Our goal is to help you resolve your differences so that you can move on with your lives in a positive way – while always remembering the children, and finding an outcome everyone can live with. Our goal is to help parents end a marriage without ending the family unit. We help you develop parenting plans and custody arrangements that work for everyone. We offer mediation packages that include foll
ow-up services for your family for up to one year. Our service will assist you through your first year and help your family adjust to the new schedule. To accomplish this, we offer different services to benefit both you and your family:
Some are in need of a mediator to help them through divorce and/or custody issues, saving them thousands of dollars and keeping them out of courthouse. Don’t let the person in a robe dictate how you will spend time with your children or how your family will function. Have a say in your own destiny, and that of your children. http://www.CreativeSolutionsForFamilies.com/familymediation.html
Parenting Mediation: Some are in need of assistance in developing and outlining their schedule for the children. Creative Solutions can help you find a schedule that works for everyone and prepare a monthly calendar for reference. This service can be used for summer, holidays, or finalizing how the school year will be shared with the children. http://www.CreativeSolutionsForFamilies.com/parentingmediation.html
Monthly Classes: Others may be seeking information on how to be a better parent. The perfect parent does not exist. However, there is a lot of information out there and hopefully we are all seeking ways to be better parents and ways to better our children’s lives. http://www.creativesolutions4families.com/classesflyer.html We offer monthly classes for our co-parenting and parenting classes. Private classes are also available. For those who have tried everything and still find it difficult to communicate – much less be in the same room as their ex, we offer the services of a Visitation Facilitator. The Facilitator will be the go between communicator between you and your ex. We will help facilitate weekend visits, holiday breaks, summer vacations, and more. Let us help eliminate some of the conflict in your lives. http://www.CreativeSolutionsForFamilies.com/visitationfacilitor.html