Ghana is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world, contributing massively to the global chocolate industry, which is worth billions. Yet, the question remains: is Ghana reaping its fair share of this wealth, or is the lion's share going to other countries and corporations? 🤔Multinational companies dominate the chocolate market, importing cocoa from Ghana and other nations at low prices, only to process and sell the final products at significant profit margins. Meanwhile, many Ghanaian farmers face challenges such as low wages, limited access to resources, and fluctuating market prices. Some argue this is modern economic exploitation, while others see it as the natural flow of global trade.Should Ghana invest more in processing its cocoa locally to capture a greater share of the value chain? Or does the current system, flawed as it may be, provide opportunities that benefit the country?What do you think? Are these dynamics fair, or is it time for change? Let’s hear your thoughts below. 👇[Keep the conversation respectful—this is about understanding different perspectives!]