Designed to help all individuals in need of healing at every level, particularly for whom healing has not occurred because of resistant spiritual blockages, hidden agreements, discordant connections, interfering intelligences and residual energies from the past (including previous incarnations). According to many healers, the Universal Healer is the most advanced healing system on the planet. Full
y anointed and attuned Universal Healers witness the rapid removal of spiritual blockages, entities, ET implants, phobias, residue from past relationships and past lives. Depending upon your willingness to release, your aura will be cleared and freed of any and all intrusions; youe awareness will be completely aligned with its Soul purpose and Divine will. You will experience a complete spiritual uplift. The Universal Healer system revisits the entire heaiing process by identifying and removing spiritual blockages at every level: physical, astral, causal, mental and etheric. This is done by identifying and removing at each level: any and all inhibiting beliefs; any and all cords not of light and love; any alien or entity influence; any and all dark energy and all negativity accumulated from past lives. Each is replaced with pure archangelic source energy. Once the Universal Healer system is complete, the recipient is energetically qualified to c to apply for God-Source Ascension and anointing.