Since 1995, the Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) has provided students with the opportunity to research, develop, and build actual hybrid vehicles. With EcoCAR 3, HEVT is continuing its efforts in demonstrating the potential to create sustainable mobility while retaining vehicle performance, utility, and safety. The team evaluated the base gasoline vehicle as a comparison, sele
cted a fuel based both on well-to-wheels impacts and decided which approach best met the criteria of reduced vehicle environmental impact. The end result of the design process was a vehicle design that, when compared to the base vehicle, significantly reduces total energy consumption, minimizes petroleum energy consumption, has less overall criteria air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions and maintains or exceeds stock consumer acceptable performance, utility, and safety. The implementation of the design requires critical timeline and budget constraints to meet deliverables and produce reliable and safe systems in a vehicle with validated models and data. The most important result of EcoCAR is the graduating engineers that have the hands-on, real-world educational experience needed to contribute to the North American automotive industry in the 21st century. The opportunity to collaborate with the sponsors in an international challenge to develop and demonstrate sustainable automotive technology is a privilege and an honor. HEVT has enthusiastically accepted this next challenge and is proud to have the opportunity to compete in EcoCAR 3. The team has the support, knowledge, experience, and determination necessary to produce a truly competitive and innovative hybrid vehicle. Contact team leaders Andres Coello or Alex Neblett with questions.