XIV Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival - Boston 2012

XIV Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival - Boston 2012 Lietuvių Tautinių Šokių Šventė - Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival The actual performance will be held Sunday, July 1, at the Boston University Agganis Arena.

Since 1957, the Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival has taken place every four years in various cities across the US and Canada. During the weekend of June 29 – July 1, 2012, Boston will have the honor of hosting the XIV Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival, a three-day celebration of dance, music and song. More than 1200 dancers and 6000 guests from all over the world will converge on our great city to shar

e the joy of dance that is such an integral part of Lithuanian heritage. The hub for most of the activities, including exhibits, arts and crafts fair, a meet-and-greet party, as well as the formal banquet, is the Sheraton Boston Hotel, located right in the heart of downtown in the Prudential/Copley area. There, dancers from 8 – 80, dressed in their colorful, intricately woven costumes, will captivate the audience with an exuberant ex*****on of both traditional and current Lithuanian folk dances. For more information, please visit:

Hotel Information:

Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel
110 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
(800) 228-9290 or (617) 236-5800

To book, please reference "Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival" for discounted room rates when calling for reservations or cut and paste the following link to your browser to reserve online: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bosco?groupCode=lfdlfda&app=resvlink&fromDate=6/28/12&toDate=7/2/12


Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA 02199
(617) 236-2000

To book, please reference "Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival" for discounted room rates when calling for reservations or cut and paste the following link to your browser to reserve online: http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/booking/reservation?id=1102171972&key=9E97B


Visit: Lithuanian Kitchen 368 W. Broadway


The website for the 2012 Boston Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival Šokių Šventė has been closed.

For information on the next Šokių Šventė which will be taking place in Baltimore, MD on July 3, 2016, visit their website: www.sokiusvente2016.org or find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/svente2016

About The 2016 Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival Šokių Šventė 2016 Baltimore, MD Sunday, July 3, 2016 E-mail: [email protected] When and where will the Šventė take place? Sunday, July 3, 2016 – 2:00 pm Baltimore Arena 201 West Baltimore St. Baltimore, MD 21201 What can I expect to see? A spectac…


Looking to reminisce about the XIV Lithuanian Folk Festival that took place in Boston during July 2012? Purchase the DVD or Souvenir Book about the Folk Festival (the souvenir book is over 200 8.5 x 11 sized pages).

Romas Slezas professionally edited the two disc DVD and the Souvenir Book has a write-up of all Festival participating groups along with many photos. The DVD and Book are prepared in both Lithuanian and English languages. With shipping included, the DVD costs $20 and the Souvenir Book is $25. They make the perfect gift for all Festival participants and for those who were not able to attend the festivities.

The DVD and Souvenir Book can be ordered by writing an email to the Lithuanian-American Community, National Executive Committee, VP of Financial Affairs, Algimantas Gustaitis at [email protected]


Kviečiame prisiminti šaunią 2012 m. liepos mėnesį Bostone vykusią XIV Lietuvių tautinių šokių šventę ir įsigyti DVD bei knygą apie šią šventę (knygą sudaro daugiau nei 200 puslapių, ji yra 8.5 x 11 colių didumo).

Profesionaliai Romo Šležo suredaguotą DVD sudaro du diskai, knygoje yra aprašyti visi šventėje dalyvavę ansambliai, leidinyje gausu nuotraukų. DVD ir knyga yra paruošti lietuvių bei anglų kalbomis. Su persiuntimu DVD kainuoja $20, knyga - $25. Tai puiki dovana maloniam prisiminimui šventės dalyviams ir įdomi medžiaga tiems, kuriems neteko joje būti.

Knygą ir DVD galima užsisakyti parašius elektroninį laišką JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenės Krašto valdybos vicepirmininkui finansiniams reikalams Algimantui Gustaičiui [email protected]

Enjoy the music, dances and excitement ofTHE XIV LITHUANIAN FOLK DANCE FESTIVALthat took place in Boston in 2012Just rel...

Enjoy the music, dances and excitement of
that took place in Boston in 2012

Just released: a DVD of the entire program

For details on how to order, go to: www.sokiusvente2012.org

Enjoy the music, dances and excitement ofTHE XIV LITHUANIAN FOLK DANCE FESTIVALthat took place in Boston in 2012Just rel...

Enjoy the music, dances and excitement of
that took place in Boston in 2012

Just released:
a DVD of the entire program
the perfect gift for all occasions

For details on how to order, go to:

The livestream recording of the entire Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival 2012 is available here in case you missed it or wa...

