Tyler Jett's 10th Anniversary is Quickly Approaching
Since its inception in the spring of 2008, Tyler Jett Motorsports has become a household name in the world of motorsports and beyond. After taking a couple of years to get off of the ground, followed by a solid five years of nonstop commitment to business, Tyler Jettâs owner decided to decline any additional work and let business decline. The reason for not accepting new clients was simple, to focus on getting the new promotional team at Evergreen Raceway up to speed and pointed toward success. Two years later, Gene Ostrowski has decided that now is the time to dedicate more focus and effort toward his business and bring Tyler Jett Motorsports Marketing, LLC back into full swing.
Tyler Jett specializes in pre-race and post-race press release writing, motorsports resumes, simple websites, social media marketing setup and overall PR work. Aside from a wide variety of both high and low profile race teams, they have worked with several businesses to establish continued success, many of which continue to call for marketing advice.
The Berwick, PA business has worked with many racers in the past and many of them continue to use Tyler Jett services, including Jim Sauter, Jr, Steve Fox, Mike Sweeney, Scott Adams, Mark Tyson, Paul Frantz and Del Morgan.
Several clients from the past are Kory Rabenold, Earl Paules, Todd Baer, Jacob Balliet, Nick Pecko, Tommy Wanick III, Jimmy Zacharias, Rick Smith, Jeff McGrath and Brandon Oltra.
Tyler Jett has also helped additional drivers with their race teamâs marketing needs. They include Marisa Neiderauer, Steve Shultz, Verwys Family Racing and Redneck Racing Enterprises.
They have helped establish great relationships between a variety of businesses, entities and race teams, including Tito Juice, Printerâs Edge and Himmer Graphics, among others.
Cross promotional partnerships have also been set up in the past, some of which still continue today with rock bands FireHouse and WARRANT.
The Tyler Jett website is currently under redesign, as is their 2018 pricing structure. All of the info will be released later this year.
If interested in putting something together for 2018, please reach out during your convenience.
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Tyler Jett Motorsports Marketing www.tylerjett.com
Gene Ostrowski (570) 231-1272 ([email protected] or [email protected])