Medjugorje Mir-Peace

Medjugorje Mir-Peace Croatian-American family. USA-based Medjugorje info center helping all to BE A LIGHT. Sharing faith. Planning PILGRIMAGES to Medjugorje in 2023, God willing.

Spiritual pilgrimage tour guide family, USA to Medjugorje, sharing Croatian faith, culture & traditions. INFO: update: [email protected]
**Hvaljen Isus i Marija! (hr) **Praised be Jesus & Mary! (en)

~~ Sarcevic family translate & tra

vel to Medjugorje since early 1980's; visionaries' talks, homilies; war-time grass-roots humanitarian aid & hope...sharing God's love, the Light of the World, answering Gospa's call in Medjugorje.
~~ Since June, 1981, Our Lady, Mary, is reported to visit daily in Croatian parish of Medjugorje Bosnia-Hercegovina. In 1986, the Holy Father had said, "Let the people go to Medjugorje if they convert, pray, confess, do penance & fast." 30 million+ laity and clergy have visited and returned home spiritually renewed.

~ All info is accurate as possible - See official Medjugorje PARISH website: Sources identified when available.
~~ Mid 1990's, Mir-Peace Group honor: permitted to have priests in MirPeace pilgrimage group con-celebrate Mass at the Zagreb airport FOR THE 1ST TIME in decades (prohibited in anti-faith communist former-Yugoslavia).
~ ~ Translations include "In the School of Love" by Fr. Slavko Barbaric... homilies, letters, news, talks...

"...I am offering to you the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. According to God's plan I am with you to help you t...

"...I am offering to you the light of the Truth and the Holy Spirit. According to God's plan I am with you to help you to have my Son, His Cross and Resurrection, triumph in your hearts.
As a mother, I desire and pray for your unity with my Son and His works.
I am here; you decide!"
(ENGLISH) ~Gospa Our Lady the Blessed Mother, Medjugorje, June 2, 2011.

(HRVATSKI - Croatian language) "... Ja vam pružam svijetlo Istine i Duha Svetoga. Po Božjem planu sam s vama da vam pomognem da u vašim srcima pobjedi moj Sin, njegov Križ i Uskrsnuće.
Kao majka želim i molim za vaše jedinstvo s mojim Sinom i Njegovim djelovanjem.
Ja sam tu, odlučite se!"

Carry your crosses.

(EN) Our Lady's message, January 25, 2025:(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025(ENGLISH) "Dear children, In this year o...

(EN) Our Lady's message, January 25, 2025:
(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025
(ENGLISH) "Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your life and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call."
(With Ecclesiastical approval)

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025
„Draga djeco! U ovoj milosnoj godini pozivam vas na obraćenje. Stavite Boga, draga djeco, u centar vašeg življenja i plodovi će biti ljubav prema bližnjemu i radost svjedočenja, a svetost vašeg života postat će istinito svjedočenje vjere. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“
(S crkvenim odobrenjem)

Photo: the fields in Medjugorje on a previous Mirpeace pilgrimage a couple years ago.


"Cleanse yourselves of sin and in Jesus Christ, my Son, recognize the peaceful sacrifice for the sins of the whole world...

"Cleanse yourselves of sin and in Jesus Christ, my Son, recognize the peaceful sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Let Him be the purpose in your lives. May your lives be in service of the Divine love of my Son. Thank you my children."

Gospa's (Our Lady's) March 2, 2008, Medjugorje message is quite appropriate today. Divine Mercy ✨
Let's answer her, the Blessed Virgin Mother's, call and help change the world for a better future for everyone.
Jesus I trust in you!

Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple., Bronze relief in Medjugorje.Our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group has p...

Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple., Bronze relief in Medjugorje.

Our Mir-Peace pilgrimage group has prayed the rosary mysteries there often, as have pilgrims who traveled there where heaven touches the earth from all over the world. 🙏

†*† Candlemas, also called Presentation of the Lord or Presentation of Christ in the Temple , Christian festival on February 2 commemorating the occasion when the Blessed Virgin Mary, in obedience to Jewish law, went to the Temple in Jerusalem both to be purified 40 days after the birth of her son, Jesus, and to present him to God as her firstborn (Luke 2:22–38, New testament Gospel reading).

-- Britannica

Every first Saturday of the month, faithful Christian Croatian men are still gathering  together in various cities to pr...

Every first Saturday of the month, faithful Christian Croatian men are still gathering together in various cities to pray the rosary.
Today there were 500 people joined together in prayer in Croatia's capitol, Zagreb! Graces in the main square.
Faith in action .

January 2025 is almost over. Our Lady gave us new years advice many years ago in her message shared below. God bless you...