The livestream recording of the entire Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival 2012 is available here in case you missed it or want to relive the entire amazing show all over again: http://livestre.am/400cW

Also, photos of the entire four day event will be available on the official Šokių Šventė website. You can now view photos through Saturday's rehearsal and more are going up soon, so check back often: http://sokiusvente2012.org/PHOTOS.html

If you want to share your own photos and experiences of the festival, a Šokių Šventė 2012 group has been created on Flickr:

There's a "Join this group" link on the page if you want to upload photos. (If you don't have a Yahoo ID, you will be asked to set one up.) Please feel free to upload your photos. This is a public group, so anyone can view the photos (whether they are a Flickr member or not), so share appropriately. If you want to share the photos with friends, just send them the link above.

Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival 2012on D2 Productions on Livestream - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like D2 Productions in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.


*Updated - The Folk Dance Festival Šokių Šventė Boston Social Media hashtag = tag all your Twitter tweets, Foursquare check-ins + Instagram pictures.

Use to follow along with all of the events over the next week!

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ATTENTION: The start time for Sunday’s adult banquet has been changed to 7:00 pm.


Effective immediately, internet ticket sales are closed. Limited tickets for certain events will be available for purchase at the information desk at the Sheraton Hotel, 2nd floor.

Vakarinių programų bilietai nebeparduodami internetu. Atvykus į Šventę, kviečiame kreiptis Šventės INFO kioske, Sheraton Boston viešbutyje, 2-ame aukšte apie bilietų pirkimą.


In between all the dancing and festivities of the XIV Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival, make sure to find time to explore the great city of Boston.

There's history and culture around every bend in Boston—skyscrapers nestle next to historic hotels while modern marketplaces line the antique cobblestone streets. But to Bostonians, living in a city that blends yesterday and today is just another day in their beloved Beantown.

Here's a list of the Top 10 Attractions in Boston:

With all the sites to see in Boston, take a vacation and make some memories. Boston travel, cheap accommodations and more: AOL Travel Guides.


Planning the travel details for your trip to Boston?

If you're flying into Logan Airport, there are three ways you can get to your hotel:

1. Taxi

2. Hotel Airport Shuttle:
-GO Boston Shuttle which is offering a 10% discount to Sokiu Svente guests
-For details:http://sokiusvente2012.org/Hotel_Airport_Shuttle-1.pdf

3. Public Transit:
-Subway map: http://www.mbta.com/schedules_and_maps/subway/
-For Westin and Marriott - Airport shuttle to T Airport Station (Blue Line) - Blue Line to Government Station - Green Line B,C,D or E line to Copley Station
-For Sheraton - Airport shuttle to T Airport Station (Blue Line) - Blue Line to Government Station - Green Line E line to Prudential Station


Saturday evening's program, Musical Cafe, has been moved to a larger ballroom, so tickets are once agan available.

Children without adult supervision will not be admitted.

The Sunday adult banquet remains sold out.
Youth banquet tickets are still available.

All ticket information can be found here:



All tickets to the Saturday night Musical Cafe and to the Sunday night adult banquet have been SOLD OUT. There are no more tickets available for purchase to these two events.

Tickets to the remaining functions, the Friday Welcome Dance and the Sunday Youth Banquet, can be purchased here: http://sokiusvente2012.org/function_tickets.html

And for those who have not yet purchased tickets to the Dance Festival at the Agganis Arena, you can buy tickets using Ticketmaster’s interactive seating plan by going to this link: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0100474EBDC2AD72?artistid=1653908&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=5&brand=agganis


Hotel rooms at the Westin Copley and the Marriott Copley at the Svente discounted room rate will only be available through this Friday, June 8. After that date, rooms will be available only at the full hotel room rate. If you know of someone who still needs a room, please encourage them to reserve by this Friday.


6/1/12 HOTEL udpate:

Presently rooms at the Sheraton Hotel are all booked. There are rooms available at both the Marriott Copley Hotel and the Westin Copley Hotel due to cancellations. HOWEVER, the discounted rates will only be available until JUNE 8th. Make sure you state that you are with the Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival when making the reservation.


Ticket Info:

Tickets to the Sunday night youth and adult banquets will be sold only through June 15. Since seating is limited and we are close to capacity, we urge you to purchase your tickets as soon as possible. Please note that the youth banquet ticket of $40, in addition to dinner, includes entrance to the dance. Entrance to the dance only costs $25.


As mentioned in a previous post regarding hotel rooms:

Due to cancellations, a number of rooms are again available at the Sheraton Hotel. Please note: these rooms are King rooms (not double rooms) and are available for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights only.

If you try to reserve rooms at the dance festival rate, be sure to mention that you are with the Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival.

Contracted rooms at our group rates at the other hotels remain sold out. We are not able to contract additional rooms.


Hotel Update 5/22/12:

Due to cancellations, a number of rooms are again available at the Sheraton Hotel. These may not last long. If you try to reserve rooms at the dance festival rate, be sure to mention that you are with the Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival.

