Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade

Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade The parade got its beginnings back in 1913 when a young AT&SF car department clerk, Charles C.

Korschgen, saw his neighborhood kids had nothing to do on the 4th of July, so he purchased a dozen small flags strapped his snare drum around his neck and led them many times around block in the west end of Fort Madison. Having started a tradition, Charlie continued this routine for many years, gradually increasing the parade route and buying the participants candy with his own money. Finally by t

he time the 1930’s rolled around the participation had grown so that Charlie got help from fellow workers at the AT&SF and neighbors to assist with the treats and the parade. By this time the “east enders” had noticed the importance of the parade and invited Charlie to lead his band of patriots into the Fort Madison downtown district. One loyal youngster who took part in the first parade, Don Valentine, stayed with the parade until Charlie passed away in January 1966 after leading 53 parades. Don Valentine helped the Fort Madison Jaycees keep the tradition alive. By the 1940’s, Charlie was having 500 to 1,000 kids take part in the parade and by 1946, when the Loyal Order of the Moose started providing treats the “grand old-man” as Charlie was called just had to organize the parade. With age catching up with Charlie the Fort Madison Junior Chamber of Commerce volunteered to take over the organization of the parade and continued to do so until the local Jaycee Chapter disbanded in 1999 and since that time a small dedicated group of volunteers have kept the parade going and in 2008 incorporated as a non-profit corporation. Everyone young and old is invited to take part in the parade to celebrate our nation’s birthday, however, the committee reserves to right to refuse entries not in the spirit of the holiday or would create a safety hazard to those participating in the parade

Come one, come all, if you interested in seeing the 113th Annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade steams down...

Come one, come all, if you interested in seeing the 113th Annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade steams down Avenue G please attend our OPEN meeting at 4:30 p, Sunday March 2 at the Moose Club 620 Avenue G.

It is never to early to start planning for the Annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade.This is the 113th annu...

It is never to early to start planning for the Annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade.
This is the 113th annual event and if you have not guessed it will begin at 10 am on July 4, 2025.
The photo below is with Rick Meisner the 1976 manage of the FM P. M. Place Store with young Erin Enke and Carrie Sampson, both would be in their 50's today.
Photo was taken when the Fort Madison Jaycees sponsored the parade, fireworks and a small carnival in Riverview Park (in the background)
Join the volunteers Sunday at 4:30 PM, February 2 at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge for the KICK-OFF meeting where will be starting the planning, kicking around ideas, etc
Also will elect or re-elect the volunteer non-profit corporation officers for another year.
Please PARADE down to 622 Avenue G and support the volunteers planning the CELEBRATION!

Probably the last picture on file of Charlie Korschgen - the "Grand Old Man" of the annual 4h of July Kiddie Parade befo...

Probably the last picture on file of Charlie Korschgen - the "Grand Old Man" of the annual 4h of July Kiddie Parade before he passed away at age 83 on January 12, 1966 after organizing and leading 53 parades.
This photo of Charlie and the queen of the 1965 parade Miss Mary Lynn Haden proudly showing the Drum which has been in parades since the late 1940's.
It is time to start planning for the 113th annual Parade in 2025 and organizer "Andy" Andrews, 82, is calling for your help in planning and carrying out the parade this 4th of July.
The committee meeting is called for at Sunday, February 2, at the Moose Lodge 620 Avenue G.
This will be the annual election of officers for the 501C3 non-profit organization and discuss plans for this years event.
Volunteer by showing up that day or calling the chairman at 319-371-5379.

With Fort Madison Daily Democrat – I just got recognized as one of their rising fans! 🎉

With Fort Madison Daily Democrat – I just got recognized as one of their rising fans! 🎉

AS THE steering committee got together Sunday July 29 to discuss the great times and some small problems we had when run...

AS THE steering committee got together Sunday July 29 to discuss the great times and some small problems we had when running the 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade.
It appears positive that they want to continue in 2025 for the 113th year of the parade and everyone on committee will try and get more VOLUNTEERS to keep the kids safe and parade in line.
This article below from June 1, 1965 tells us that even Charlie "The grand old man" needed to ask for volunteers for the Monday, July 5, 1965 parade.
WHILE it is fresh on your minds - mark January 26, 2025 on your calendar or cell-phone to remind yourself to attend the first meeting for the 113th annual parade kick-off meeting at 4:30 pm at the Moose Lodge #671..


