That’s me - doing your eclipse reading! Special gift for you Aries, Cancers, Libras, and Capricorns - 10% off if you pre-book by 3/31!! Time’s a-wasting ! What are you waiting for?!
Everyone’s talking about the Great North American Eclipse of 2024, taking place on April 8th, but there is also a Lunar eclipse in the wee hours of March 25th. The effects of these two eclipses create a major theme for the year ahead. In fact, you may already be experiencing it!
To celebrate eclipse season, we’re happy to offer special readings focusing on what the eclipses will mean for you, personally! A one-hour eclipse reading will map both the lunar and solar eclipse with your birth chart, giving us an indication of what areas of your life are most likely to be affected, other planets in play and ways to empower yourself while this unfolds throughout the rest of 2024.
Eclipses shake things up, for better or worse. They focus attention on areas ruled by the signs in which they occur. March 25th’s Lunar eclipse is in Libra, ruler of relationships. The April 8th Solar Eclipse in Aries is about individuality, male energy, action, and warrior spirit.
While we all feel eclipse energy, those most impacted by these two major events will be anyone with Sun, Moon or Ascendent (Rising Sign) in Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. We’re offering a 10% discount to anyone whose Sun, Moon or Ascendent is in one of these signs. Simply pre-book your appointment by March 31st to get your discount.
One hour eclipse reading $125.00
Pre-book by March 31st if you’re an Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn and get 10% off
Don’t know what your Moon or Ascendent is? Don’t worry. We can help you figure that out! (We just need your birthdate, time of birth & location)
Email for appointment. [email protected]