Sacred Voyages

Sacred Voyages Universal Shamanism. The land is our teacher. Company Overview
We are a Spiritual Retreat based on shamanic principles.

Sacred Voyages offers shamanic spiritual retreats, custom & individualized journeys, and mystical coaching phone sessions in Hawaii, Mount Shasta, California and other vortex locations around the world. Mission:
Empowering people to powerfully find their TRUTH and live in LOVE, no matter the circumstance or situation. People can hear their inner guidance & intuition so clearly that they no longer

need to rely on others for to make decisions, including, but not limited to: Gurus, teachers, mentors, parents, spouses, etc... Then they are free to unconditionally love those special people in their lives, empowering each other and themselves. We create an Experiential retreat that takes place mostly in nature and power places. It is a Spiritual Adventure into Yourself, exploring your greatest possibility & potential. Challenge Yourself & Transform Obstacles right out of your life! What you can expect from our Journeys:

• Manifest any Intention into Reality
• Learn about Ancient times & the possibility of Lemuria
• Journey to Powerful Spiritual Sites in Ceremony
• Learn once Secret Mysteries and Wisdom
• In Depth Teachings on Mastering Inner Guidance
• Epiphanies & Downloads
• Universal Shamanic Teachings
• Deepen Your Connection to Your High Self
• Personal Empowerment & Healing
• Learn to Discern & Trust Your Own Intuition
Our retreats take place in various parts of the world including Hawaii and Mount Shasta. Let's explore... Join us on a Spiritual Adventure into Yourself, while exploring your own greatest possibility & potential♥



Imagine a retreat where you are diving deep into mystical worlds and traveling to Sacred Sites – on earth & within – in ceremony and ritual. Embark on a Shamanic Sacred Voyage, deep into multi-dimensionality, to catalyze & accelerate the actualization of any intentions that you bring on the journey.

Bring your biggest challenges, ones that have haunted you your entire life. Whether you are seeking something in the material world – more wealth, better relationships, soul mates, or improved health – or you are seeking illumination in the spiritual realm – such as a profound awakening out of illusion and separation, liberation and freedom from conditioning and the dream, lasting inner peace, oneness, unconditional love or ascension – this retreat is likely to deliver it, and more!

No matter if you are a novice seeker of the mystical realms or a seasoned spiritual adventurer beyond the veil of separation, a Sacred Voyages Retreat is your opportunity to step through the dimensional gateway into the magick of Sacred Sites and the majesty of your Authentic Self.

*Note: While some shamanic practices include the use of “plant medicine”, our retreats intend to give participants the experience of extraordinary states of consciousness without substances. We don’t want to put you in a trance or altered state, we want to wake you up out of the one you are already in!

Are you ready for the “magic carpet ride”?
On this retreat, we will venture out to some of the most high-frequency transformational geographical vortexes in the world. Whatever your clear intention, they have the power to instantly change your life forever.

Magick also creates a shamanic container of unconditional love, in which you will cultivate deep and lasting bonds with other participants, a more intimate connection to your Inner Guidance, mind-blowing psychic abilities, and a deep love and trust in yourself. You will learn how to love parts of yourself you have denied, repressed, disowned, disliked or even hated. This self-love heals anything, awakens everything, and has the power to manifest your dreams into reality.

The Infinite Possibilities on a Sacred Voyage:
Whatever intention you bring to this Retreat, life-changing results, and even miracles, often occur.

Awaken & Remember.
Full Authentic Self Expression
Know your Life
Harmonize Relationships
Attract your Soul Mate
Create Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity
Experience Oneness / Divinity
Experience True Unconditional Love & Self Love.
Be Who You Came Here to Be
Activate Instant Manifestation
Master Intuition
Ascension to a New Reality
Actualize Health, Healing and Wellness

Extra bonus this summer, my Beloved, Maggie Engel, is going to be facilitating the retreat as well. She brings so many incredible gifts and talents. Such an incredible and exciting addition to this retreat! 

“Before my retreat with Magick, most days were despondent & dissatisfied. Since the retreat, every single day has been the BEST day of my life! Everything in my life is amazing & I am at peace & in love with all that is in every moment. For the first time in my life I am truly happy!”
Retreat Participant
Michelle S.

Follow the mystery, deep into the heart of the unknown where miracle transformations abound. Join us here! Learn more about this retreat at:
email at
[email protected]
Or just us a call 877-SACRED-8

Going live on Zoom now with free teaching & meditation on the Oneness Method!ZOOM INFOGreg "Magick" Bernstein is invitin...

