Pat and Sonny Prunty have organized Prunty Brothers CCDW LLC to be able to teach the Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapons class and firing range in the Nolin Lake area. View our website:
Information for the Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons Class
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you the required training to obtain your Commonwealth of Kentucky Concealed Deadl
y Weapons License. We also have included some basic information compiled by the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training regarding the license for which you will be applying. The state law requires that you receive six hours of training. For you to be receiving this letter we should have already agreed on the exact times for the training. The date and time we agreed upon was: Saturday October 19, 2013 @ 8:00 am. We will start right on time, so please come at least 15 minutes early; we will have the coffee ready. During the six hours we will take breaks and briefly stop for lunch. (We do not provide lunch), but feel free to bring your own). (We will provide Cold Drinks, Bottled Water and some snacks). The training includes the following segments: Orientation, Safety, Principles of Marksmanship, Pistol and Revolver: Nomenclature and Function, Cleaning Your Weapon, an open book multiple-choice written examination, and an Applicant Live Fire Exercise. In addition, there is a two-hour video regarding the Kentucky Statutes on Fi****ms and Carrying a Concealed Weapon and the Use and Misuse of Force. You must bring the following items with you:
$75.00 cash, check or money order. We will discuss how we handle checks when you arrive. (preferably a driver’s license). Students may share a weapon with other students. Please make those arrangements prior to arrival. Please bring your unloaded pistol into the house when you arrive. At least 20 rounds of ammunition. Make sure it is the correct ammunition for the pistol that you plan to fire during the live fire exercise. You will be firing at a man-size target seven yards from the firing line. You only have to hit the target 11 times. Weapon cleaning material. We recommend that you bring a cleaning rod; bore brush, patches, a shop rag, gun oil and solvent. These are things you should have if you own a weapon, if you don’t, you can use ours. However, we will not guarantee that we have the right bore brush for your pistol. Hearing protection. Some people use the small foam earplugs, while others use the head phone type, it is your choice, but hearing protection is mandatory. Eye protection is also mandatory. There is nothing difficult about any part of this training. It is arranged and presented at a very basic level. Whether you have years of experience or little or no experience with handguns, you must attend this training to receive your Concealed Deadly Weapon License. Come and have fun and maximize the use of your 2nd Amendment Rights. If you have any questions please call us at (270) 246-3508 or (270) 246-3052. Pat and Sonny Prunty