January 2025 is almost over. Our Lady gave us new years advice many years ago in her message shared below.
God bless you! May you shine in God's love. ✨Be a light, share the light.
35 years ago:
(EN) Our Lady Gospa's Medjugorje message, January 1, 1987
(HR) Gospine poruka 1. siječnja 1987.

(ENGLISH) "Dear children! Today I wish to call on all of you that in the New Year you live the messages which I am giving you. Dear children, you know that for your sake I have remained a long time so I might teach you how to make progress on the way of holiness. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing and live the messages which I am giving you for I am doing it with great love toward God and toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

(HRVATSKI) “Draga djeco! Danas vas sve želim pozvati da u novoj godini vršite poruke koje vam upućujem. Draga djeco, znate da sam zbog vas ostala dugo, da bih vas poučila kako da koračate na putu svetosti. Zato, draga djeco, molite bez prestanka i vršite poruke koje vam upućujem, jer to činim s velikom ljubavlju prema Bogu i prema vama. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mom pozivu!”


Today in Medjugorje at the Apparition Hill.

Your protection, through the graces God gives us in prayer, when we choose to give time to our Lord. "Little children, p...

Your protection, through the graces God gives us in prayer, when we choose to give time to our Lord. "Little children, prayer works wonders (miracles)... Pray the rosary..."

On January 25, 1991, Gospa, Our Lady Queen of Peace in Medjugorje said,
"Dear children! Today, like never before, I invite you to prayer. Let your prayer be a prayer for peace. Satan is strong and desires to destroy not only human life, but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that through prayer you can protect yourselves with God's blessing of peace. God has sent me among you so that I may help you. If you so wish, grasp for the rosary. Even the rosary alone can work miracles in the world and in your lives. I bless you and I remain with you for as long as it is God's will. Thank you for not betraying my presence here, and I thank you because your response is serving the good and the peace."

"Draga djeco! Danas vas kao nikad do sada pozivam na molitvu. Neka vaša molitva bude molitva za mir. Sotona je jak i želi razrušiti ne samo ljudske živote, nego i prirodu i planet na kojem živite. Zato, draga djeco, molite da bi se preko molitve zaštitili Božjim blagoslovom mira. Bog me je poslao među vas da vam pomognem. Ako hoćete, prihvatite krunicu! Već sama krunica može učiniti čudesa u svijetu i u vašim životima. Ja vas blagoslivljem i ostajem s vama do Božje volje. Hvala vam što nećete iznevjeriti moju prisutnost ovdje i hvala vam, jer vaš odgovor služi dobru i miru. Hvala što ste se odazvali mom pozivu! ”

"Pray and fast so that the kingdom of God may come among you. Let my Son set you aglow with His fire."~Gospa, Our Lady i...

"Pray and fast so that the kingdom of God may come among you. Let my Son set you aglow with His fire."
~Gospa, Our Lady in Medjugorje, March 14, 1984.
Almost 41 years ago!
She's still here with us, thank God! In another message she, our Blessed Mother, told us, "Dear children... you are called to the light."

Let's pray with our complete hearts and be her children of God's Light.
Be a light.
Lord, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done!

photo: Candles in prayer area by St James Croatian Catholic church, Medjugorje parish, from MaryTV FB page.

(EN) Our Lady's message, January 25, 2025:(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025(ENGLISH) "Dear children, In this year o...

(EN) Our Lady's message, January 25, 2025:
(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025

(ENGLISH) "Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your life and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call."(With Ecclesiastical approval)

(HR) Gospina poruka, 25. siječanj 2025
„Draga djeco! U ovoj milosnoj godini pozivam vas na obraćenje. Stavite Boga, draga djeco, u centar vašeg življenja i plodovi će biti ljubav prema bližnjemu i radost svjedočenja, a svetost vašeg života postat će istinito svjedočenje vjere. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“(S crkvenim odobrenjem)


Fr. Jozo Zovko was priest in Medjugorje when apparitions started so long ago. A wonderful soul! Our Mirpeace pilgrimage groups have been blessed to hear his witness and inspirational homilies many times throughout the years.
Fr Jozo quote:
' where the Virgin Mary appeared, here is
what will be unique, great: victory, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the ruin of human error, the change of the human heart, the creation of a new mentality, the beginning of a better world..."

Prsten  koji je sveti Josip darovao Mariji.

Prsten koji je sveti Josip darovao Mariji.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace in Medjugorje:"Also today I am with you and I, again, call all of you to come closer to me thro...

