Wigs R Fun, Hair by Denise

Wigs R Fun, Hair by Denise Book an appointment today to be the first to experience our new beautiful wigs! These ain't your Grandma's wigs! Wigs are lighter and more comfortable than ever!

Today's faux hair comes in a variety of cuts, styles and colors. Don't wish for the hair you've always wanted, come try it on. Our wigs are upscale works of art designed to be worn by women who demand the very best quality in accessories for their heads and their souls!


Alex is a great young man. Thus is his business. He took down a closet in my garage, so I could fit my car in. Super Clean!! Did a great job. I highly recommend him!!

Looking for a more ash look.. achieved!

Looking for a more ash look.. achieved!

A slow change of color..

A slow change of color..


I ALWAYS get asked by clients.. "How long will this take?"
"How much will it cost? I'm on a budget"
"I cant afford to buy that shampoo and mask to care for my hair at home? ill just go to Walmart, or amazon.."

By other hairdressers, some ask
"How much time does it take you?"
"Should I be faster?"
"Should I charge Less?"
"Should I charge More?"
"Should I even sell retail?"..............

I was constantly hearing "time is money"..
I felt something so wrong about that. Im performing a service with so much knowledge and love put into it.
Everyone comes in with something different and uses different things... I started thinking, what is everyone talking about...I started saying.. "MONEY IS MY TIME"

I'm worth it. I know what I offer. My work stands out. My service stands out. My work ethic stands out. My knowledge stands out!

When they started doing hair and making it acceptional for clients to spend less money and wanting a big result in 1/2 the time.. thats when THEY undermined themselves and the profession.
A Salon day is selfcare, however still a luxury..

Some clients believe what they see in a video to be done in 2 hours.. to see box dye removed and corrected in 3 hours..
We have failed ourselves..

I'm saying this with the utmost respect.. WE HAVE FAILED OURSELVES..
Clients do NOT know what goes on..WE spend 1,000's of hours on education and schooling. Knowing the WHY, HOW and WHEN..
Some watch a Brad video and think they know how to do our job, or knows what goes into it.

Products are sold everywhere.. even online making our jobs harder... products being bought through a 3rd unlicensed party and altered, and most likely has formaldehyde.. which is not supporting stylists.. what if products for hair were ONLY available through stylists..

Tattoo artists charge heavily per hour.. botox injections, fillers... they take half the time, and they provide a service and charge at least $400..

Why lower our standards we set for ourselves?
Why work faster and harder to get paid less, and please our client while holding our breath...? NO ONE can tell me we are unworthy of $80 an hour!

Especially!! When you are experienced, knowledgable, invested, and Good at what you do..

AS A WHOLE we should all honor eachother and realize our work, our profession is NOT easy.. WE are Therapists, perfectionists, practitioners, equation formulaters, painters, inventors, cleaners, learners, photographers, business owners, sole proprietors, parents..
We NEED to show our clients that they are #1!!!!


“She just cuts hair.”

She uses intense trigonometry to figure out the exact angle to cut your hair in order for it to lay correctly.

She uses scissors sharper than knives very closely to her hands and fingers with centimeters to spare moving them quicker than your eyes can follow.

She puts her body in odd positions to make sure she is level and can see each strand of hair she is moving, causing major damage to her body while she’s standing and bending for 12+ hours straight.

She buys pays to sharpen her shears and gets new shears yearly that cost anywhere between $50-$2,000 with no payback, just to make sure your hair isn’t damage from the tug of dullness.

“She just colors hair.”
She uses chemistry to create a special formula to work with your hair, that most likely won’t work with someone else’s.

She uses time that works against her, as two minutes too late will blow the cuticle in your hair and/ or fry it off.

She strategically places mixtures to blur lines and create a subtle blend and/or dimension.

She changes the combination for each client as mineral build up and pollution from water/environment/ products will react differently.

She changes the color of your hair without knowing exact genetics which play a huge part in reaction to chemicals.

She spends 3 hours moving her arms and bending her body into awkward positions to ensure perfection.

She copies an image from the internet that was a 12 hour session with 5 stylists working, by herself in 3 hours.

