DBPH Portraits

DBPH Portraits This page is to promote DBPH Photography's Portraits, design, art & creativity. DBPH does card designs for Holidays, Graduations and Businesses. EN

DBPH has a wide variety of photography; Seniors, Families, Babies, Couples, individuals, Sports and Events. Hi everyone my name is Daniel Benjamin Parmain Heeger. I am from Tipton CA, where I have lived my whole live. I left Tipton after graduating from Tulare Union High School to expand my education in photography in Santa Barbara at Brooks Institute of Photography. I am scheduled to graduate wit

h my Bachelors Of Fine Art in September 2012. I love photography Action Sports. I also have a passion for capturing moments in people’s life, which is why I create Portraits of Families, Children, Teens and Couples.


Clarksburg, CA





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