Interested in seeing the Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade continues for its 113th annual running in 2025? Get involved we are having the "wrap-up" meeting, Sunday July 28 at 4:30 PM at the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge.
Here the committee will discuss the problems from the 112th annual parade and make recommendations for the 113th parade.
The committee is always looking for new volunteers to assure this longest tradition of honoring our nation's independence continues.
No reservations necessary - just show up for this 30 minute session.

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We may have made a hasty decision at 7 a,m. to postpone the 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade but...

We may have made a hasty decision at 7 a,m. to postpone the 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade but a 6 a.m as I decorated and visited Charlie Korschgen's gravesite at Oakland Cemetery it was a fine day. So did get 10% of the days activities in before drove towards downtown and started raining and phone calls wanting a decision rolled in.
After consulting weather forecast and seeing rain out miles to the west consulted co-chairman and decision was made to postpone until Saturday July 6.
May have been a bad decision since from 9 am-1 pm would have been a great day for a parade with cool non raining weather.
May have helped or hurt our decision since some planning to participate today may have other plans for Saturday including the combined FMMS-Holy Trinity band.
But the show will go on - same time - same locations - on Saturday July 6th and hope to see Avenue G crowded with parade supporters as the children (young & old) from 14th and Avenue G to 6th & G.
Have a celebrated day of our Independence this 4th of July!


Due to weather (RAIN) conditions beyond our control the chairman and co-chairman have postponed the 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade until 10 am Saturday July 6, 2024 please pass the word.
Andy Andrews - Chairman

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Update: Weather not in our favor. Will postpone until Saturday morning 10am

Posted earlier that parade was still on for July 4 2024 at 10 a..m. but appears face book may not like - Registration opens 8:30 at west entrance Lincoln School - 14th and E and parade takes off from 14th & G by cabaret 10 am - try again.


Update- Postponed due to rain until Saturday at 10am

Damned you do = Damned you don't!
But the chairman and co-chairman have agreed that as of 9 a.m. Wednesday July 3 we will still go ahead with the 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade on Thursday July 4 beginning at 10 a.m. at 14th and Avenue G. Registration on west side Lincoln School opens 8:30 am.
Hope when I go visit Charlie to put US flags on his grave at 5:30 7/4 at Oakland Cemetery he agrees with our decision.
The city also making hard decisions on what to sandbag and what not to sandbag as a lot of unknowns on flood predictions.
If you not in parade still line the streets to support the patriots!
IF we wrong on the 4th will have it at 10am Saturday.
Watch our page!

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The volunteers for the 112th annual Fourth of July Charlie Korschgen Kiddie Parade are ready, however, still need more v...

The volunteers for the 112th annual Fourth of July Charlie Korschgen Kiddie Parade are ready, however, still need more volunteers to assist with registration at the table west of Lincoln School, still need sign category carriers to keep entries in line and safe along parade route, and prayers to keep the rain away that morning. Registration opens at 8:30 am and parade starts from 14th & Avenue G at 10 a.m. ending up at Loyal Order of Moose Parking Lot where prizes and treats await.
As chairman or co-chairman of the parade since 1968 have only had two postponements & never a complete cancellation account weather so batting pretty good in 56 years.
Decisions will be made morning of the 4th by committee so stay tuned to this page.
As member of committee posted Sunday the committee voted back in January to not have political entries in parade this year and in every parade committee has right to refuse entries not in good taste for children.
The future of this annual event hinges on volunteers and will welcome any help for this 112th annual event.
Thanks to Fort Madison Scout Pack 7 & leader Debra Milligan who has assured chairman that they will lead the parade and have person to carry Charlies Bass Drum that has been in every parade since 1948.
Andy Andrews general chairman -319-371-5379


Just a reminder, this is the Kiddie Parade and this year we will not be having political entries. Thanks to everyone making this years parade so special .


The Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade committee announced today that Ryan Wilson has been named grand marshal for the 112th annual Parade.
The committee always looks for an individual that has supported the parade or performed great service to the youth of the area.
Ryan fits this role as has been an employee of the YMCA since 2008 and was promoted to CO/Executive Director in 2012. During his tenure there, he has been instrumental in such activities as the development of the YMCA Summer Camp Program, the introduction of free preschool and the operation and program development of the City Swimming Pool among many other YMCA sponsored events.
He has coached various youth athletic programs, both in schools and the YMCA.
Ryan is also a member of many local organizations.
Registration for the parade will be open at 8:30 a.m. at the west entrance to Lincoln School with some groups forming up on the Lincoln School playground and others in the 1400 block of Avenue G.
The 112th annual parade will kick off from 14th and Avenue G at 10 a.m. and proceed down Avenue G to the Loyal of the Moose parking lot at 622 Avenue G where members of the Moose Lodge will provide treats to all the parade participants as the committee starts announcing the category winners and hands out trophies and prize money to the top 3 winners of the 10 categories.
The Loyal of the Moose has provided this service to the parade for 78 years and is greatly appreciated by all as July 4th weather has been unpredictable.
Anyone having any questions about the parade may contact the chairman, Andy Andrews, at 319-37l-5379 or co-chairman Rusty Andrews at 319-470-9413.
The committee is always in need of more assistance the day of the parade to help keep the children in categories and safe along the parade route.

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The 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade is only 16 days away and in case you have not figured what ...

The 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade is only 16 days away and in case you have not figured what category you want to be entered in the parade.
Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded to the top winners in each category at the close of parade in the Moose Club Parking Lot.
This will be the 78th year members of the Loyal Order of the Moose have given treats to the kids and adults taking part in the parade.
HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL LINING THE AVENUE G parade route cheering on the patriotic entries!


Received a nice note from Bev Fahey who is now 97 years old. She has seen many of the Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parades. "Mom asked me to write you a note to thank you for your efforts organizing the Kiddie Parade. It was her favorite parade and she and Dad (Bob) enjoyed attending when they lived in Fort Madison...Wishing you success with this year's parade and we hope you can put this donation to good use."

Thank you Bev and Jane

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The 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade is only a month away and hope to see over 200 children and ...

The 112th annual Charlie Korschgen 4th of July Kiddie Parade is only a month away and hope to see over 200 children and adults showing their patriotism and marching down the middle of Avenue G in downtown Fort Madison following Charlie Korschgen's bass drum which has led the parade since 1949. The drum donated to Charlie by the Wade Brothers a popular local band back in the WWII era.
The photo below believe shows the late Jeffrey Lucas carrying the famous drum back in 2011 parade.
In 2011 had several scouting packs to help kick off the parade but sadly today not many troops left in area.
Prize money doing well as Vince & Jan Garza, Jeanette Craig, Linda Smith and Jairo Scruggs donated the money for new bikes to give away on parade day.
Gene Enke, Meller Excavating, Stage 2, Marlene Barnes, Cordray Plumbing & Heating and Jan Garza have donated so far and know more to come to see this annual parade continues.
As chairman sometimes feel should "give up the ship" as getting harder to find citizens to help with the parade to assure the kids safety and help with the line-up but my committee says no "It will fall together"
Thanks to Charlie Anderson and friends the motorcycle group will help in setting up barricades and blocking traffic the day of parade.
Sure more donations of cash coming in but need some businesses to donate items.
We usually get a free swim pass from YMCA, round of miniature golf at putt-a-round, maybe a coupon for a free cookie at Sub-way and other items for the kids that enter.
Have in past got a lot of other items to raffle off at the end of parade.
Thanks to the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge who has assisted with the parade since 1946 they will have treats for the kids after being in the parade with Mike Richards as chairman.
Registration on the west side of Lincoln School where each participant gets a number and may register for a free bike that opens at 8:30 am. and parade starts at 10 am at 14th & Avenue G.
Thanks to Jeff & Jill Lucas on their years they worked with the parade committee.
Thanks to committee member Jario Scruggs who has distributed posters around the area.
If you can donate or volunteer contact Andy Andrews chairman at 319-371-5379. Our PO Box is #243, FM, Iowa 52627.


Want to help with the registration, line-up, whatever the committee needs help to keep all participants SAFE and happy.
Volunteer by calling Andy at 319-371-5379 or attending our next committee meeting on June 2 at 5:30 PM at the Moose Lodge 622 Avenue G.
Those wishing to donate to the fund to keep parade going may mail donations to PO Box 243, Fort Madison, Ia. 52627.
The committee voted that we will not have political entries in this years parade.
Make PATRIOTIC plans to take part or attend the parade & CELEBRATE our Nations Independence!


Fort Madison, IA





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