A social enterprise venture established to bridge the gap between nonprofit and for-profit investing by providing a structure that facilitates investments in socially beneficial programs not maximizing income. We do this by creating and promoting opportunities for artists to share their art and reinvest the excess into youth music programs. Through our events 50% of our proceeds support a network
of Chicago based charities that share similar mission statements. Our goal is to provide music education programs to all Chicago Public Schools by 2018. We hold the following beliefs:
• Music evokes an emotional connection that enhances peoples lives
• People of all walks of life should have the opportunity to experience and connect with music
• Artists should be compensated and own their work.
• Greed destroys art and hinders new growth
• Music creates the spark that breeds new musicians and therefore has a parental obligation to develop new talent.
• Music education and opportunity is a crucial for the advancement of our society. Each rooftop brunch, live concert, and music festival we host translates into new opportunities for Chicago youth. We believe that no child should be robbed of the opportunity to create and explore the world of music. Music can make a difference, education can make a difference, we promote the events that show you how