Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Holiday Season.
Richard and Judy
“All I want for Christmas is paper bags and plastic springs”
Attack of the Yellow billed Kite
Yellow Billed Kite attack
Just when you think you have seen it all… We are fishing on the Zambezi river when suddenly, Judy is yelling, “look alive, look alive” her hands in the air, a hawk is hovering a couple feet above us. Our fishing Captain, Johnathan runs to the front of the boat. The kite appears to attack him. We never saw him put a piece of bait on his head until we looked back at the video. Just another amazing day. Royal Zambezi Lodge
Kruger Kudu
Elegant male Kudu
Kudu are probably my favorite antelope. 5’ tall at the shoulder, over 600 pounds, and can run nearly 60mph. Rare to get this close without them running away.
Lions in the dark Just imagine, you are walking down the road and meet up with a lion pride who’s ready to hunt 😺. #liwonde #Malawi #lions #safari #edgewatertraveladventures
Stargazing with the Lions
Stargazing with the Lions.
(Make sure your volume is turned on)
We all, sometime in life, have looked into the night sky and were awed by the sheer immensity of the stars above. Those of us that grew up in the era of Star Trek, ET, Close Encounters, and
Star Wars, contemplating, “what is really out there”???
Laying out in your backyard gives one
perspective, imagine that you are 10 feet off the ground, in a luxurious bed, no light pollution, only a thin wisp of mosquito netting above you…No lights, no street noise, only sounds you hear are crickets chirping and whispers of the African bush.
Judy and I were staying at Mkulumadzi lodge in the Majete Game reserve of Malawi. Anneri, the camp manager, suggested we spend a night in the camp’s “star bed”. Of course, why not?
After dinner we grabbed a few things, and were driven about a mile out of camp. Armed with a torch, and nicely stocked cooler box, we made ourselves at “home”. Sitting out under the
stars with almost no moonlight, the Milkyway was clearly visible. We talked about the charmed life we have made, and curled together under the covers. Scorpio, is hovering above us. We drift
off to sleep, with hyena calling in the distance.
3am, I wake to Judy whispering in my ear, “do you hear the lions”? Yes, they sound as though are a little south Mkulumadzi camp, further down the Shire river. 15 minutes go by, they call
again, definitely male lions on patrol. For the next hour, we hear their calls, closer, and closer, to us, announcing “THIS LAND IS MINE, MINE, MINE”. I look up, Orion, “the hunter” is directly
The lions roar again, they are close!!!! 50-75 feet maybe??? I want to shine the torch, Judy whispers, “No!”. Closer still, we can hear the pads of their feet on sand, yards from our deck. An impala starts alarm calling! We can hear the lions breathing as they walk past. It sounds as if they have stopped moving, they are close when they roar again. The sound of t
Last day of safari, Elephants at the water hole. Couple minutes ago.
Rhulani safari lodge, Madikwe game reserve South Africa
When up close just isn’t close enough 😁
This afternoon at Royal Zambezi lodge Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.
For our giraffe fans this was the start of our morning drive today. 😁
King of the beasts, strolling by
Elephant watering station #tintswalosafari