Music Box Responds #ghost #paranormalactivity
Not alone at the Fowler Theatre
I hear something while waiting for the group to return
What does the Fowler mean to me?
Freak-Out at the Fowler Theatre
Saturday September 21st come to the Freak-Out at the Fowler 2024 in Fowler Indiana for a one of a kind experience as Oracle Pink Medium Psychic takes a reading of different locations in the theater as we stream it on the big screen for those in the auditorium to watch. Doors open at 10a Eastern Standard and tickets are only $10 each. You can secure your seat of choice online or buy at the door.
"What does the Fowler Theatre mean to you?"
While Spirit Stalkers were investigating in a restroom alone at the Fowler Theatre, whistling is recorded on the security camera outside.
We've had lights flash on and off in the middle of the night. This one is hard to debunk because we can't recreate it. Those side lights are either all on or all off and with use of a remote. It's been a while since one of these lights have flashed.
Sounds like music at the beginning.
Haunted History of Fowler Indiana: The Hanging of Jacob Nelling.
Where: Fowler Theatre, Fowler Indiana
When: Saturday October 7th at 4:30 p.m. doors open at 4:00 p.m.
Cost: Free (donations welcome and go to historic preservation)
Other Activities:
11a-5p Vendor Booths & Theater concessions inside
11a-3p Twisted Grub lunch tent
12p-1p Haunted walking tour
2p (doors open 1p)- Medium Teresa Rose
4:30p (doors open 4p)-Old Benton County Jail documentary
5:30p-6:30p 2nd haunted walking tour
7:00p (doors open 6:30p)-Poltergeist
Pathfinders Paranormal Society was recently at the Fowler Theatre and this was captured on the security camera backstage while Julie and Jennifer worked dousing rods.
Pathfinders Paranormal Society was recently at the Fowler Theatre and this was captured on the security camera backstage while Julie and Jennifer worked dousing rods.