How did I trust God again.
Urrggghhh!!!! Have you ever trusted someone so much who then disappointed you in the worst way possible that forgiveness was completely out of the question? That’s what God did to me! I truly thought of Him as my friend. That’s what I was taught and that’s what I believed. Throughout my life, I felt close to God - like a close friend. He would never let something so terrible happen to me - or my daughter. And then I felt like none of that mattered to Him when my daughter died. You see - I thought of it as if He had taken her away from me or He let her die - even made her die. Since you’re reading this, I’m guessing you might have felt something similar. More than once I have been asked, “How did you find your way back to God?” or “How do I trust God again?” Here is how that happened.
Losing your faith can stagnate your grief journey. The hurt and confusion can pull you in so many directions, you don’t know where to turn. Until you decide what you want, you can’t move forward. Part of your faith is trusting that God knows how you feel. Perhaps the reverence you’ve had for your God is holding you back from being real about your feelings and what’s just happened. For me, I became so angry, I let my anger flow! Why not! I wasn’t worried anymore if God was mad at me for yelling at him. I was angry as hell at Him!
When something bad happens, the need to blame somebody is human. I was a little mad at the doctors - but it’s not my nature to yell at people who tried to help. I could yell at my husband, but that wouldn’t do any good. I yelled in my pillow and that helped a little, but I needed to focus - shoot my anger at one point so it would explode. I chose God. For years I shook my fist in the air to the heavens, yelled and screamed at Him. Demanded things from Him, because I felt He owed me something.
And don’t we tend to blame God when things don’t go our way in life? He’s not listening to our prayers! Why didn’t God fix this? He’s letting bad things happen to good people - again! But the truth is - God is always good, even if my circumstances don’t turn out how I hoped they would or expected they would. I remembered who God is. As my brother once told me, “God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He never changes. We are the ones who change.” That resonated with me. Press into who He is, not just what He can do for me. My sadness didn’t disappear, but I felt at peace. “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3. Even after McKaila died, I still saw love around me. This was huge! Life kept going. And after all my years of anger and threats, I realized that all I was doing was hanging on to my anger and wasting time. God didn’t show me His anger with me. He showed me His patience. That’s when I saw for myself that He really doesn’t change. It is me.
“The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me. Psalm 138: 8
There are no time tables with grief. God knows this. He is patient with us. If you see this in your life, patience can lead you to trust Him again. Be patient with yourself as you move through the clouds of grief. When you see hints of love and light in your life, you can also see that even though something really bad happened to you and your loved one, love can’t be broken. Not between you and your loved one. Not between you and God.