Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Todernesia Carter, Ghia Johnson, Curtis Love, Lakiskus A. Reed, Courtney Renee Mills, Kellz Charlie
Did you know that Triple S Travel can rent you and your friends a yacht?!?! Contact me today!
Ever been swimming in a cave?
A cenote is a natural pit, or sinkhole, resulting when a collapse of limestone bedrock exposes groundwater. The term originated on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, where the ancient Maya commonly used cenotes for water supplies, and occasionally for sacrificial offerings. The name derives from a word used by the lowland Yucatec Maya—tsʼonoʼot—to refer to any location with accessible groundwater.
#Travel #Tulum #Explore #Mexico #Vacation #Cenote #TravelWithSledge
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Ghia Johnson, Barbara Singleton, Dione Ansah
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Ghia Johnson, Curtis Love, Lakiskus A. Reed, Dione Ansah, Kellz Charlie, Traveika Hunter
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Dione Ansah, Kellz Charlie, Ghia Johnson, Vicky Williams
Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Dione Ansah, Kellz Charlie, Ghia Johnson, Vicky Williams
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Ghia Johnson, Curtis Love, Lakiskus A. Reed, Dione Ansah, Kellz Charlie, Traveika Hunter