I didn't realize it had been so long until I just typed it :-) I started working at a studio when I was 16 taking appointments, ringing up sales and doing the basic receptionist duties during a busy Christmas season. I talked the boss into keeping me on part time working only minimal hours a month so I could make my loan payment for a car my parents signed for. My boss ended up pushing me into the
camera room to do pictures of a child. I was so scared!!! Then I realized I LOVED it and couldn't get enough of it. I did onsite testing and got my certification on my 18th birthday. I worked there for 7 years. I would travel to other studios owned by the same company to train new employees. I had my first daughter in 2001 and she became my best photography subject. I took a break from taking pictures to go to school to be a CNA. I worked in that field for a few years and continued to play around with cameras and posing. I moved to Grand Rapids in 2004 to pursue my nursing career by going to school at ICC. After a couple semesters I decided I didn't have the passion for nursing that I thought I did. I started working for another photography studio and after a flareup of an old back injury I wasn't able to lift my equipment anymore. I was there for 1 1/2 years. I started working my current full time, non lifting, bill paying job in April 2010. All along I still have my passion for photography and continue to experiment with new things such as posing, lighting, editing etc. My second daughter was born in 2011 and she is my newest victim. I love photography and when I don't have "subjects" around to take pictures of I go on drives and snap whatever catches my eye. My husband thought I was crazy a couple years ago when I said "let's go to lunch.....in Mora". When he asked why Mora I told him there's a ton of stuff between here and there to take pictures of. He drove, would pull over and I'd hang out the window or get out of the car and snap away. It was a great day! My heart is in photography, as a hobby but not a career. I can't picture myself without a camera in my hand. Please message, call or text me with any questions. I do work M-F 9-5 so all my shooting is done after work or on weekends. I spend holidays with family but if you're having an event on a holiday that you need a photographer for I can probably work something out.