PSA from our friends at Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge! This is the first known sea turtle nest found in Fort Morgan for the 2024 season! Please share the beach and leave nothing but footprints :)
May marks the start of our sea turtle nesting season! Every morning, interns at Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge and volunteers from Share the Beach patrol our beaches for any sign of sea turtle nesting activity. On May 10th, we found our first nest! The nest is believed to be from a Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle.
Now that sea turtle nesting season is in full swing, here are some ways you can help keep our turtles, and yourselves, safe:
• Do not disturb or approach and nesting sea turtles.
• Do not disturb marked or unmarked nesting sites.
• Take all your belongings and trash with you when you leave the beach.
• Fill in any holes in the sand that you made or found.
• Stay off the beaches after sunset.
• Keep dogs off the refuge.
By following these guidelines, you can keep our turtles safe and make sure we have a successful nesting season! If you see a nesting turtle or an unmarked nest, please call (866) SEA-TURT.
*Note: All sea turtle footage was obtained with approval from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under conditions not harmful to these or other sea turtles*
Photo Credit: USFWS/ Alex Valle
1. Marked off sea turtle nest.