Pine Hollow Lodge

Pine Hollow Lodge Perry County, PA


Going to start offering giveaways and such on our business page. Give it a click and like if you want to stay up to speed. Thanks!

Elevated hospitality and providing exceptional spaces for you to create memories.

Some fun things for the kids! Delivered today and will be included with the property.

Some fun things for the kids! Delivered today and will be included with the property.

Getting it ready for the weekend!

Getting it ready for the weekend!

The beautiful calm after the storm! 

The beautiful calm after the storm! 

This wkn is available at a very good price! It’s a beautiful time of year with the waterfall and pond looking as good as...

This wkn is available at a very good price! It’s a beautiful time of year with the waterfall and pond looking as good as ever. So peaceful.

Would love to host you! If you have a smaller group feel free to message about a discounted rate.

Entire cabin in Duncannon, United States. Luxury and sophistication! Pine hollow lodge is exactly what you need to rewind and reinvigorate from the daily grind! In the heart of PA the stunn...

We have some openings in March! If you book a stay in March 2023 we’ll refund 10% of your rate.

We have some openings in March! If you book a stay in March 2023 we’ll refund 10% of your rate.

Entire cabin in Duncannon, United States. Luxury and sophistication! Pine hollow lodge is exactly what you need to rewind and reinvigorate from the daily grind! In the heart of PA the stunn...


Trying something new for our guests. Hope its helpful!
More videos in the future

Some fall photos

Some fall photos


Gorgeous time of year!

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting weddings here at Pine Hollow Lodge! Credits Rebecca Renner Photograph...

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting weddings here at Pine Hollow Lodge!

Credits Rebecca Renner Photography
Congrats to Phoenix and Brent!

Take advantage of the last minute discounted pricing! It’s unusual to have a weekend open this short notice. It’s a bea...

Take advantage of the last minute discounted pricing! It’s unusual to have a weekend open this short notice. It’s a beautiful time of year to experience Perry County!

Book here

Entire cabin in Duncannon, United States. Pine Hollow Lodge, a peaceful place where friends and families can gather to connect and to enjoy one another while relaxing and rewinding. You can...


Big helper helping me change the hot tub water today 🛀

The conference room is ready and available to rent with your next booking at our lodge!

The conference room is ready and available to rent with your next booking at our lodge!


Here’s a cool video from a recent guest.
Thanks Creative Crafty Mom!

Last minute opening for this weekend.Mother’s Day wkn, take her out for a night!🌹

Last minute opening for this weekend.
Mother’s Day wkn, take her out for a night!🌹

Entire home/apt in Duncannon, United States. Pine Hollow Lodge is a peaceful place where friends and families can gather to connect and to enjoy one another while relaxing and rewinding. You c...


104 Dark Hollow Road
Duncannon, PA


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