working very hard to occupy Christians with the things of this world so that the day will catch them unawares. Please be prepared. There is no more time, Use the advantage of this free sms to send this message to at least all ur contacts. Do not ignore. This is also a source of evangelism. Souls are dying. GOD bless you!Let’s Pray Hard: 6 6 6 The Mark of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… as Written By: Jonathan Annobil. The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law. The implementation would commence soon. This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care. The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13: 15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST. Are you still doubting the END TIME? Do U know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST? Get READY. The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware. Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be? Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? Why is it being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the Church will not make it if JESUS comes now? Many are unaware that the end is near. Don’t tell me that it's advancement in technology or development. If any area of your life is not in sync with GOD’s word, repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell….. think about it. Hell is not a pretty place. The worst part is that it is for eternity… He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church. Please rather than post and forward senseless messages. Send this one to everyone you know. Do the work of an Evangelist. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS. Have you ever wondered what should have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone? And we really can’t live without it. Only 7% percent will re-send this message. Don’t be of the 93% who will not share the message. Satan said. “I wonder how humans claim to LOVE GOD and disobey HIM, and claim they hate me yet they obey me” Do not send later. Share and send now. May Almighty GOD grant success to everyone who reads and sends this message. Tomorrow may be too late. Stay blessed.


Every morning, God presents you with a new day, a blank page that you’re responsible for filling…with your thoughts, your words and actions, by letting Him lead you…it’s so important!

Your life has extraordinary potential. It’s an authentic divine gift. Entrust every moment of each day to God, so you can learn how to act like Him.

What will you choose to do with Him today?

Believe it: God wants to and will use you as an agent on a mission, a secret agent of blessing. From today until He returns. Say yes to all His plans so that this may come to pass!

Thanks for existing!
> Sign up for a personalized, daily, encouraging email on!

Mityana school over nursing and mid w.....newly bought fellowship machines

Mityana school over nursing and mid w.....newly bought fellowship machines


Amazing Grace is due....
Venue: Aero beach entebe near the airport
Date: 5th Jan 2019
Time 9:00am til evening

Baptism at mityana school ov nursing

Baptism at mityana school ov nursing



Inspirational music


Son: morning dad
Father: Morning son and where were you?
Son: I was in my room...
Father: doing what?
Son: I was on Facebook.
Father: And what were you doing on that Facebook of yours?
Son: I was reminding Facebook people...
Father: reminding them what
Son: To Thank God.
Father: for what..?
Son: For keeping them safe and sound from the day they were born till today.
Father: that's good son but do you think they will thank Him(God) ?
Son: Only few will be able to thank God and many will ignore thinking am just wasting their time...
Father: My son many are called but few are chosen.
Son: You're right dad...

Now Listen To This...
If God has been protecting you and keeping you sound and safe from the day you were born till today and many years to come ...
Why can't you just spare 10 seconds of your time to type...THANK YOU LORD....only if you're among those few chosen ones



