Are you breathing into the most optimal location with each breath?
Enter: Self-Assessment #4: Location of Movement (LOM)
If you want to maximize your oxygenation levels, this quick self-assessment will help.
We’ve moved on from the biochemical side of breath assessments and are now diving into biomechanics—how you breathe and where that breath moves in your body.
Here’s how to do the LOM Self-Assessment:
1. Sit upright and place one hand on your chest, one hand on your belly.
2. Breathe normally—don’t force or change anything.
3. Observe where the movement happens.
Your breath can fall into one of three zones:
Zone 1: Lower belly/abdomen
Zone 2: Mid-chest/rib cage
Zone 3: Upper chest/shoulders
Now, take a moment to assess. Which Zone are you breathing into? Comment below with your answer before you scroll down for the optimal breathing zone.
⬇️ Answer: Zone 1 is where you want to feel the most movement, especially at rest and when aiming to stay in the parasympathetic (relaxed) state. It’s okay to see some Zone 2 movement, but not too much. Zone 3? That’s a sign of stress-driven, shallow breathing, and we want to avoid that in most situations.
How did you do? Let me know in the comments! 👇
You have a goal on the mountain. Our goal is to get you there.
Giving you 100 Days of Breathwork Training because…. #100DaysToEverest 🫁 🏔️
#BreathingExercises #selfoptimization #sportsperformance #EnduranceTraining #fitness
Want to feel less out of breath while climbing Everest?
Feeling out of breath while climbing isn’t just about fitness—it’s about CO2 tolerance. If your body can’t handle rising CO2 levels, you’ll struggle no matter how strong you are.
That’s why mountaineers and endurance athletes use the CO2 Tolerance Test (COTT) to measure breathing efficiency and build altitude endurance. Ready to test yourself?
1️⃣ Take 3 normal breaths.
2️⃣ On the third exhale, take a deep, full breath in.
3️⃣ Start a timer & exhale slowly through your nose.
4️⃣ Stop the timer when your lungs are completely empty.
What’s your score? Drop it in the comments, and we’ll tell you how you compare!
Want more breathwork training? Comment “EVEREST” to join our list (no spam, just altitude tips).
📍 Get our 5-week training plan here:
You have a goal on the mountain. Our goal is to get you there. #100DaysToEverest
#AltitudeTraining #mountaineering #breathwork #co2tolerancetest #everestpreparation #EnduranceTraining
In the comments below, can you answer this question?
WHY do you feel breathless during a workout?
Don’t cheat by reading on.
How to Improve Shortness of Breath during Exercise: Part 1.
Did you say it was due to a lack of oxygen? That’s the answer we receive most in our workshops and trainings. But, contrary to popular belief, that’s not right. It not a lack of oxygen, but the rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) that causes shortness of breath during a workout.
For Part 1 of this 3-part post series, we’re going to see where YOU are at with your own CO2 tolerance. Watch this video, take the challenge, and comment here what your score was.
How we typically rank the scores:
0-29 is LOW and requires some work.
30-44 is ‘just OK’ and could use some training.
45-59 is mid-level.
60-74 is GOOD, and we start to feel okay if our clients reach this score range.
75-89 and above is VERY GOOD.
90+ If you reach a 90, you’re ready for a serious endurance challeng eat altitude.
Remember, there are a few factors that impact your score, including:
1. What altitude you are at when you did it
2. How much caffeine / other food you’ve had so far today
3. How much stress you are feeling
So keep that in mind when assessing your CO2 tolerance.
Great, so now we’ve got a baseline for you to measure your CO2 tolerance. Posts 2 and 3 will focus on HOW TO IMPROVE it using breathwork exercises (the same ones used in our training program
Click the link in our bio to read the full blog article on **How to Improve your Shortness of Breath During Exercise**.
Morning Breathwork Meditation for Busy People
This breathwork meditation was designed with busy people in mind.
We start by warming up our respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm and intercostals. Then, we go into a breathwork sequence that has been proven through published research ( to decrease blood pressure and anxiety, while improving your mood. It involves three parts: physiological sighs, box breathing, and cyclic sighing.
Happy breathing,
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Cleansing Breathwork Practice to Start Your Morning
Cleanse your body and mind with this breathwork practice. Starting with your nose, we'll teach you a little trick on how to unblock it. Then we'll cleanse with Kapalabhati "skull shining" pranayama, which purifies your body, engages your diaphragm, and alkalizes your blood for a quick biochemistry recalibration.
In case you missed it last week, here is a replay of our Monday Morning Breathwork session with Anthony. We'll be back up and running with live sessions next week.
Happy training,
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Detox Your Body with this Breathwork Practice
You'll have the chance to hit the DETOX button with this session. Starting with your nose, we'll teach you a little trick on how to unblock it. Then we'll cleanse with Kapalabhati "skull shining" pranayama, which purifies your body, engages your diaphragm, and alkalizes your blood for a quick biochemistry recalibration.
You don't want to miss this Monday Morning Breathwork session with Anthony.
Happy training,
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Build Your Mental Fitness with this Breathwork Practice
Fancy yourself as one who breathes every now and then?
Us too.
And we know a thing or two about it. So join us for another Monday Morning Breathwork session, and you'll learn how to make our breath work for YOU. Whether that means getting you up a mountain or getting you over that spike of your nervous system.
Spend 20 minutes with Anthony to practice breathwork, and you'll be on your way toward a great week.
Happy training,
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #meditation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Breathwork Session to Build Stress Resilience and Mental Fitness
This breathwork sequence will lead you into the lion's den of stress -- and you'll find out you are just fine :) Spend 20 minutes with Anthony to practice your stress response and build a stronger, more resilient, mind. This will give you exactly what you need to take on your week (and any holiday stress coming your way).
Happy training,
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #meditation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Breathwork to Focus Your Mind for the Week Ahead
This breathwork sequence will help recalibrate your mind and body and build strong focus for your week ahead. Start things off the right way with another Monday Morning Breathwork hosted by Anthony.
- Recal
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #mondaybreathwork #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #breathworktraining #meditation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #caseofthemondays #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Breathwork Session: Reset Your Mind and Build Focus for the Week Ahead
This breathwork sequence will help recalibrate your mind and body and build strong focus for your week ahead.
Start things off the right way with a Monday Morning Breathwork hosted by Anthony.
- Recal
Other Resources:
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #mondaybreathwork #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #breathworktraining #meditation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #caseofthemondays #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork
Breathwork Session to Energize, Build Resilience, and Quiet the Noise
Breathwork Session to Energize, Build Resilience, and Quiet the Noise
This breathwork sequence will send you on a ride to energize your body and mind, build mental resilience, and quiet the noise to create strong focus.
Start your week the right way with Monday Morning Breathwork session from Anthony and the Recal Travel team.
- Recal
LinkedIn group:
#mondaymorningbreathwork #mindfulmonday #mondaybreathwork #stress #stressreduction #mentalhealth #mentalhealthatwork #anxiety #mondaymotivation #stressrelief #meditation #breathwork #breathworktraining #meditation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #caseofthemondays #worklifebalance #selfregulation #mindfulness #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessatwork