I had the perfect example of how bad the leadership of American Christianity has been perverted by the selfishness and greed of MAGA yesterday. There was a couple who started a small prayer group chat on Facebook because they were in need of a miracle from God. They are in a situation where money is extremely tight and they need a place to live. So this MAGA Christian leader chimed in that they they were having some conference (for profit) and invited them to come and said that they could pay for tickets at the door. How disgusting is that!! Extremely. The gospel for profit. Trying to sell something that is completely free, because Jesus Christ paid the cost for it on the cross. I am completely disgusted when these people embrace entrepreneurial Christianity instead of giving away what they have been freely given. Maybe that’s the point. They really don’t understand the gospel and its power and beauty and the fact that it’s 100% free!! I personally know these people and their finances have always been in shambles and lacking. They have been in businesses outside of the church that were handled poorly and the state had to intervene many times because of their mismanagement and poor decisions. Now they are trying to capitalize on the gospel as a way to profit. Kind of like that old Cher song, “preach a little gospel and sell a couple bottles of Dr Good “. It’s no wonder that they are worshipping money more than God. They have been trained up by Liberty University and they have a very perverted outlook on money and profit and God. Sad to the point of feeling sick.
Unfortunately so much of the American Christian church has rationalized this approach of money over people and power over God. Like when Jesus went through the temple and overturned the business people’s tables who were trying to to make a profit off of God.
They are trying to make the house of prayer into a den of thieves.
The American Christian church leadership desperately needs a revival, a turning back to God, because they have strayed far from Him. God help us!!