Beach Bum Pugs

Beach Bum Pugs Breeder of pug in Washington state. We do own the parents of any pugs that we adopt out so that you may see them when you come to visit and choose a puppy.

It will give you an idea as to how large they will get, what they may look like, and how healthy they will be. We are more than happy to talk at length about each and every pug that we have so feel free to call anytime. Before any pug is adopted out, the new "parent" must sign a contract that we have made which includes the statement that if at any time the new "parent" can no longer take care of

the pug, they will return the pup back to us. This pertains to the entire life of the puppy. No matter what. After three years we have only had one pup returned to us due to the owner no longer being able to care for her and she was then adopted out to a wonderful family after we evaluated her well being and physical health to make sure she would be alright. We also make sure to keep updated on how the baby pugs are doing. Each new "parent" send us pictures and stories and updates on all the babies, which we absolutely adore and appreciate! We do have references and phone numbers that you may read or contact other owners of a Beach Bum Pug if you like. Thanks and we hope to see you soon!


Family doggie reunion is August 4,2019! If you have a puppy from us please message for details! Would love to see more pugs this year!


Rain often has false labor prior to her deliveries, and she has been having some labor, with panting, off and on for the last 2-3 nights.. but her panting is coming early today, (like now.. )


I think she may have them tonight? and no I have not checked her temp yet.. but I will later..

Pray for safe easy deliveries when she has them and happy healthy pug babies and mommy for us please..


We think Rain is pregnant.

I do not know how many, but if she is, she is about 5-6 weeks along...

I will post more info when I know more...

If you are interested in a puppy (if she is prego) then PM me please, thanks!!!!


The pug babies are beginning the process to go to their new homes son and all just got their flea treatement, and will get their de-wormer today also, then we have shots and then micro chips etc.. over the next few days..


All of our pugs have found homes! Thank you everyone!


The babies are doing great and there is still a little black male puppy available...

Yesterday, I was talking to Bobbi about whether to start them on mush or meat yet, I usually use the date and how old they are, etc.. but I also tend to wait when the mom is feeding them up really well..

due to...

The mom will often change her behavior to them when you start to feed the meat and mush etc...

So I was waiting, and then I went in to give Rain a large chicken theigh, and I turned my head and she had taken the theigh into her bed and gave it to her babies..

And they were just licking it and playing with it.... lol

Nature knows.. lol


The pug babies we have are all doing super, and we will be putting some video of each of them here in the next day or two.

We have four pug babies, three little girls, two fawn and one black and one small black male.

At this time I am seriously thinking of keeping either one of the two fawn females or the black female and leaning towards keeping the black female, but I have not yet decided.

For this reason I am going to put up the videos of the little black boy and one or more of the fawn females in the next few days.

If you have an application in already, then please send me a PM in BBP and let me know that you are still looking for a pug baby.

If Fern can be bred, I will try to breed her in about 5-6 months when she goes into heat again, and if Rain is still healthy enough, I can look into breeding her at that time also.

If you have put in an application, but you would like to wait for a later litter, feel free to let me know that as well in a PM.

Keep your fingers crossed and I hope that all of you that want a pug baby can get one.


Rain just delivered a healthy, very vocal, little black male puppy and we are waiting for more!


Rain is big prego and due on or around the 4th of January, Chippy is being very tender with her, and she has somehow convinced Fern that it is not a good thing to try to get her food..

Pregnant ladies and animals can be very convincing when you bother their food..

Fern was literally rolled out of the room, seeing only Rain's teeth coming at her.. lol

I didn't have to do a thing, now Fern is very considerate about Rain's space, and her food, I wonder why? lol

I will try to get some pics of her up soon, so you can see how big the poor gurl is.....

She is chunked up pretty large, but she is solid, and all muscles and strength, and good fat..

She is doing really great and is very happy and healthy!

She is getting her prego foods aht she luvs and today she will have chicken breast ground meat and rice along with her vitamins.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you and your families...

I hope and pray that all of you have a Wonderful Xmas this year and good times with those you luv . . . . .

Talk to your family and see if they need a new baby pug in the New Year!


Hi Beach Bum Pugs Gang...

Rain is doing well, I think that she is prego, I can't tell yet by her looks, but she is very emo and loving.. She also is a tiny bit pudgy, but it is good pudge, I like them to be a bit overweight when they get pregnant and honeslty I like to feed them up as much as I can, due to soon babies will be draining all that she has in her, in utero and after they get out and are nursing... So all the good stuff I can put in her & good weight I can put on her, the better..