“She just plays with hair.”
She spends 50% of her work day using tools as hot as your oven.

She styles your hair exactly like that Pinterest picture that’s actually a wig.
She constantly breathes in fumes from hair products and she can’t tell you the last time she didn’t have a hair splinter.

She squeezes you in for a last minute style as she’s already been on her feet for 10 hours straight.
She has her arm above your head moving it back and fourth for an hour to blow dry it flat.

“She just does hair.”
She spends an hour doing a 4 year olds hair because she can’t sit still but it’s mommy’s wedding day. Mommy cries when she’s done because her daughter looks beautiful.

She spends 3 hours with a teenager who tells her every single person messes up their hair and she doubts this one will get it right. Suddenly brunette isn’t her color, she needs it back to blonde next week.

She colors a 35 year olds hair who has been using box color for 15 and didn’t tell her beforehand, so the chemicals reacted and caused it to smoke making this process 6 hours that could’ve been 2. She’s now being yelled at by her next client for running behind.

She wraps a 80 year olds hair in rollers for an hour to ensure she looks beautiful for her husbands funeral. Her daughter calls week later to thank you for making her mother feel beautiful.

She works when she’s sick because there is no calling off when you work with personal appointments.

She works when a family member is desperately ill in the hospital because her clients have gray showing and they have a meeting tomorrow.
She misses her best friends surprise birthday party because it’s prom day.

She works until 10pm because her clients hair reacted differently and nobody can figure out why.
She gets woken up by texts at 3am asking if she can get someone in the book soon.

She makes extremely close connections with her clients and spends all of her social energy on them.
She doesn’t get “vacation days” because people need her in order to feel beautiful.

She missed her child’s first soccer game because she was already scheduled two colors and cancelling would just be “silly.”

She doesn’t work 8-4 or 9-5, she works first client to last with no real promise if she can make it home for dinner tonight.

She also hasn’t eaten lunch the past three days because she’s had no time between clients.
She spends hours researching new techniques and finding educational classes to attend on her one day off.

Her life revolves around hair. Her brain constantly goes from math to science to social to psychology to client and back to math. She works hard physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically. Every day. With no breaks and definitely no silence.

But I must remind you, she’s just a hairstylist. She just does hair.
I did not write this. I do live this!


God just showed up in mysterious ways.... he knows when we need him.

Anyone know about this?

Anyone know about this?


This is totally I have a client that had Covid about two months ago. She seems to be losing quite a bit of hair. Of course I told her to consult her doctor and also do some research but it seems she’s leaning on me for answers as her hairstylist and that’s OK.
Mags, have you or anybody else come across any information or where I can go to to find information that I can relay to her?  also, what can I do to help her with this?

Thanks!  when the body goes thru a stress or an illness like CoVid19, the body system get pushed into Catagen and then right into Telogen which is what is happening to her now.
In about 6 months it will stop and then in a few months she'll start to see little baby hairs growing on top of her Head. It’s called Telogen Effluviam, not strictly Covid related.
Here's an article about what she has-
What is Telogen Effluvium?
At any given time, about 85% to 90% of the hairs on the average person's head are actively growing (the anagen phase) and the others are resting (the telogen phase). Typically, a hair is in the anagen phase for two to four years, then enters the telogen phase, rests for about two to four months, and then falls out and is replaced by a new, growing hair. The average person naturally loses about 100 hairs a day.
In a person with telogen effluvium, some body change or shock pushes more hairs into the telogen phase. Typically in this condition, about 30% of the hairs stop growing and go into the resting phase before falling out. So if you have telogen effluvium, you may lose an average of 300 hairs a day instead of 100.
Telogen effluvium can be triggered by a number of different events, including:
• Surgery
• Major physical trauma
• Major psychological stress
• High fever, severe infection or other illness
• Extreme weight loss
• Extreme change in diet
• Abrupt hormonal changes, including those associated with childbirth and menopause
• Iron deficiency
• Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
• Some medications
Because hairs that enter the telogen phase rest in place for two to four months before falling out, you may not notice any hair loss until two to four months after the event that caused the problem. Telogen effluvium rarely lasts longer than six months, although some cases last longer.
Although losing a great number of hairs within a short time can be frightening, the condition is usually temporary. Each hair that is pushed prematurely into the telogen phase is replaced by a new, growing hair, so there is no danger of complete baldness. Because hair on the scalp grows slowly, your hair may feel or look thinner than usual for a time, but fullness will return as the new hairs grow in.
If you have telogen effluvium, you'll notice more hair than usual accumulating on your pillowcase, on the shower or bathroom floor and in your hairbrush. Your scalp hair may feel or look less dense than usual. Often, though, the hair loss is subtle, and other people may not notice anything different about your hair.
Most cases of telogen effluvium can be diagnosed based on medical history and an examination of the scalp and hair. If the hair loss has been occurring for several months, there may be visible thinning patches, but often the hair loss is not dramatic enough for a doctor to notice. If you have large bald patches, you probably don't have telogen effluvium. If the doctor gently tugs on some hairs on your scalp and four or more hairs come out, you probably have telogen effluvium. Also, the hairs will look like hairs in the telogen phase — they will have a white bulb at the end that was in the scalp, and will not have a gel-like covering around that end of the hair.
You may be asked to gather all hairs that fall out of your head over a 24-hour period, and count them to see if the hair loss is truly excessive. Losing fewer than 100 hairs in a day is considered normal. You also may be asked to gather and count lost hairs every one or two weeks to see when the shedding starts to decline.
In some rare cases, if there is reason to doubt the diagnosis, a biopsy of the scalp may be done. In this procedure, a small piece of the scalp that includes several hair follicles is removed and examined under a microscope. Your doctor also may do blood tests to check for conditions such as thyroid abnormalities that may be contributing to hair loss.
Expected Duration
Typically, hair loss begins two to four months after the event that triggered the problem, and lasts approximately six months. New hairs begin growing immediately after the hair falls out, but significant growth may not be noticed for several months.
Nothing can be done to prevent most of the types of physical shock that can start telogen effluvium. Some cases may be caused by a poor diet, and these might be prevented by eating a balanced diet that provides enough protein, iron and other nutrients.
No treatment for active telogen effluvium has been proven effective.
Some causes of the disorder can be corrected. For example, if you have a poor diet, consult a dietitian to help you balance it. If the hair loss began after you started a new medication, talk to your doctor to see if the medication should be discontinued. Many times, however, the cause is a specific event in the past, and you can expect that the hair will grow back. In cases where hair growth has not returned to a satisfactory level, your doctor may prescribe minoxidil (Rogaine), a lotion applied to the scalp that may stimulate hair growth in some people.


It’s almost summer.. June 21, And do you know what that means? This year June 17... we open up for Hair Stylist in Contra Costa County. ❤️❤️. Please tex or call me at 925-550-8514 to make your appointment 🎉🎊🍾Lets celebrate with a new look!!

Margaret Dash

Margaret Dash

OUTDOOR DINING HAS ARRIVED.. Breakout the bottles & let’s celebrate! Join us for outdoor dining beginning tomorrow, June 6th at 10am - 2pm seating will be limited, reservations are strongly encouraged. Please email [email protected]

Where was my before and after?? Great color, done while caring for a baby crow, with a broken leg...

Where was my before and after?? Great color, done while caring for a baby crow, with a broken leg...


Here’s the secret to baking a fluffy and moist cake with the perfect filling! INGREDIENTS 3 eggs 2 yogurt cups of sugar 1 yogurt 1 yogurt cup of milk 1 yogurt cup of oil 3 yogurt cup of flour 1

Short hair can be very exciting with the cut and color!!!

Short hair can be very exciting with the cut and color!!!

A new client with bumps  on her scalp. Took pictures and gave them to her to take yo her Dr.

A new client with bumps on her scalp. Took pictures and gave them to her to take yo her Dr.

When a client comes in every 4 weeks, and you see something on her scalp. I take a picture, so it can be sent to her Dr....

When a client comes in every 4 weeks, and you see something on her scalp. I take a picture, so it can be sent to her Dr. By doing this, it has helped who do have cancer on their skin. Their is more to hairdressing. Caring goes a long way!!


