Voce que esta viajando para Chicago a Negocios ou a Turismo, aproveite nossos Servicos de Acessoria aos Brasileiros pela SUNNY CHICAGO SHOPPING E TURISMO. MAISA E SONIA colocamos a sua disposicao, e
oferecemos ajuda com compras nos maiores Outlets de Chicago, com coupons e descontos de algumas das melhores loja: GAP,TOMMY,GUESS, RALPH LAUREN, BANANA REPUBLICA e muito mais. Outros servicos: Como
translado do Aeroporto/Hotel/Shopping, Falamos Portugues,Ingles e Espanhol Fluente para ajuda-los com a lingua e recomendacoes de compras e restaurantes. Entre em contacto conosco pelo : email: [email protected] ou acesse nossa pagina do FB : SUNNY CHICAGO SHOPPING E TURISMOā€¯
If You going to the city of Chicago to businesses or tourism, enjoy our service to help Brazilians through SUNNY CHICAGO SHOPPING AND TOURISM. We offer help with purchases/Shopping in the larger Outlets of Chicago, with coupons and discounts to some of the best store: GAP, TOMMY, GUESS, RALPH LAUREN, BANANA REPUBLIC . Chicago has the most beautiful places of the city to visit: Museums,Botanic Graden and Festival Muscial all summer time. Other services: Help from the airport up to the Hotel, We speak Portuguese, English and Spanish Fluent to help you with the language for recommendations of Hotels , shopping and restaurants. Please contact us at: email: [email protected] or visit our FB page: SUNNY CHICAGO SHOPPING AND TOURISM