Going live on Zoom now with free teaching & meditation on the Oneness Method!

Greg "Magick" Bernstein is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Greg "Magick" Bernstein's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 23, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 680 237 3297

TONIGHT!!!!JOIN ME FOR MY FREE MONTHLY ONENESS MEDITATION NIGHTI am so excited about our next free meditation, this Thur...



I am so excited about our next free meditation, this Thursday May 23, at 6pm PST. Last month’s meditation was potent and took all of us deep into the void!

The format is 20 minutes of teaching/transmission about meditation, then we meditate for 20 minutes, then optional sharing about our experience for 20 minutes (20-20-20). All are welcome! We will begin promptly at 6pm PST and I will do my best to end promptly at 7pm PST.

I am planning to use the Oneness Method as the beginning basis for meditation and teaching, but will also be following guidance as to what to teach each time we meet. I taught for years in an esoteric meditation school and have practiced and developed many styles and kinds of meditation over the past 30 years of practice. At our last meditation night we focused on meditating on nothing, the silence of our being. It was profound.
I look forward to our next meeting and being with you all.

Please let me know if you're considering attending by commenting below and feel free to send out this invite to anyone else who might be interested. Its free and beginners or masters are welcome.

Zoom link below. Sending you all lots of love!

Much love,
Greg Magick Bernstein

“I have been devoted to a path of self realization for over 30 years. I recently had an hour-long session with Magick where I experienced a shift so powerful that it felt like I had just attended a week-long meditation retreat. Magick's ability to hold space …is masterful.”

Greg "Magick" Bernstein is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Greg "Magick" Bernstein's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 23, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 680 237 3297


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• +1 386 347 5053 US

Meeting ID: 680 237 3297

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JOIN ME FOR MY FREE MONTHLY ONENESS MEDITATION NIGHT I am so excited about our next free meditation, this Thursday May 2...


I am so excited about our next free meditation, this Thursday May 23, at 6pm PST. Last month’s meditation was potent and took all of us deep into the void!

The format is 20 minutes of teaching/transmission about meditation, then we meditate for 20 minutes, then optional sharing about our experience for 20 minutes (20-20-20). All are welcome! We will begin promptly at 6pm PST and I will do my best to end promptly at 7pm PST.

I am planning to use the Oneness Method as the beginning basis for meditation and teaching, but will also be following guidance as to what to teach each time we meet. I taught for years in an esoteric meditation school and have practiced and developed many styles and kinds of meditation over the past 30 years of practice. At our last meditation night we focused on meditating on nothing, the silence of our being. It was profound.

I look forward to our next meeting and being with you all. Please let me know if you're considering attending by commenting below and feel free to send out this invite to anyone else who might be interested. Its free and beginners or masters are welcome. Zoom link below. Sending you all lots of love!

Much love,

“I have been devoted to a path of self realization for over 30 years. I recently had an hour-long session with Magick where I experienced a shift so powerful that it felt like I had just attended a week-long meditation retreat. Magick's ability to hold space …is masterful.”

Greg "Magick" Bernstein is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Greg "Magick" Bernstein's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 23, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 2673 3923
Passcode: 004172


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+17193594580,,88326733923 #,,,,*004172 # US


Dial by your location
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 883 2673 3923
Passcode: 004172

Find your local number:

While in Portland recently, Maggie’s 10 year old daughter, Nora, wanted to go to the zoo.    In general, I don’t like zo...

While in Portland recently, Maggie’s 10 year old daughter, Nora, wanted to go to the zoo. In general, I don’t like zoo’s as it’s sad to see these animals imprisoned and not free. But her daughter really wanted to go so we did and I so glad as we had many powerful shamanic experiences. In fact, it was one transformational shamanic experience after another. Part of the magic of the day was that the zoo was virtually empty of people as it was a rainy day. The other part was that so many animals we saw behaved in very unusual ways and both Maggie and I received big transmissions.

When we came to the mountain lion area, there was a lion right up again the glass (even though this mountain lion had a vast area to be in, it was right up against the window resting). When we arrived, it turned around and looked me straight in the eye for about 10 seconds, about 3 inches from my face. Then it paused, looked elsewhere, and then stared at me right in my eyes again for a few seconds! Its eyes were mystical pools of blueish green light.. Then it tried to rub its head on my head through the window. It felt like an incredibly powerful transmission of medicine. It then did the same with Maggie, both staring in her eyes and attempting to rub it’s head against her. I actually received a very specific message as I stared into the lions eyes and acted on it the next day. Lions and cougar have been in my field for weeks now and I had wondered if they had a message for me. Maggie and I saw a mountain lion swimming across the river where we were meditating in a remote area just a few days before. We had walked right by the loin to get to our mediation spot. I got the message!