This year has been a year of lessons learned. Communication and paying attention is always a must in my business. Yesterday Wednesday Dec 18, was a long lesson . I grabbed the wrong color... ugh. It was to be a golden copper blond, it came out a McDonald, Red Orange !!! Trying not to panic.. my insides churned up and down. What happened, I asked myself???? I looked on my shelf and saw what I had down. Just a dimple reverse of the numbers was all it took. Of course once you get that color in, it is not fun to get out. A 2@1/2 hour apt turned into a what 5 hour apt??? I don’t know. I did correct and it turned out looking fab!!! No I did not take pictures. I wish I did..., my client was humm how do I say... a bit worried I think. Of course she was going home fit Christmas and doing a video today. A relationship between hairstylist and client, takes trust. They are putting their hair, looks and confidence into our hands. I am very thankful she stayed with with while I fixed it. I was calm in my thinking... I just want to say thank you to my clients out there should have trusted me over the years. 🦋😎😎

Today was a fun day. Going from Chocolate Brown to a fun flirtatious Red.

Today was a fun day. Going from Chocolate Brown to a fun flirtatious Red.

Come on snd and do some shopping. Try on a new look and easy to take care of. Here I am in two different looks. Both wig...

Come on snd and do some shopping. Try on a new look and easy to take care of. Here I am in two different looks. Both wigs, they are natural looking. And create a new total look.


