HWolf tonight at stone mansion!
HWolf captures some crazy EVP’s at Stone Mansion in Winchester, Indiana! #hwolfghostcrew #jacobvandurmenhwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hwolf2025
Stone Mansion spirit box session(part 2) #hunterfelde #jacobvandurmen #hwolfghostcrew #10thtierbullies #hauntedindiana #hauntedmidwest
Some interesting disembodied voices captured on camera in the basement of Stone Mansion with HWolf. #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #samgesslerhwolf #jacobvandurmenhwolfghostcrew #10thtierbullies
Stone Mansion Investigation!
Disturbing disembodied voices and demented growls captured on our camera on the 2nd floor camera! Stone Mansion Paranormal Investigation! #10thtierbullies #hunterfelde #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedindiana
Stone Mansion Paranormal Investigation! (Pt2) #hwolfghostcrew #10thtierbullies #hauntedindiana
Ohio State Reformatory(Part 3)
Ohio State Reformatory(Part 3) East Cell Block #hunterfelde #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedmidwest #hauntedohio #hwollf2025
Ohio State Reformatory
Ohio State Reformatory (Part 2)Hunter and Elaina conduct a spirit box session in the TB hospital in the main tower! #hunterfelde #hauntedohio #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedmidwest #hauntedmansfield #hauntedindiana #hwolfghostcrew2024
We return to Ohio State Reformatory with another paranormal Investigation! Ohio State Reformatory (Part 1) #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hauntedohio #hauntedmidwest ##hauntedprison #ohiostatereformatory
Hwolf is getting the equipment ready for tonight!! We’ll see you there!! #hwolfreturns #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedmidwest #haydenmitchell #hunterfelde #jacobvandurmen #jacksoncominghwolf #hwolfindianapolis Indianapolis! Here we come!!
New EVP SESSION video! #hunterfelde #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedmidwest
Southern California! We have landed in Denver, Colorado. Next stop, Ontario, California! #hwolfeturns #hwolfsocal #hunterfelde