Contracted rooms at our group rates at the other hotels remain sold out. We are not able to contract additional rooms.

Sheraton Hotel: 39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA 02199
(617) 236-2000 www.sheraton.com/boston

Boston Hotels: Boston Hotel Reservations at Sheraton Boston Hotel - Reservations at sheraton.com

Function Ticket Reminder:We have extended the date that tickets to all EVENING events need to be purchased to JUNE 8.  S...

Function Ticket Reminder:

We have extended the date that tickets to all EVENING events need to be purchased to JUNE 8. Space is limited at all events, so tickets may sell out. Tell your family and friends that they need to buy tickets no later than June 8.

Tickets to the Festival program will be sold until the event itself.

Tickets for all functions can be purchased by going to this site:



As Šokių Švente Boston 2012 draws near, the Organizing Committee is holding a Volunteer "Kick Off" gathering, Saturday, May 19th, 4 p.m., at the South Boston Lithuanian Club, 368 W. Broadway, South Boston, MA.

If you have already signed up as a volunteer through the Šokių Švente website, we ask that you please join us!

If you have not as yet signed up, this is a golden opportunity to come and sign up for numerous volunteer tasks that the Švente will require. Committee members will be on hand addressing their specific needs. Light refreshments will be served.

So come on down to the Lithuanian Club and bring your talents and love of Lithuanian folk dancing, so that we can make this dance festival a grand success!!!!

Please RSVP by May 12th, and direct any questions, to Ruta Mickunas at [email protected] or 508-893-9892.

Thank you,
Šokių Švente 2012 Volunteer Committee



Artėjant Šokių Šventei, Šventės Organizacinis Komitetas kviečia į savanorių pagalbininkų susitikimą/pabendravimą šeštadienį, gegužės 19 dieną, 4 valandą vakaro So. Bostono Lietuvių Piliečių klube, 368 W. Broadway, South Boston, MA.

Jeigu Jūs jau užsiregistravote savanoriu pagalbininku per Šokių Šventės internetinę svetainę - mes Jus maloniai kviečiame atvykti į šį susitikimą.

Jeigu Jūs dar neužsiregistravote - šis vakaras Jums būtų puiki galimybė atvykti ir užsiregistruoti padėti Šventės komitetui atlikti daugybę užduočių ir darbų, kurie turės būti atlikti Šokių Šventės metu.

Organizacinio komiteto nariai dalyvaus susitikime, pasakydami, kokias konkrečias užduotis atliekant jiems yra reikalinga pagalba. Vakaro metu turėsime lengvų užkandžių.

Taigi kviečiame atvykti į Lietuvių klubą ir kartu atsinešti savo talentus ir meilę lietuvių liaudies šokiui, kad mes visi kartu galėtume padaryti šią nuostabią Šventę sėkminga.

Prašau atsiliepti į šį pakvietimą (ir kreiptis su klausimais) iki gegužės 12 dienos, susisiekiant su Rūta Mickūniene internetu [email protected] arba telefonu 508-893-9892.

Šokių Šventės 2012 Savanorių komitetas


Update 3/1/12 - Hotel Summary:

All contracted rooms in the Sheraton, Marriott Copley, Marriott Courtyard and Westin Copley at group rates have been sold out. We are not able to contract additional rooms.

If you need a room, here are a few hotel internet search sites where you may want to consider looking:

IMPORTANT: We ask that people or groups who have booked more rooms than they are likely to need, to please cancel the reservations that won’t be needed. If you think that you will be squeezing into rooms with other people to save on the expense, we request that you make those plans and arrangements now and free up rooms for others. Last minute cancellations leaving committed rooms unused will create a financial hardship on the folk dance festival organizing committee.

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Join in on the fun! Buy your Svente t-shirts today and take a photo of your whole family wearing them and post it on our Facebook wall for all to see!


Join in on the fun! Buy your Svente t-shirts today and take a photo of your whole family wearing them and post it on our...

Join in on the fun! Buy your Svente t-shirts today and take a photo of your whole family wearing them and post it on our Facebook wall for all to see!


Still shopping for that perfect last minute Christmas gift or stocking stuffer?? Want something that will have you celeb...

Still shopping for that perfect last minute Christmas gift or stocking stuffer??
Want something that will have you celebrating with family and friends now AND in July 2012??

Get them tickets to the XIV Lithuanian Folk Dance Festival in Boston!!

Get information on how to purchase tickets at: http://sokiusvente2012.org/EventTickets.html

To avoid Ticketmaster fees, try contacting a friend in Boston who would be willing to go to the Agganis Arena Box Office for you. Or if buying 20 tickets or more, you can call the Agganis Arena Group Sales number.


Boston, MA


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