I stopped blogging regularly in 2017. Got a part-time job, then a full-time job. Kids were getting older. Honestly, I had always been careful what I wrote about them on my blog, but I started to feel uncomfortable sharing stories about them on my blog. I mean their stories were not mine to share, you know? Also, I was mostly a product review blogger and it was getting harder to find stuff that anyone in my family wanted to listen to, watch, play with, or visit. I couldn't write a blog review unless my family had experienced the product. I mean who wants to read a mom's review of a kids' toy? No one.
I kept renewing my domain urls (.com, .net. org, .co, etc.), but reduced the number of domains from 18 to 3. I kept my web hosting. It was crickets from me from my last blog post on March 17, 2017, until I dusted off my blog in January 2023. Then I didn't write again until May/June.
In early January, I made a drastic work decision essential for my mental health and well-being. With 4 weeks to ponder life and everything else, I started blogging in earnest. I re-wrote posts in my draft folder, updated existing posts, fixed plugins, and more. I have posts scheduled weekly through the end of June.
I'm excited about this new chapter of blogging. When I started blogging in 2008 I was Musings from Me on Kids, Preteens, and Teens because I had one of each. Fast forward to 2024 and I have 2 young adults and 1 college student. This new phase of blogging will be all about me. While I'm reimaging my new focus, check out one of my family posts. This one is about travel disasters! https://musingsfromme.com/musings-on-england-travel-disasters/
I'm good at a lot but not planning a vacation, but that's why we have Dad Knows Better. Dad Knows Better is a pro at travel. Flights? He knows the day that flights are cheapest. Hotels? He has a knack for finding the best hotel in a sea of mediocrity. Tourist attractions? He books them