This is totally normal for what she has gone thru.
When you go under and have a surgery like she had, it pushes the hair into Catagen stage and in a few weeks it goes into Telogen and will fall out. The hair that is falling out though is older longer hair, so that is why it's alarming. But the good point is that new hair is already coming in at 6 months, so if you really look you'll see a little crow of hairs coming in.
Here's an article that might help with your other questions.
Hair is probably a woman's most important feature. Signs of thinning hair can take the sail out of almost any woman's day. It may seem vain to pay so much attention to hair, but signs of thinning hair are really the first signals of such conditions as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, excessive stress or poor nutrition, all symptoms of declining health status. Paying attention to hair can reveal developing conditions before they get out of control. When you have restored your hair to a full head of vibrant healthy strands, chances are the rest of your body will also exhibit vibrant health.
Nutritional deficiencies may be signaled by thinning hair
Your hair loss may be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Studies show that a large segment of the American population is deficient in this essential nutrient, with hair loss being one of the primary symptoms of this deficiency.
The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed in numerous cells and tissues of the body, including the skin. Studies of mice and humans lacking these functional receptors have demonstrated that absence of the VDR leads to the development of alopecia, a fancy word for hair loss. Hair loss may be an early warning that you are at risk of other maladies linked to a deficiency of vitamin D. The list includes diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, depression, multiple sclerosis, gum disease, seasonal influenza and tuberculosis.
Lack of exposure to the sun almost guarantees vitamin D deficiency. Researchers have mapped the U.S. and found that the farther north a person lives, the more likely she is to have vitamin D deficiency. If access to the sun is not an option, supplementing vitamin D with cod liver oil, or capsules of D3 will help. It is now suggested that women receive a minimum of 2,000 units of vitamin D per day. Many cutting edge practitioners advocate 10,000 units per day, the amount obtained from a day wearing a bathing suit in the summer sun.
Omega 3 fatty acids affect the biological process of vitamin D. They are responsible for producing cholesterol and at the same time for removing its excess, as well as for most other bodily functions. In order to manufacture vitamin D, the body needs cholesterol. If the diet does not contain enough essential fatty acids, the body can't produce its own vitamin D. In addition to containing usable vitamin D, cod liver oil also provides omega 3 fatty acids.
Hair loss may also be the result of deficiencies of the amino acid lysine, copper, and zinc. However, if your diet is comprised of a wide selection of whole foods including daily servings of fresh vegetables and fruits, this may not be the cause of your hair loss, especially if you are getting enough protein. Hair stands are composed of protein, but if the diet is short on it, the wisdom of the body will divert its use from making hair to sustaining more necessary bodily functions. Taking a whole food supplement such as bee pollen, spirulina or chlorella will help with getting and assimilating needed amounts of the full spectrum of nutrients.
Thinning hair may reflect hormonal imbalance
A woman's hormones can begin to decline and lose balance as early as the 30's. One of the most shocking examples of this imbalance is hair growth appearing on the upper lip or chin, or a coarsening of hair on the rest of the body while the hair on the head thins. This is most likely the result of excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Although estrogen is the primary hormone of women, they also produce testosterone and other androgens such as DHEA. As the body ages women may begin to convert these androgens to DHT just as men do. Women with a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome tend to have higher levels of testosterone and DHT than other women, and may be more susceptible to this excessive conversion.
To find out if hormonal imbalance is causing hair loss, full range hormone testing can be done. Physicians who administer bio-identical hormones can provide this testing, as well as physicians who specialize in anti-aging medicine. If this is not an option, there are reliable laboratories available online that receive specimens of saliva by mail and provide complete hormone testing results.
Supplements of saw palmetto prevent the excessive conversion of androgens to DHT. It is an herb that comes from the flowers of a beautiful palm tree known as saw palmetto or sabal palm. A dosage of one 160 mg. capsule daily should effectively block this conversion and get the hair back on head and off the face. Saw palmetto has been demonstrated to be safe for prolonged use. If hormone testing is not an option, another way to find out if excessive DHT conversion is causing hair loss is to take a saw palmetto supplement for a period of three months. If hair loss stops where you don't want it and starts where you do want it, your question will be answered.
Excessive levels of hormonal conversion to DHT are highly associated with prostate abnormalities in men and may be a cause of prostate cancer. Saw palmetto has been documented to increase prostate health. The health effects of this conversion in women are not yet fully documented, yet common sense suggests that reducing excessive levels of DHT in women may be helpful in assuring breast and ovarian health.
Declining levels of thyroid hormone can also spark hair loss. It's estimated that forty percent of American women are suffering from significant hair loss related to low thyroid hormones, with redheads particularly at risk. The hormones produced by the thyroid are responsible for metabolism, the sum of all the physical and chemical processes. The thyroid hormones control the efficiency and speed at which cells work. Every cell in the body including the hair depends on proper thyroid function for development. If thyroid production is insufficient, hair growth will slow and hair will eventually thin.
Other symptoms of declining thyroid function are dry skin, sensitivity to hot and cold, unexplained weight gain, missing outer third of eyebrows, constipation, brittle nails, high or low blood pressure, susceptibility to infections, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, joint or muscle pain, cystic breasts or ovaries, chronic sinusitis, slow heart rate, TMJ syndrome, dental problems, headache, and increased cholesterol levels. This list reveals how critical proper thyroid function is to well being.
The good new is that low thyroid can easily be corrected by supplementing the body with bio-identical thyroid hormones. Armour thyroid is the natural form of thyroid hormone
Article By Mags Kavanaugh

Fun Fun color. I love what I do. I thank this guest for allowing me to have freedom!!!

Fun Fun color. I love what I do. I thank this guest for allowing me to have freedom!!!

I always have freedom with this beautiful guest.! Spunky shattered cut. Color by Wella.

I always have freedom with this beautiful guest.! Spunky shattered cut. Color by Wella.

Had fun today adding highlights to level 4. Not brassy. A soft Carmel tone. Used  Olaplex 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Her hair is nat...

Had fun today adding highlights to level 4. Not brassy. A soft Carmel tone. Used Olaplex 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Her hair is natural curly. She needs the moisture Olaplex provides. Soft luxurious curls.

Color correction. Home bleach job. Didn’t quite get get to where she wanted, coming back for a toner..this was a tough o...

Color correction. Home bleach job. Didn’t quite get get to where she wanted, coming back for a toner..this was a tough one as the hair was so many different shades of orange. She wants a cool beige blond. Last picture desired result.

Happy 4 of July. This is my good Country Boys!! Sends the fireworks!!!! Love these two!!!! They are what America is abou...

Happy 4 of July. This is my good Country Boys!! Sends the fireworks!!!! Love these two!!!! They are what America is about.


Brentwood, CA



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