Our Lady, Queen of Peace in Medjugorje:
"Also today I am with you and I, again, call all of you to come closer to me through your prayers. In a special way, I call you to renunciation in this time of grace. Little children, meditate on and live, through your little sacrifices, the passion and death of Jesus for each of you. Only if you come closer to Jesus will you comprehend the immeasurable love He has for each of you. Through prayer and your renunciation you will become more open to the gift of faith and love towards the Church and the people who are around you. I love you and bless you.
( February 25, 1998 )

Also today I am with you and I, again, call all of you to come closer to me through your prayers. In a special way, I call you to renunciation in this time of grace. Little children, meditate on and live, through your little sacrifices, the passion and death of Jesus for each of you. Only if you come closer to Jesus will you comprehend the immeasurable love He has for each of you. Through prayer and your renunciation you will become more open to the gift of faith and love towards the Church and the people who are around you. I love you and bless you. ( February 25, 1998 )

"I have given you my love so that you may give it to others."  Our Lady, (Gospa) still gives us her love so we may give ...

"I have given you my love so that you may give it to others."
Our Lady, (Gospa) still gives us her love so we may give it to others. Since 1981! 🙂
photo: Saint James Croatian Catholic Church, Medjugorje parish, then and now.
Anything is possible. No one in that remote mountainous region in Bosnia Hercegovina ever expected such change when Our Lady started appearing to the visionaries back then.

All these years Our Lady has been blessed by God Almighty: She, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is allowed to stay and guide us, her children, in a special way here on earth. Centuries ago in the New Testament we see her as a wonderful example of a humble & strong woman, Mother of God in Jesus Christ. Today she still loves each and every human soul. She, Gospa, wants us each to love your neighbor; all our brothers and sisters. We are family, all God's children. 💖🥰

September 1985 quote by Gospa:
"I have given you my love so that you may give it to others."

Hvaljen Isus i Marija!
Praise Jesus and Mary!
Thank you, also to all the Medjugorje parishioners who answered her call to open their hearts and homes to pilgrims who travel to the place we call "heaven on earth". We've been there every year with our Mir-PEACE pilgrimage groups since 1980's and know how difficult the transitions have been for them as the valley changed with the HUGE influx of people from all over the world. Yet the villagers always are kind, warm, friendly, still finding time to attend Holy Mass and pray together, to live their faith, and raise wonderful families.
They share God's love with all pilgrims.
Let's share the love and Light of the world (Jesus Christ, Gospa's Son), with everyone, including those those who hurt us or others, or those we might not like... May we all share God's mercy forgiveness & love. God loves us, and God bless us, every one!

[email protected]

Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing in Medjugorje and giving us her messages and encouragement to get to know God a...

Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing in Medjugorje and giving us her messages and encouragement to get to know God and her son, Jesus better each day. :-) , January 27, 1984: "Pray and fast. I wish that you deepen and continue your life in prayer. Every morning say the prayer of consecration to the Heart of Mary. Do it in the family. Recite each morning the Angelus, 5 Our Father's, Hail Mary's, and Glory Be's in honor of the Holy Passion and a sixth one for our Holy Father, the Pope. Then say the Creed and the prayer to the Holy Spirit. And, if it is possible, it would be well to pray a Rosary."

Saturday, January 28, 1984"
I wish that all of you pray, and that my heart extend to the whole world. I wish to be with you."

Sunday, January 29, 1984
"Pray and fast! I wish for you to purify your hearts. Purify them and open them to me."Monday, January 30, 1984"Pray! I desire to purify your hearts. Pray! It is indispensable, because God gives you the greatest graces when you pray."

"Love your enemies. Pray for them and bless them."  ~Gospa, Put Lady in Medjugorje, June 26, 1983."...I desire to teach ...

"Love your enemies. Pray for them and bless them."
~Gospa, Put Lady in Medjugorje, June 26, 1983.
"...I desire to teach you also - real love; the love which my Son (Jesus Christ) showed you when He died on the Cross out of love for you; the love which is always ready to forgive and to ask for forgiveness...
~Gospa, Mother of God, 2-2-2013

(EN) Gospel according to Luke 6:27-38.
(HR) Evanđelje po Luki 6:27-38
(ENGLISH) "...But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back;
then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.
Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful..."
"... Ali vi volite svoje neprijatelje. Činite dobro i posuđujte ne nadajući se ničemu zauzvrat. Tako će vam plaća biti velika i bit ćete djeca Svevišnjega koji je dobrostiv i prema nezahvalnicima i prema opakima.
36 Budite milosrdni kao što je milosrdan vaš Otac.'.."

❤️Love your enemies.
❤️Do good for others.
❤️Do not judge.
❤️Forgive others.
❤️Pray for all God's children, everyone.

