A New York cruise departure is an experience I highly recommend! Have you ever cruised from New York? #newyork #cruise #manhattan #CaribbeanBreezeTravel
Just 46 days until I am back onboard Harmony of the Seas! I can’t wait to show you more of this beauty! #harmonyoftheseas #cruise #royalcaribbean
Ah, one of the coolest feelings waving to other ships as they leave! Do you watch Sailaways?
#cruise #carnival #caribbean #sailaway
One of my favorite ports for a beach day is Grand Turk! Stunning views of the ship and lounging under a palm tree, what more can you ask for!? #grandturk #caribbean #cruise #carnival #port #palmtree #cruiselife
The Lido Deck - the gathering space on the ship! #lidodeck #cruise #caribbean #sun #fun #travelagent
Cruising is the best vacation ever!! #cruise #sunset
Can’t wait to be back on Harmony of the Seas in just over two months! #harmonyoftheseas #zipline #cruise
POV: You get on your tender ready to head to Half Moon Cay! #halfmooncay #caribbean #carnival #cruise
Goodbye Amber Cove! Sailing away here onboard Carnival Vista! #cbtlive #carnivalvista
It’s a beautiful day here in Amber Cove! #carnivalvista #cbtlive
Flick was incredible tonight here onboard Carnival Vista! Here’s a sneak peak! #CBTLIVE #carnivalvista
It’s the Christmas Eve MEGA DECK PARTY here onboard Carnival Vista! #cbtlive #carnivalvista