Terms of Use:
This is your page, and we encourage your participation. However, all comments will be reviewed, and we will remove any that are deemed in our sole discretion to be inappropriate, offensive or combative. Please understand that comments, pictures or videos posted to this page do not represent the opinions of Texas Central High-Speed Railway.
All users must c
omply with the Facebook Terms of Use and the Texas Central High-Speed Railway Terms of Use. Facebook is an open forum for communication, and we welcome your submissions. We would like to keep this page safe for the enjoyment of all users and fans. Therefore, we ask that you do not post any material which is knowingly or recklessly false, defamatory, abusive, obscene, fraudulent, deceptive, inaccurate, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, in violation of any intellectual property right of another, or which otherwise breaches any law. You are responsible for the content you post. It is against Facebook’s terms of use to “repeatedly send the same message or make the same post because this could be considered spam or harassment.” Therefore, we reserve the right to remove spam from our page. It is impossible to review a post before it becomes publicly readable. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any user post. We actively monitor posts, but are not responsible for the content of user posts. A post expresses the views of its author and does not represent the views of Texas Central High-Speed Railway. We have the right to remove objectionable posts and we will make every effort to do so within a reasonable time frame. We reserve the right to remove any post without providing a reason. Anyone repeatedly posting material that falls into the above categories will be banned from future participation on this page.