"...accept my Son so that he can give you peace in your soul,.." -Our Lady (Blessed Virgin Mary).Medjugorje and the Seco...

"...accept my Son so that he can give you peace in your soul,.." -Our Lady (Blessed Virgin Mary).
Medjugorje and the Second Luminous Mystery of the Rosary. 🙏"The Wedding in Cana” At Mary’s request, Jesus worked His first miracle.
Spiritual Fruit: To Jesus through Mary.
-- In , the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady Gospa, Mother of God, is here for every one of her children, every single soul, since 1981 to help guide us closer to God our Father through her Son, Jesus Christ. She is with us through the mercy and love of God Almighty.

(ENGLISH) "Dear children, as a mother, as Queen of Peace, I invite you to accept my Son so that he can give you the peace in your soul, so that he can give you what is just, what is good for you . My children, my Son knows you, He lived life as a man but at the same time as God. A miraculous life: human body, divine spirit. Therefore, my children, while my Son looks at you with his eyes of God, he enters your heart... Accept him and you will have peace in the soul and you will spread it to everyone around you.This is the most necessary thing for you now. Listen to Him."
~~ from (EN) Our Lady’s message to Mirjana Soldo, March 18, 2019
~~ (HR) Gospina poruka preko vidjelice Mirjane Soldo
(HRVATSKI) Djeco moja, kao majka, kao Kraljica Mira pozivam vas da prihvatite moga Sina da bi vam mogao udijeliti mir duše, da bi vam mogao udijeliti ono što je pravedno, što je za vas dobro. Djeco moja, moj Sin vas pozna. On je živio život čovjeka, a u isto vrijeme Boga... Prihvatite ga, pa će trenutci bola i patnje, postati trenutci blagosti. Prihvatite ga i imati će te mir u duši, širiti će te ga svima oko sebe, a to vam je sada najpotrebnije. Poslušajte ga."

🙏Miracles can happen! through the grace & mercy of God if we pray with our heart and are aligned with God's Will and God's Plan. Let us pray with love in our hearts as Mary and Jesus did, as they showed us by good example in the New Testament Gospels of the Bible. Wonderful role models!

Site map of St James Croatian Catholic church, Medjugorje, Bosnia Hercegovina, Europe: Google maps.


Clarks Summit, PA


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An experience in faith

[email protected] 2020 Medjugorje PILGRIMAGE dates: few spots in June, Oct! POPE authorized pilgrimages there. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!(hr) Praised be Jesus & Mary(en) “BE A LIGHT!” (our motto). ~~ Sarcevic family: involved in translation & travel to Medjugorje since early 1980's; visionaries' talks, homilies; war-time grass-roots: gave humanitarian aid and hope during war of independence from communism with aid of kind hearts, ...graced to develop close personal ties with the villager families, priests, and visionaries. ~~ honor: Mid 1990's, Mir-Peace Group was permitted to have priests in our group con-celebrate Mass at the Zagreb airport FOR THE 1ST TIME in decades (prohibited in anti-faith communist former-Yugoslavia). ~ ~ Translations i.e. "In the School of Love" by Fr. Slavko Barbaric... homilies, letters, news, talks... ~ Since June, 1981, Our Lady, Mary, is reported to visit daily in Croatian Catholic parish of Medjugorje Bosnia-Hercegovina. In 1986, the Holy Father said, "Let the people go to Medjugorje if they convert, pray, confess, do penance and fast." Some 30 million+ laity and clergy have visited and returned home spiritually renewed. 2017: Papal Special Envoy said: “There is a LIGHT in Medjugorje”. If you are not called to go, your place is wherever you are for now. Your heart can open to that Light of the World (Jesus Christ) that Gospa, the Blessed Virgin Mary asks of us with prayer of the heart in thanksgiving, hope and faith in God Almighty. You are welcome to Join us in spirit! ~ All info is accurate as possible - some via official Medjugorje parish website, Sources identified when available. our mission: “BE A LIGHT!” is our motto. :-) HISTORY: The Sarcevic and extended family guides pilgrimage tours to Medjugorje over 30 years, out of a devotion to the Queen of Peace and her Son, Jesus. -- Helen and Joseph Sarcevic, natives of Croatia, embraced democracy of the USA when they escaped the Yugo communist regime. Daughters' first visit to the Croatian parish of Medjugorje in Bosnia Hercegovina, 1983. The family's been active: sharing the culture and faith with fellow Americans via folk festivals, translations and talks. In Medjugorje, there was a need for faith-conscious Croatian to English translation before the countries' independence from communism in the '90s -They have close personal ties with the villagers, priests, and visionaries.