#makevember made an #arduino , via a pot turn a stepper motor that then turns another stepper motor to generate electricity to light a couple LEDs #ihaveaplan #rubgoldberg #imagineform
Was time for a blinky project. 16x16 ultra durable LED panel. #led #arduino #2812 #makevember #fastled #imagineform #custompcb #onedayproject
3 stage planetary gear set for a 125:1 ratio!!! It's all laser cut from 1/4 MDF and there are no bearings, just 1/4" nuts and bolts. #makevember #glowforge #lasercutting #planetarygears #imagineform
Planetary Gears! #makevember #glowforge #imagineform #olookarabbithole
#makevember project, personal intro to #clockworks #lasercutting #glowforge #imagineform
#makevember project 2. This was a quick one to test an idea. It's just an led soldered directly onto a #piezoelectric disc, then a gear to vibrate it. Gear cut on the #glowforge #needswork #prototype
It's alive! #TapGlo is coming to NYC #worldmakerfairenewyork this weekend. Come see it live!!! #interactivepingpong #pingpong #tabletennis #glowy #leds #fadecandy #oshpark #glowforge @wearespin @susansarandon @acebounce
Gotta love tap drill combos! One day closer to #worldmakerfairenewyork #tapglo #aluminum #mfny17 #machiningaluminum #imagineform #handtapping
My arduino clone has no mounting holes! That's OK I have a #glowforge !!! #customparts #TapGlo #imagineform
New LED screen for #foresthouseartcar #burningman
TapGlo TapGlo check it out! Interactive ping pong table www.tapglo.com coming soon!!!! #nationaltabletennisday #pingpong #wearespin #acebounce #tabletennis #tapglo #burningman2017 #burningman #imagineform #lightitup #glowy