Here’s a great story!
Jacob Salyers, age 14 Owen Valley HS, Spencer, IN has knowledge beyond his years!
Jacob is a dedicated and hardworking member of the Willing Workers 4H Club.
He’s at least a three generation member of 4H.
Jacob sold his steer tonite. I didn’t know him, but couldn’t be prouder!
Here’s the story…
When he bought his steer for 4H competition, his parents gave him a budget. Jacob didn’t settle for that! He wanted to increase his opportunities and decided to contribute more to the budget.
How???? He sacrificed and sold his Yamaha Blaster Four Wheeler! This was a gamble, but as a young (and proved to be wise) young entrepreneur, he invested in a higher grade of feeder calf and it paid off greatly!
Tonite, at the auction, he and his beautiful white faced cross Hereford/Angus did VERY well.
He took a risk!
Worked diligently!
Stayed focused on his investment!
He succeeded!
I introduced myself, talked to him about my 4H experiences, and couldn’t have been happier to discover his grandparents were two of my HS friends and 4H buddies! Mark Salyers, Karen Morgan Salyers❤️
4H is the BEST INVESTMENT you can make with your children and grandchildren!
Learn a new skill(s).
Become a leader.
Share and succeed.
Discover the benefits of hard work.
Invest in our future! Invest in 4H!