Today she and Chippy and Fern had a breakfast of left overs and I took a large can of sardines and put it in a bunch of rice, and made a mush for them and they ate till they could eat no more and then the cats had the rest.. lol

We are blessed that everything eats well around here.. lol The cats also had small pieces of some left over feta & the sea gulls and the cats and the other birds all came and ate when I let Muffassa out this morning.. he is our oldest cat and he sleeps in an old RV so coyotes can't get to him..

As I type this, Bobbi is tending to her yorkie babies, and the moms, and her animals,..... and we are all snug, blessed, warm and well fed in our little place here by the ocean..

All God's very the best blessings and safe holiday travels, to you and yours.....


The Pug Babies are finally ready to go to their new homes this next week and we are making calls to the folks on our wait list to let them know.

We are now up to number 73 on the wait list..... with still more than that left to go for us to call... lol

If you want a call tomorrow and you have filled out an application, then please comment on this thread....... and if you have not filled out an application then do it ASAP k..

Thanks, and sorry for the delay, in taking deposits the tiny gurl that was sick is now well and doing great, and the rest are doing fine too..

We will have 2 baby pug males and 2 baby pug females that we will be taking deposits on and we will have some pics up for you to see, prior to taking any deposits.

The tiny baby female we call Willow, will still have to wait a couple of weeks or a few till she is big enough to go to her new home and then she will be able to put a deposit on also at that time.


OMGosh what a fun time! Thank you everyone for coming and bringing all of those beautiful dogs with you! We love each and every one of them even if they are not one of our dogs! William would love to see more pugs next year!

You all are amazing! Amazing people and amazing doggie parents! We are so blessed to be doggie kin with you all.

Listen, we can disagree on dumb stuff on facebook, but when we get together it's all just about the dogs k. The dogs and the people and enjoying ourselves :)

Take care everyone. Thank you for the gifts and Congratulation to the Streifel family on their new baby girl Abby, and Congratulations to Jeannette on her new baby girl Sage.

For those that couldn't make it, thank you so much for all the pictures and videos! We missed you guys! Hopefully we will see you next year!

So.... same place and same time next year! lol first weekend in august. Looks like it will be August 4, 2019!!!

