As you already can tell there is no short answer to this question, so we will start by talking about what blue sapphires are presently available in the market and the range of qualities and colors for each source.
Ceylon or Sri Lanka: This is probably the most asked for and known source for blue sapphires, often referred to by its cornflower blue color. Stones from this source range from pastel blue to fine rich blue. Ceylon blues are more of a pure blue with different amounts of the desirable secondary color of violet. The medium and lighter colors can sometimes come close to colors of tanzanite. You can get some intense pure blue in a medium to medium dark tone that can be very stunning. Some top fine quality Ceylons can come very close to some Kashmir or Burmese materials in color.
Outside Sri Lanka, no other source produces the medium light to light colors that have no unwanted gray overtones. Stones free of inclusions and zoning are hard to find, particularly since inclusions become easier to see in the lighter shades of blue. Clean material and great cutting makes a world of difference to the brilliance and life of these stones.
Thai: These stones are usually a darker shade of navy or inky blue, not the most coveted of colors. They are usually found in commercial mass produced jewelry since large quantities of calibrated goods are readily available. You might have a need for them, replacing missing stones in repairs.
Kanchanaburi or Chantanaburi Materials: When this material became available over a decade ago it became a great choice for an in between color and price point, filling the gap between Ceylon and Thai materials. In general Kancha materials are brighter and better blues than the over dark, more commercial quality of Thai goods. The finer Kanchas come close to medium dark Ceylon colors, offering medium to rich navy blues. In the better qualities, this material is generally less zoned and included than Ceylon goods.Because of this, certain shapes like emerald cuts where both these factors show up more, look particularly nice from this source. At present Kancha material is not readily available and the steadily increased prices don’t really make them much of a bargain compared to Ceylon goods in the better qualities like they used to. The lower qualities have more of a cloudy look to them and gray overtones.
Madagascar: Most of the materials from this source are so close to finer richer Ceylon colors that sometimes they are not differentiated and hard to identify just by looking. What is certain is that, there isn’t any medium and light blue colors from this source and some tastes might find the darker ranges overly dark, though rich looking.Since they are priced the same as Ceylons of comparable color, there isn’t much distinction for this source category.
Burma and Kashmir: This category is reserved more for the collector or the connoisseur, with large finer stones traded at auctions. Their price per carat could go up to 3 to 10 time’s regular fine blue Ceylons. Their pedigree and provenance has to be ascertained by the more advanced testing done by reputable gem labs determining and indicating origin on their certificates. Though usually quite beautiful in color it is their rarity that commands the prices they fetch, with Kashmir’s more than the Burmese.
Montana Sapphires: The U.S. customer is also aware of and might request Montana and Yogo sapphires. There isn’t much availability on these materials especially in larger sizes. Their colors are closest to medium to medium light Ceylons with more of a chance for secondary colors like gray. The finest colors in these are seen in the Yogo sapphires, which are not easily available. So unless someone specifically asks and insists on this source, you have a much better chance of finding and selling a Ceylon stone any day.
Our Selection
We, at Gem 2000, have always carried a wide range of blue sapphires in our inventory. Over the last 20 years the sources of our offerings have varied based on availability and new finds. Blue sapphires have consistently been our biggest seller. Presently, our largest inventory is in the Ceylon material covering a large range of color and price points. Our emphasis and strength in this material, is also largely due to us doing our own cutting at facilities on location. Offering very high standards of cut on all of our sapphires, makes a bottom heavy, off center and zoned native cut blue sapphire an extinct item at Gem 2000.
So, how would one describe the color of a fine blue sapphire? It would be the most intense pure blue with the least secondary color or overtones in medium to medium rich colors. In more scientific terms, high saturation and medium tones indicate higher valued gems. As usual beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each eye sees color differently. So, clarity and cut are the other factors to keep in mind as they help bring life and sparkle to the stone regardless of the color.
Feel free to look at images of our gems to actually experience for yourself the subtle differences of colors available in this popular saleable gem.