Adventure is the Best Way to Learn.
Ventre’s Adventures is a travel company and blog that specializes in student and adult group travel. We believe in transformative learning experiences that challenge your cultural and personal comfort zones. Each student trip is carefully designed by teachers, and targets specific learning goals, while each adult trip will bring out your adventurous side. As previously stated, we believe that the best learning environments extend far beyond four-walled classrooms, and into a globalized community and culture.
Our small business approach and eco-friendly vision are what set us apart from other companies. We believe in the power of small and localized businesses because we are one. Forget big buses and generic vibes! That’s not our style. Ventre’s Adventures partners with local vendors, all of which are accredited through their country’s tourism board. We prefer a communal approach to travel, and we love to give back to the local economy.
We believe international travel is important, but that traveling correctly is crucial. Traveling is changing. Thanks to social media and the multitude of travel blogs (ours included), destinations are becoming overcrowded with several sites seeing severe degradation. Ventre’s Adventures sees the responsibility in leading by example. Therefore we participate in safe and sustainable travel through our partnerships with eco-friendly companies and conservation organizations.
Ventre’s Adventures is most proud of our family feel. Traveling transforms you. Not only do the experiences shape your future, but also the people you meet impact your life. Ventres’ Adventures believes in the power of positive and meaningful relationships, and we really go the extra mile to make the process as comfortable as possible. Additionally, purposeful small group enrollment provides a sense of nomadic camaraderie and bonds for years to come. Many of our alumni return to speak at meetings, design merchandise, and sometimes even travel once more.