Thank you also to everyone that took pictures and are posting them for all of us to see...

~~~ I will keep you updated on plans for next year... we may have a special visit and a photo opportunity ;) ... more info to come at a later date ~~~


Hi everyone! Please make sure to let us know if you can come to the reunion k? So we know how many people to expect! :D


Rain has had 2 healthy and tiny pug puppies, one male and one female and they are both going to be fawn, of one shade or another..

Mommy and babies are all doing well and the other puppies are also eating well and growing well too!


Thank you ALL for your kind words, thoughts and prayers in this time.

We have been blessed that Mable's babies are all eating well now off of the bottle..

We tried a ton of things, ni***es never work right and the bottles are tricky.. but thank the Lord we got them worked out and they are all eating about 1 oz. per feeding..

So we are pleased with that..

Thank you each and every one for being so supportive!


We have some bad news :( We have lost Mable. The mommy of the new litter. She had a c section to deliver them and we didn't want her to have to go through another csection so we got her spayed and removed her from our breeding program. This morning, she was soaked in blood clots and a clear liquid. William called the vet and got the front desk. The vet was busy but would call us back. He waited and then he called again and they said the vet would call us back with a "plan". We waited another couple of hours and nothing. The vet closed at 1:30 today i think. Well, after waiting , we went to
and check on her again. She was acting strange and didn't want to eat her food earlier but other than that she just seemed a bit down. Well when we checked on her again, she was weak. We called the vet and told them we were coming in and they needed to get someone to meet us. By this time it was their answering service. We tried raintree, ocean shores vet and any other vet we could find that was closer but no one was open. Mable was still bleeding out. We got her in the car and drove an hour and a half to the vet who did the c section. She took her in and tried everything she could think of to help Mable but they don't have blood on hand and the donor dog was not available. So in the end, Mable died. We stayed and had them do a necropsy to find out what happened. We still have no idea. As close as we can come to what happened is that possibly her abdomen was filling up with blood and pooling causing the blood to separate as it sat there. That was the serum and clots that we saw. The vet checked her stitches and they all looked good. We could not figure out how she bled out or where it came from. I want to say though, that the vets we have seen at Brady Vet are remarkable. They are amazing and do everything they can to help our dog. This poor vet was crying as she was performing the necropsy. Anyway, we are trying to get Bobbi's dog Cache to get used to the pups and to nurse them if at all possible. She just nursed one of them and I bottle fed the others. We are taking care of the pups and appreciate everyone who has offered to help. Thank you Dr Melanie Knapton for doing all that you could do.

It's times like this that make you want to stop breeding. It's just too hard at times, and heart breaking.


The lady I posted in here about still has 2 fawn male pug puppies and one fat black male pug puppy, if anyone wants a male in fawn or black.. if you want her phone number let me know in PM k.. I have no info as to what they cost, etc... they are not my puppies k, I am posting this due to my wait list is large and we lost some puppies due to Mabel's C-section.. for you guys.. k
All the best in finding your pug baby !!


I just carried Mommy Mabel out in the yard to see if she needed to go to the bathroom, she just moaned.. she is very whiny right now due to the pain, but she is working really well with her babies and is really being amazing considering what she has gone through the last day or so...

She also ate a tiny bit, and she is also drinking well too..

Bobbi is weighing the pug babies right now.. too and she will post those weights also.

Thank you for your prayers and kind words and wishes... Mommy Mabel is really doing well considering, and she walked around a bit and she will probably be walking more and getting around more tomorrow and I can try to get you guys a pic...

Bobbi, is also going to post video of the babies for me..

Thanks Gang, your support is amazing.. and deeply appreciated too!


Puppy weights:
Brindle boy - 7.0oz
Fawn boy - 9.0oz
Large white blaze black girl - 8.2oz
Small white blaze black girl - 6.7oz

We have it on good authority to wait until about three weeks to see if the blacks turn brindle or not ... so keep that in mind :)

Pictures will be up soon :)
If you are interested in a puppy make sure you have filled out an application. Those that didn't return our calls from last time will not be called this time around unless you specifically ask us to call you. We assume those people that didn't return calls have either changed their mind, found a different place to get a puppy from, or just are not interested anymore. Please let us know if you wish to be removed from the list k.


Hi Gang, Mommy Mabel and her 4 babies are home and doing well.. she is resting but still nursing and the babies are all doing great.. Thank you all, for your kind thoughts, wishes & prayers..


We are at Brady Vet, Mabel is having a C-section. Mabel, is doing good, but she has a bit of a traffic jam. She is a really good Mommy, and she tried hard but this is nature. Prayers for her are highly appreciated, thanks.....


We have panting.........


Mabel is getting really huge with puppies.

I do knot now if she is going into labor soon, she is not due till the 9th, but they can come early.

I am going to try to get a pic of her outside in a few mins or in her bed..

Keep your fingers crossed she may be a few days away still be she is definitely nesting..


Just as a notice, there are now at least 2 other groups that have taken the name of "Beach Bum Pugs".

Both of the ones I know of, are on the east coast, one is in Florida and the other is in Maine, they have ZERO to do with us, they simply saw the name and took it.

Their web address are different also and they do not use the original name they add hyphens and such etc..

Also I have heard very bad things about the folks in Florida, so beware, but they are not us, only copy cats.

They both have different web addresses also, and we do not ship our pug babies..


OK everyone that's all for now. Both boys found homes in one day! For those that didn't get a call from us or get a puppy, you are still on our wait list! You will be hearing from us on the next litter!


Hi Beach Bum Pugs Gang,

We are going to have to be out of town most of the rest of the day, so we will be making call backs tomorrow to those that said they may be able to take one of these pug boys and still let me breed him back to one of my girls at a later date, but if we do not find suitable families, that can do a breeding contract, then we will be opening it up to all the rest of you that put in an application.

So, if you have an application in with us or want one of these boys then you may want to talk it over with your spouse etc.. and be ready to talk to us tomorrow k..

Please send us a message in PM as to if you are home late and that we have the right phone number for you etc..

All the best and I pray that God gives you each the right pug baby for your home!


Copalis Beach, WA

General information

We raise our pugs in our own home under foot so they are well taken care of and well socialized. They play with all of our other dogs that include our adult pugs plus our yorkshire terrier and our lhasa-apso to get them used to being with other animals. Each pug is given their first set of shots and deworming before they are given to their new forever homes. We have never had any problems with hips, eyes, nose or platella's here. No skin issues or any genetic mutations of any kind. William is the owner of the pugs and loves each and every one of them. Therefore, he is very picky on who he adopts them out to. Yes we do say "adopt" rather than sold as we believe in finding each baby pug a suitable, forever home with people that will love them as much as we do. Our pugs are AKC registered with great pedigrees. Each one has their own quirky little attitudes and behaviors that it's hard to adopt them out when the time comes.


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