Then we had an incredible shamanic transmission from some condors. Most of them were in a big open area sitting on the top of trees while one of them was eating a deer, not far from us. Then one of the ones sitting up in the trees, opened its wingspan and kept its wings open for the next 30 minutes, turning in a circle as if it was facing different directions. Then another condor did the same and then most of them followed suit. Most of them had their wings spread out, and it felt like they were transmitting some powerful medicine to us. It felt like several shamans doing a ritual. I wondered if they were trying to dry their wings but it was raining all day so they weren’t trying to dry themselves, which is typically what happens when they spread their wings like that. It was so powerful!

We also had an amazing bear encounter. They were, in a wide open huge enclosure filled with very tall trees and we watched two baby bears climbing a tree 60 feet away from us. They were about a quarter of the way up this tree playing with each other and then we watched them climb to the top of the tree stopping at various points and playing. We sat and watched these baby bears for about 30 minutes. It was an incredible! I have seen a bear climbing a tree once in the wild and this was similar but it was two babies! I was happy to see them able to climb trees and enjoy themselves. There was a transmission of strength play that felt great and powerful.

We also had a close encounter with some otters followed by a most epic experience of watching two elephants have s*x. They were so sweet to each other and then we literally saw the male elephants giant p***s come out and watched as he inserted into the female. It was truly something special and felt like we were watching on the Discovery Channel. After they finished what really felt like making love, they snuggled a bit. The whole thing was only about 10 minutes and it felt like another incredible synchronicity for us to be there at that time.

The whole day felt like we were getting powerful medicine from each of these animals that we encountered. It was unlike any other day I have ever experienced at the zoo or even in the wild. Wow, what a day! And I bless these animals as they live in captivity and wish them the best life possible.

I AM GOING LIVE TONIGHT!The topic of TONIGHT'S “Magick Talks” isHow Stories & Beliefs Create Reality & How to Change The...


The topic of TONIGHT'S “Magick Talks” is
How Stories & Beliefs Create Reality & How to Change Them

Join us for this talk about our deep unconscious beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves that shape the quality of our lives.

From the time we are born we are exposed and imprinted by the beliefs, thoughts, judgements and ideas of those around us.
During childhood, our brains are operating at a very slow brainwave frequency which is ideal for learning. This brain wave frequency causes our psyche to absorb what we experience, without filters or much discernment, in a way that molds and shapes us permanently (until we change it). Unfortunately, a lot of what we take on as the truth of the world and human relationships is a transference of the wounds, trauma and incorrect ideas of those we are most close to (parents, teachers, family, friends etc...). Ideas, attitudes, ways of thinking, feeling and being that were downloaded into us from others feel correct, true and healthy to us; they feel like they are our true self. Yet they are just embedded distortions in our psyche.

In this talk, I will illuminate and illustrate many common of beliefs and stories that most people are running, and may or may not know about, as well as how to heal and change them so you can have more of what you want and be more of your true authentic, unadulterated naturalness. Join this talk and learn more about the stories and beliefs running in our psyche, how they limit your ability to be your true self and have what you want, and how to heal and resolve them permanently!

Join us here on Facebook Live at 6pm PDT (9pm EDT)

Join the audio version of the call by registering at

The topic of this month's “Magick Talks” isHow Stories & Beliefs Create Reality & How to Change ThemJoin us for this tal...

The topic of this month's “Magick Talks” is

How Stories & Beliefs Create Reality & How to Change Them

Join us for this talk about our deep unconscious beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves that shape the quality of our lives. From the time we are born we are exposed and imprinted by the beliefs, thoughts, judgements and ideas of those around us.

During childhood, our brains are operating at a very slow brainwave frequency which is ideal for learning. This brain wave frequency causes our psyche to absorb what we experience, without filters or much discernment, in a way that molds and shapes us permanently (until we change it). Unfortunately, a lot of what we take on as the truth of the world and human relationships is a transference of the wounds, trauma and incorrect ideas of those we are most close to (parents, teachers, family, friends etc...). Ideas, attitudes, ways of thinking, feeling and being that were downloaded into us from others feel correct, true and healthy to us; they feel like they are our true self. Yet they are just embedded distortions in our psyche.

