Thanks for visiting Visit Wild Alaska! This was originally the page for Visit Wild Alaska, a sustainable tourism certification program, which began as a project of the Alaska Wilderness Recreation and Tourism Ass'n. To get more information about the current programs, please check out https://www.adventuregreenalaska.org/
While the association is not currently meeting, Adventure Green Alaska (the program certifying green tourism businesses operating in Alaska) is going strong, and being run by the Alaska Travel Industry Association.
While the work of promoting sustainable wilderness-based business has moved over to the folks at ATIA, the community of folks who care about Alaska, and Wilderness based tourism isn't going anywhere! Thanks for visiting and remember to vote!
Why Sustainable Tourism? Sustainable tourism may be defined as travel to natural areas that is beneficial to local economies, respectful of the environment and sensitive to indigenous cultures. Increasingly, visitors are seeking these exact types of travel experiences and Alaska is a natural fit! Si...