UPDATE: 11/22/24
Awkward Silence! November 8th was our last response we sent to the county. We got🦗. Our attorney followed up via email the next week we got 🦗🦗crickets. Our attorney called and left a message we got 🦗🦗🦗.
We still have no response to our review. All are approved but waiting on the last review to be approved or denied.
The county is trying to put regulations on us that the ordinance doesn’t support. With this regulation they have tried to put on us it has incited the community to come against us in threatening behaviors. As many of you saw in post on this page of the threat against our family.
We will update you as we get more info.
Keep us in your prayers this has been so hard on us.
NO UPDATE: 11/15/24
Well, we have NO UPDATE to post other than we have completed our Site Plan application and all reviews have been reviewed and answered.
Our application has been turned over to the Stafford County Attorney and we are waiting for our application to be APPROVED or DENIED.
This past week marked the 1 year of our application being in the county and we hope to hear back this week, if not we will have to take another root.
Stay tuned we will be posting the details as we get them.
UPDATE: 10/21/24
🙌 🙌 🙌 LANDSCAPING was re-approved this past week so that one is finished!
Now, we only have two more reviews left to be approved.
To give a heads up these two reviews that are left open have to do with our “By Right Use” of this property. It has now been placed in the Stafford County Attorneys hands. We will be keeping you updated as we get information on this.
UPDATE: 10/14/24
I know we have been procrastinating on updating on the last approval that we updated on 9/20/24. We wanted to w
Campground Activity!
1st day of the Expo.
Question: Parents with Kiddos what do you think of this activity for our Campground Adventure?
Stafford, Virginia history.
We are located here in Stafford County Virginia on 75 acres of historic beauty!
Here are a few fun facts of some unique historical events that happened a long long time ago right here in our backyard.
Downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia
AREA HIGHLIGHTS: Downtown Fredericksburg
Crow’s Nest Outdoor Adventure will be located in tbe heart of so many exciting areas to visit.
Downtown Fredericksburg is one of the quaintest towns around and we are just minutes away. (6-7 miles)
Here are a few highlights of what Downtown Fredericksburg, Virgina has to offer. Enjoy!
Campfire S’mores
Goodbye SWEET and Hello SAVORY.
Is making a “Campfire Savory S’more” on your BUCKET LIST???
Would you stay in a COVERED WAGON?
This was the top item we came out to Denver, Colorado to the Glamping Show of Americas to see, and it didn’t disappoint.
It was mesmerizing to finally walk in one. We loved that they spent so much time on the details which will make for an authentic camping experience.
We want to embrace the history of Belle Plains from Native Americans to the Civil War Era that this area played a part in.
Glamping Show here we come!
We are headed to “The Glamping Show of Americas”.
We can’t wait to see what all they have in store for us! They say the SKY is the limit here at this expo!
The past couple of weeks have been complicated.
One of our parents had a stroke back in November and we went to Mississippi to attend a welcome back home party for her. We got to see lots of family but the reality of what a stroke can do to a love one is heartbreaking.
Now we see even more the importance of having large handicap bathrooms for families. Our Mother loves camping and we hope to be able to see her enjoy a camping adventure here soon.
We had a few conferences we had to attend and toured 1/2 dozen or more lazy rivers and pools the last week of the trip.
We are finally back in Virginia and hitting the ground running. We are busy interviewing and getting quotes from contractors on a daily basis.
We are in the last stages of permitting so it won’t be long before you see this page flooded with activity!! We can’t wait!!!
What do the Scientist have to say about our soil!
What do the Scientists say about our soil?
In May we hosted the “Virginia Soil Scientist Conference” here on our property.
Here is an interesting short video of one of the scientists explaining what our soil was like.
We had over a 100 Soil Scientists from all over Virginia and several states having fun dissecting our soil.
It was so rewarding to know we played a part in this educational event and what they learned will make a difference in the future.
And as always we not only want to be a place of “Outdoor Enjoyment” but a place to educate future generations on God’s creation.
Campfire Berry Cobbler
Campfire Berry Cobbler- It’s that time of the year the blackberries are ready to be picked, so make a COBBLER on the CAMPFIRE. 🔥 (We picked berries this week out at the future campground and they are almost at peak season to be picked)
This recipe is a little different from the easy cobblers my mom and grandparents made.
My mom made the one that we called the EASY 1,1,1,1,1,1 recipe. 🫐🍓
1 cup flour
1 cup berry
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
1 cup milk
1 cup water
➡️ Mix 1 cup self rising flour with the 1 cup of milk and set aside.
➡️ Mix the berries of your choice with the sugar, butter and water. Let boil until berries are tender, keep adding water if you need too.
➡️ Then drop spoonfuls of flour mixture into boiling berry mixture. Cover and cook for 10 mins on low.
➡️ Top with heavy whipping cream or ice cream if you have it.
2nd Splash Pad Tour
2nd Splash Pad Tour:
This week we toured our 2nd Splash Pad. We are diligently looking to make the right choices in creating the right splash pad experience. We came away with more knowledge and that is what we were in hopes of.
We did see a few things we did like and a few things we didn’t like.
1. We like the split boat in the middle. With it being split it doesn’t block the view as much when watching your children from the sidelines. However, the color would be more natural colors to match our theme.
2. This splash pad was tooooo big and it made us feel uncomfortable trying to keep our eyes on our children at all times. So a smaller pad we feel may be best.
3. The water arch has been confirmed it is a must. We are looking at the water arch with the LED lights. The lights would create a fun and beautiful experience in the evenings.
4. The water table was a HIT, we feel it is a must, but we are still trying to find one that would match our all natural theme.
5. The tiny bubblers we love for the crawlers. So a gentle bubbler area for this age would be a great area for little ones who may be experiencing a splash Pad for the first time.
If any of your have any Splash Pad suggestions, please feel free to let us know. This is our first splash pad install and we want to get it right.
Also, we are looking for a wood look, log look, water table so if you see any splash pads with this look let us know asap!
Driving through the Future Campground Forest.
Taking a ride through the Future Campground Forest today and hoping we DON’T see Bigfoot/Sasquatch. 🌳👣🌳
It’s a really LONG drive from where the entrance to the campground will be to the back of the property, soooooo lots of opportunities to see BIGFOOT. lol 😂