In this talk, I will illuminate and illustrate many common of beliefs and stories that most people are running, and may or may not know about, as well as how to heal and change them so you can have more of what you want and be more of your true authentic, unadulterated naturalness. Join this talk and learn more about the stories and beliefs running in our psyche, how they limit your ability to be your true self and have what you want, and how to heal and resolve them permanently!

Join us here on Facebook Live at 6pm PDT (9pm EDT) or join the audio version of the call by registering at

Imagine a retreat where you are diving deep into mystical worlds and traveling to Sacred Sites – on earth & within – in ...

Imagine a retreat where you are diving deep into mystical worlds and traveling to Sacred Sites – on earth & within – in ceremony and ritual. Embark on a Shamanic Sacred Voyage, deep into multi-dimensionality, to catalyze & accelerate the actualization of any intentions that you bring on the journey.

Bring your biggest challenges, ones that have haunted you your entire life. Whether you are seeking something in the material world – more wealth, better relationships, soul mates, or improved health – or you are seeking illumination in the spiritual realm – such as a profound awakening out of illusion and separation, liberation and freedom from conditioning and the dream, lasting inner peace, oneness, unconditional love or ascension – this retreat is likely to deliver it, and more!

No matter if you are a novice seeker of the mystical realms or a seasoned spiritual adventurer beyond the veil of separation, a Sacred Voyages Retreat is your opportunity to step through the dimensional gateway into the magick of Sacred Sites and the majesty of your Authentic Self.

*Note: While some shamanic practices include the use of “plant medicine”, our retreats intend to give participants the experience of extraordinary states of consciousness without substances. We don’t want to put you in a trance or altered state, we want to wake you up out of the one you are already in!

Are you ready for the “magic carpet ride”?

On this retreat, we will venture out to some of the most high-frequency transformational geographical vortexes in the world. Whatever your clear intention, they have the power to instantly change your life forever.

Magick also creates a shamanic container of unconditional love, in which you will cultivate deep and lasting bonds with other participants, a more intimate connection to your Inner Guidance, mind-blowing psychic abilities, and a deep love and trust in yourself. You will learn how to love parts of yourself you have denied, repressed, disowned, disliked or even hated. This self-love heals anything, awakens everything, and has the power to manifest your dreams into reality.

The Infinite Possibilities on a Sacred Voyage:
Whatever intention you bring to this Retreat, life-changing results, and even miracles, often occur.

Awaken & Remember.

Full Authentic Self Expression

Know your Life

Harmonize Relationships

Attract your Soul Mate

Create Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity

Experience Oneness / Divinity

Experience True Unconditional Love & Self Love.

Be Who You Came Here to Be

Activate Instant Manifestation

Master Intuition

Ascension to a New Reality

Actualize Health, Healing and Wellness

Extra bonus this summer, my Beloved, Maggie Engel, is going to be facilitating the retreat as well. She brings so many incredible gifts and talents. Such an incredible and exciting addition to this retreat! 

“Before my retreat with Magick, most days were despondent & dissatisfied. Since the retreat, every single day has been the BEST day of my life! Everything in my life is amazing & I am at peace & in love with all that is in every moment. For the first time in my life I am truly happy!”

Retreat Participant
Michelle S.

Follow the mystery, deep into the heart of the unknown where miracle transformations abound. Join us here! Learn more about this retreat at:
email at

[email protected]

Or just us a call 877-SACRED-8


This month’s topic:


In this Magick Talks, Magick will share about the mystical powers of the sacred sites of Mount Shasta. Mount Shasta, located in northern California near the Oregon border, is one of the most powerful multi-dimensional places on earth. The most potent vortexes on and near this ancient volcano catalyze, amplify and accelerate all awakening, manifestation and transformation. There are many sacred sites around the world, and Shasta is different. In this talk Magick will share about the unique frequencies of particular vortexes on and around the mountain, how they work, how to access them, and what happens when visiting these sites. For example, some sacred sites at Mount Shasta resonate the frequency of manifestation, others awakening, while some are about death (egoic death or other endings, loss), and some are about clarity. Mount Shasta is also one of the few remaining places that are part of Lemuria, an ancient utopian civilization of unconditional love. While visiting this mountain, the mystical can come in the form of a visit from an ascended master or ancient being, a light body activation, a healing from a rock or tree, timelessness, downloads, epiphanies, cathartic release and more. But what most special about Shasta, is that it both quickens our ability to instantly manifest anything as well as awakening fully out of 3D material reality and into our true nature, our undifferentiated, undivided infinite selves. And if you don’t know about or care about Mount Shasta, know that much of this transmission and wisdom relates to and can be applied to any sacred site in the world. Join this talk and experience Magick’s shamanic transmission of the power of Mount Shasta to transform your life in a way that you will never be the same again.

