Today the best of Aspen awards were announced, and BBG is delighted to share that we won the Best Artisan garden award 💫💫⭐️⭐️⭐️ We were absolutely thrilled and it’s such an honor to know that you all appreciate the gardens we create so much. I’d like to thank my wonderful team who make it happen -we are so grateful to these dedicated people who become our family. On that note, we would like to dedicate this award to a former employee who sadly and tragically passed away recently - Cooks Braun. He was only with us for 2 summers but he was a lovable and gifted young man and we loved having him as part of our team - we send our thoughts, prayers and condolences to his family and want you to know how much he touched us those summers he was with us.🥰🙏Thank you Aspen and the Roaring Fork valley - we are truly touched and delighted with this award 🌷🌸🌷🌸💗