Departing for Ohio state reformatory! See you guys there!
HWolf and NT Cobra are coming back to Ohio state Reformatory!!
HWolf and Nt Cobra Ghost Crew are headed back to Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio on June 8th for the big main event of the first leg of the tour! Investigate one of the most haunted prisons in the US and work side by side with paranormal investigators from professional, amateur, experienced, and rookies. Bring your own equipment if you have some! 2 weeks left on the clock! go to—0ba7ab3e-5c87-45f8-a617-7302c8df3b84?mode=standalone or visit and go to the tour and tickets page! Get tickets today! The event starts at 7pm! #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #thehwolfcrew #ntcobraghostcrew #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedohio #hauntedmidwest #hauntedprisonghost
Hayden and Hunter doing some Phasmabox sessions during day time investigation and training! #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #haydenmitchell #hauntedindiana #hauntedmidwest
Now we’re gonna show you a series of evp’s captured in the master bedroom in the house during haydens house investigation. #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #haydenmitchell #hauntedindiana #hauntedmidwest
A mashup of Haydens house investigation and Stone mansion investigation! New video! #hwolfghostcrew #hwolfhayden #jacobvandurmenhwolfghostcrew #haydenmitchellhwolf #hunterfeldehwolf #hauntedhouse #hauntedmansionindiana #hauntedstonemansionindiana #hauntedmidwest #hwolfghostcrewtour2024
Ashmore Estates investigation with Travelers moon and Hwolf ghost crew! How does Hunter see in the dark?? Take a look! #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #travelersmoon #hauntedillinois #NTcobraghostcrew #hauntedmidwest #ashmoreestates #hauntedindiana #hwolfontour
Ashmore Estates investigation! Travelers moon and Hunter Felde and hwolf investigate Ashemore estates!! #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hauntedmidwest #ashmoreestates #hauntedillinois #travelersmoon #ntcobraghostcrew
Hunters haunting’s
Hunter’s Hauntings (part 5’s alternate ending) Unreleased Footage. #newhwolfvideo #hunterfelde #hauntedmidwest #hauntedforest #hauntedindiana #huntershauntingtvshow
Hunters Hauntings (Part 6) PREVIEW #hunterfelde #haydenhwolf ##jacksonhwolf #hauntedmidwest #hauntedindiana #hauntedforest #hauntedbloomingtonindiana
Hunters Hauntings(part 3) #hwolf #huntershauntingstvshow #hunterfelde #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hauntedmidwest
Hunters Hauntings(part 3) #hwolf #huntershauntingstvshow #hunterfelde #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hauntedmidwest
Hunter and Hayden do a spirit box. session! Hwolf privateinvestigation(part 3)#hwolfghostcrew #hwolfhayden#hunterfelde #ntcobraghostcrew #hauntedindianapolis#hauntedmidwest #hauntedindiana
Hunter and Hayden do a spirit box. session! Hwolf privateinvestigation(part 3)#hwolfghostcrew #hwolfhayden#hunterfelde #ntcobraghostcrew #hauntedindianapolis#hauntedmidwest #hauntedindiana
Here is part 2 of the Hwolf project private investigation that we have been filiming for 3 weeks! #hwolfghostcrew #hauntedindiana #hayhwolf #hauntedmidwest #hwolfreturns #hunterfelde #samgessler #turnoffthelights
New video! HWolf is back from a long break! Take a look our recent project investigation and take a look at some amazing evidence captured! #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hwolfproject #hauntedindana
Waverly Hills Sanatorium paranormal investigation (part 1) with Hunter And Hayden! #hwolfghostcrew #haydenhwolf #hunterfeldehwolf #hauntedmidwest #waverlyhillssanatorium #hauntedkentucky
The official pilot episode of the show! It’s short because I want to give everyone a taste what’s yet to come. The episodes will be longer. This is almost 3 minutes long but it’s a preview to give an idea what the show is going to feature! Filming has started, so prepare for the next few episodes that are coming soon! Enjoy the preview/pilot episode of Hunters hauntings.
New sb7 spirit box video! The children’s room(part 1)
The Necrophonic/ The Dead Bell/ and the Phasmabox (The Roads hotel. Atlanta, Indiana.) #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfeldesignature #hwolf2024tour #hunterfelde #hauntedindiana #merrychristmas #hauntedmidwest #thedeadbell
Spirit box compilation with HWolf ghost crew(part 1) #hwolfghostcrew #hunterfelde #hauntedmidwesthwolf #hwolfghostcrew2024