Join us live here on FB and/or Register for Magick Talks: Audio here:

“In the middle of listening, I involuntarily sort of screamed. Then I cried not knowing why. Then I had an ah-ha moment of seeing how I’ve been limiting … 'I can’t do this, can’t do that.' All that blew away. I have felt like I was brought back to myself since then. I feel Magick has a real gift of helping us get back to who we really are.”

L Frank
Magick Talks Listener


This month’s topic:


In this Magick Talks, Magick will share about the mystical powers of the sacred sites of Mount Shasta. Mount Shasta, located in northern California near the Oregon border, is one of the most powerful multi-dimensional places on earth. The most potent vortexes on and near this ancient volcano catalyze, amplify and accelerate all awakening, manifestation and transformation. There are many sacred sites around the world, and Shasta is different. In this talk Magick will share about the unique frequencies of particular vortexes on and around the mountain, how they work, how to access them, and what happens when visiting these sites. For example, some sacred sites at Mount Shasta resonate the frequency of manifestation, others awakening, while some are about death (egoic death or other endings, loss), and some are about clarity. Mount Shasta is also one of the few remaining places that are part of Lemuria, an ancient utopian civilization of unconditional love. While visiting this mountain, the mystical can come in the form of a visit from an ascended master or ancient being, a light body activation, a healing from a rock or tree, timelessness, downloads, epiphanies, cathartic release and more. But what most special about Shasta, is that it both quickens our ability to instantly manifest anything as well as awakening fully out of 3D material reality and into our true nature, our undifferentiated, undivided infinite selves. And if you don’t know about or care about Mount Shasta, know that much of this transmission and wisdom relates to and can be applied to any sacred site in the world. Join this talk and experience Magick’s shamanic transmission of the power of Mount Shasta to transform your life in a way that you will never be the same again.

Join us live here on FB and/or Register for Magick Talks: Audio here:

“In the middle of listening, I involuntarily sort of screamed. Then I cried not knowing why. Then I had an ah-ha moment of seeing how I’ve been limiting … 'I can’t do this, can’t do that.' All that blew away. I have felt like I was brought back to myself since then. I feel Magick has a real gift of helping us get back to who we really are.”

L Frank
Magick Talks Listener

The energy of Hawaii, and Mount Shasta California, have a lot in common. They are both powerful vortexes that accelerate...

The energy of Hawaii, and Mount Shasta California, have a lot in common. They are both powerful vortexes that accelerate, amplify and catalyze awakening, transformation and manifestation. They are also both part of ancient Lemuria. Having been to hundreds of sacred sites in at least 31 countries, there are many things that are unique about the sites in Hawaii and Mount Shasta (I will share more in a subsequent post). One of the most unusual is the potent concentration of a very specific type of energy signature that is present in many of the sites. There are vortexes that specifically resonate with the super charged frequency of manifestation, others with miraculous healing powers, some hold the energy of death (releasing ego, fears, doubts, beliefs, and there are so many others. Check out this video about Hawaii. Just about everything talked about is also true for Mount Shasta.

I have been facilitating a deep shamanic immersion retreat in Mount Shasta for over 15 years (25 years in Hawaii) on which I regularly see literal miracles in these specific, and often hidden, sacred sites. There are still spots open for the Shasta retreat this summer, consider joining us:

This videos shows what happens on Sacred Voyages spiritual awakening retreats in Hawaii. During our shamanic retreats, we venture out to the most powerful ...

Imagine a retreat where you are diving deep into mystical worlds and traveling to Sacred Sites – on earth & within – in ...

Imagine a retreat where you are diving deep into mystical worlds and traveling to Sacred Sites – on earth & within – in ceremony and ritual. Embark on a Shamanic Sacred Voyage, deep into multi-dimensionality, to catalyze & accelerate the actualization of any intentions that you bring on the journey.

Bring your biggest challenges, ones that have haunted you your entire life. Whether you are seeking something in the material world – more wealth, better relationships, soul mates, or improved health – or you are seeking illumination in the spiritual realm – such as a profound awakening out of illusion and separation, liberation and freedom from conditioning and the dream, lasting inner peace, oneness, unconditional love or ascension – this retreat is likely to deliver it, and more!

No matter if you are a novice seeker of the mystical realms or a seasoned spiritual adventurer beyond the veil of separation, a Sacred Voyages Retreat is your opportunity to step through the dimensional gateway into the magick of Sacred Sites and the majesty of your Authentic Self.

*Note: While some shamanic practices include the use of “plant medicine”, our retreats intend to give participants the experience of extraordinary states of consciousness without substances. We don’t want to put you in a trance or altered state, we want to wake you up out of the one you are already in!

Are you ready for the “magic carpet ride”?

On this retreat, we will venture out to some of the most high-frequency transformational geographical vortexes in the world. Whatever your clear intention, they have the power to instantly change your life forever.

Magick also creates a shamanic container of unconditional love, in which you will cultivate deep and lasting bonds with other participants, a more intimate connection to your Inner Guidance, mind-blowing psychic abilities, and a deep love and trust in yourself. You will learn how to love parts of yourself you have denied, repressed, disowned, disliked or even hated. This self-love heals anything, awakens everything, and has the power to manifest your dreams into reality.

The Infinite Possibilities on a Sacred Voyage:
Whatever intention you bring to this Retreat, life-changing results, and even miracles, often occur.

Awaken & Remember

Full Authentic Self Expression

Know your Life Purpose

Harmonize Relationships

Attract your Soul Mate

Create Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity

Experience Oneness / Divinity

Experience True Unconditional Love & Self Love

Be Who You Came Here to Be

Activate Instant Manifestation

Master Intuition

Ascension to a New Reality

Actualize Health, Healing and Wellness

“Before my retreat with Magick, most days were despondent & dissatisfied. Since the retreat, every single day has been the BEST day of my life! Everything in my life is amazing & I am at peace & in love with all that is in every moment. For the first time in my life I am truly happy!”

Retreat Participant
Michelle S.

Follow the mystery, deep into the heart of the unknown where miracle transformations abound. Join us here! Learn more about this retreat at: or email at [email protected]

JOIN FB ME LIVE TONIGHTThis month’s topic:“Mystical Shamanism - the integration of our super humanness and our inherent ...


This month’s topic:
“Mystical Shamanism - the integration of our super humanness and our inherent divinity”

Join us for this final talk in the 3-part series on Mystical Shamanism. Mystical Shamanism is the “unified paradox" - the oneness - of these two seemingly opposites. It is the full awakening into the truth that we are simultaneously 3-dimensional human beings and multi-dimensional spiritual beings.

In the first talk on Shamanism, we dispelled the common misunderstandings of the word and explored that "Shamanism" is about living our best life with all of our innate human abilities & extra-sensory powers flamed-on: psychic senses, telepathy, receiving messages from guides/angels, talking to animals, past life awareness, astral projection, time travel, shape-shifting, lucid dreaming, telekinesis and more. So you can manifest anything, experience instant healing, make decisions from your Higher Self and actualize what you came here to do and be.

However, in the second talk in this series I illuminated how in Mysticism these shamanic powers are irrelevant! In the Mystical, we realize that everything in this material world is temporary, illusory and doesn't matter. We are eternal beings that are never born, never die, are infinite and completely unaffected by this earthly experience. Embodying the Mystical creates true freedom from the yearnings of our conditioned mind/self and creates a sense of deep peace within, no matter what is happening outside of us.

Both of these talks are available for listening anytime in the “Magick Talks Library” on the website at or by scrolling back in the FB feed.

In this upcoming talk, I will share wisdom and stories of the "placeless place" where the Mystical & Shamanic merge so one can live the paradox of "everything matters" and "nothing matters." This experience of being infinite and finite at the same time yields living a life that is filled with lasting peace, manifestation of our deepest desires and true awakening.
Join us live here on FB and/or Register for Magick Talks: Audio here:

“In the middle of listening, I involuntarily sort of screamed. Then I cried not knowing why. Then I had an ah-ha moment of seeing how I’ve been limiting … 'I can’t do this, can’t do that.' All that blew away. I have felt like I was brought back to myself since then. I feel Magick has a real gift of helping us get back to who we really are.”
L Frank
Magick Talks Listener


Dallas, TX


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