1. If your pastor can not lead(instruct) you

2. If your pastor's action doesn't encourage you

3. If he can't discipline you

4. If his words and character doesn't reflect in your daily action

5. If he can't interfere in your personal life

6. If you can still criticize him

7. If it keeps coming to your heart to leave the church

8. If you don't plan on how to fulfil ministry goals and vision

9. If all he does is wrong

10. If you are willing that his faults be exposed to all

11. If you are the one taking his weakness to his enemies

12. If you feel he is uneducated to pastor you

13. If you see him as your equal

14. If you want him to accept your faults and wrong doing

15. If you feel he is impartial as to how he treats you and others

16. If you are always questioning his set goals and action

17. When you fight the people he nominates for a specific assignment

18. When you feel you are the best person for every assignment

19. When you disregard his family especially the wife

20. When his sermons become boring

21. When you keep yourself out of his meetings

22. When you compare him to other ministers around

23. When you question the source of his power

24. When you can't submit your head for hands to be lay upon

25. When you want him to report to you as if you are God

26. when you can't download into his life

27. When you don't pray for him

28. When you are always coming to his meetings late

29. When you can still openly oppose or resist him before everyone

30. When you stop every opportunity for others to assist him or his family members

I trust that this post will instruct church members and guild them aright


When God wants to do something new in your life, He takes certain people out of your life so no one can take credit for His glory. God will not share His glory with anyone!
What seems like rejection is God's way of protecting you. God is setting you up for a blessing. Keep your eyes on Him, He hasn't forgotten about you.
It not over until God's word fulfilled in your life! Trust God when it doesn't make sense, Trust Him when it looks impossible. That is real faith when we are faithless, God is faithful.. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


If the money you give for church offering was used to build your house in heaven, how far would be your house right now?!
""Most people would be refugees in heaven ""


GOOD NEWS!...................................................................................
* At: Kavumba Recreation Centre
* On: Saturday_28/01/2017
* At only: 40000/=
For reservation, Call Diana or Inbox us to get Diana's Number only if u don't know her............................................................................................
Don't miss Fun, See you there!


Boy: Honey
Girl: Darling
Boy: I want to tell you something
Girl: go on my love
Boy: you know that I love you so much
Girl: Yes, even if I was not told
Boy: I want to tell you that I have found another lover!
Girl: don't furnish me with that joke of yours this moment
Boy: not a joke my angel
Girl: but mine, you said that am the only lover you have
Boy: yes, I do but.....
Girl:(bend down her head and weep silently)after all the promises you made to me.
She turns and left him, the boy
ran after her and hold her hand and said-
Boy: but do you know the name of the new lover?
Girl: (silent)
Boy: the new lover is God.
Girl: raised up her head
Boy: Since I loved him, every negative things changed.
I dont know how to express his goodness in my life.
See my angel, it will be good for both of us to love him more than we love ourselves, okay?
Girl: I love God.
Now if you love God,
Just take 5 seconds to type. "I love you God".



Like this PAGE for more.

When i was in school, my teacher seduced me, he promise to pay my fees and support my family too, due to my poor family i accepted to be in love with him.

I had s*x with him severally, he commanded me not to tell any one about our relationship he made me to abort five times since the pregnancy could reveal our relationship, by the time i was in form two the teacher was transferred to far school, I completed my education and got a man to marry me, five years in our marriage i never got pregnant.

The man chased me away after that all, I met another two men living with them 2 to 3 years respectively without getting a child and they all too chased me away since they wanted a child.

I decided to come back home and I receive all sorts of despise and insult, this made me spent sleepless night thinking on how to kill my self, I went to all witch doctors around but i never got help, the doctors said my uterus was destroyed and i can't carry any pregnancy.

I went to a near by church, I cried to the lord day and night, every time I spent in the church seeking the face of
the lord, all men hated me because i was barren, after two months of prayers and fasting, I met a man.

I feared to love him because of my past history, I never know GOD has answered my prayer !!.

The man truly loved me and I decide to get married to him. Two months in marriage, I never experienced my monthly periods, on the third month I went to the hospital for tests, guess what!!?
Doctors told me I was pregnant, I never believed them till i gave birth to a baby boy.....

GOD has power and answered
my prayer and you too the one reading this GOD is going to do a miracle in your life today.

GOD is going to give you...
* best jobs.
* best partner.
* All your disease and worries will go away, just type AMEN and SHARE if you believed GOD answers prayers.

Type AMEN hit LIKE with Faith & SHARE.



1. Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime .
2. A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.
3. Silence can never be misquoted.
4. If you want what no one has had, you must do what no one has done.
5. When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he puts a person in your life.
6. It is better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person.
7. Avoid a contentious woman.
8. 3 men to avoid:
a. A hot tempered man.
b. A womanizer.
c. A drunkard.
9. Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.
10. Never be yoked to anyone who will not be yoked to God.
11. 3 words that echo peace in a marriage:
a. I love you .
b. I am sorry .
c. Thank you.
12. Don't waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness.
13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure .
14. Deal with anti-marriage dreams.
15. Ma********on is destruction.
16. *Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.*
17. *If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who* *will bury your destiny.*
18. *A successful marriage is always a triangle : God, a man and a woman.*
19. Why you marry is as important as who you marry.
20. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice.
21. A man needs divine wisdom from God in choosing who to marry.
22. Do not place your priority on good looks; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.
23. 3 major characteristics to look for in a woman:
a. Fear of God.
b. Wisdom.
c. Discretion (beauty is vanity).
24. The best way to enslave a woman is to show her love excessively - as a rule, women don't run away from where they're pampered.
25. *Love is not blind;*
*infatuation and lust are blind.*
26. Love puts God first,
lust puts s*x first.
27. Test every love with your peace of mind, if it is absent, God is not there.
28. If you are a true friend, you will attract true friends.
29. Caring hearts never lack caring hands.
30. Desperation leads to frustration.
31. Bad marriages can be avoided before they begin.
32. *Keep yourself pure and your bed undefiled.*
33. *It is spiritual insanity to plan to convert someone so you can marry the person.*
34. Wage war against the devil that fought your parents' marriage.
35. Marriage is a covenant, always look before you leap.
36. It is better to be single and believing God to be married than to be married and believing in God to be single.
37. A broken courtship is better than a failed marriage.
38. Do not marry money or property, marry a person.
39. Be presentable

For More Stories Click this link (Don't forget to like the Page)


He shines with a light that lights up everything around him... Our Father loves Jesus, His son. Our Father loves us...


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.

Revelation 3:14-16 (NIV) - “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful ...

Revelation 3:14-16 (NIV) - “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Today’s commentary by Dave Whitehead, Senior Pastor,, Author of "Making Sense of the Bible"

A Community of Faith on the Upper West Side




The 8th Jamboree of the Amazing Grace Phenomenon is due on 16th Jan 2016 at Kisubi beach Entebe

* 40000 Ugsh from mityana
* 20000 for those coming privately
This fee caters for lunch, machines, tents, entrance and game gear.



Sometimes you've got to shut up, swallow your
pride and accept that you’re wrong. It’s not giving
up. It’s called growing up.
- robert snuck.


Am not special but i surely know am better than some people, as many as the number of words in the dictionary. There are times wen i feel knocked down by the strips but then i realise I've got some more miles to reach Calvary and it wouldn't make history if i fall to my knees instead of hauling the cross to my crucifixion spot. That's the reason why i spread my buckets even when i see no nimbus cloud above. I hold on because my childhood training cemented FAITH, HOPE and COURAGE in my brain's bone, i grew up with patience being a daily mantra......... I just can not teach my heart to hurt, i am me and i know pretty well how to keep my distance when ignored.
meet you dear friends in jan 2016.AGP season seven.
------Robert snuck.

NEW!!! AGPHEN MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue. 1 is soon out by Amazing Grace Phenomenon.For all of our members, Write you arti...

AGPHEN MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue. 1 is soon out by Amazing Grace Phenomenon.
For all of our members, Write you article, Inspiring stories, plus anything necessary to include in this magazine.
For Handing your article, contact Francis, Kevin D & Diana
If u don't them, follow this link


hello Amazing Grace PHENERS!!......we are taking the schools ministry to another level and this tym we are working on a magazine if any one of you is a good writer pliz send your original article and your details on this email([email protected])


grace is the eyes of God


Guys don't miss Amazing grace phenomenon
Venue: Sports beach Ebb.
Date: Sat - 24th-January-2015
Time: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Entry: 15000 for those around K'la,
Nb: Those who are coming from outside
areas, register with AGP Management earlier
to avoid inconvenience.
For more info: 0754340524 or 0756605551 & 0754681400.







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