Members of the Team
Darius Theriault
Position on Team: Lead Investigator/Technological Staff
Bio: I have been involved in the world of Paranormal Investigating for about 3 years now. I was raised Catholic, and ever since I can remember I always thought that there was something wrong with the notion of going to heaven, or hell, and that's all there was. It was always something that peaked m
y interest, the idea of "ghosts". I got interested in the subject of Paranormal Investigating in mid 2008 after coming across a television show called "Ghost Adventures". Watching that show motivated me to go out there and made me want to try and find answers to what I had been wondering my entire life. My very first investigation brought me face to face with a paranormal entity, and since then I have been hooked on trying to capture paranormal activity to put all the doubters in their place. I was lucky enough to already to be close friends with Chuck and Paul who shared the same interest i did. Since then, it's been quite the wild ride. And what keeps me going, is how many things we have yet to discover...
Chuck Lombardo
Age: 28
Position on Team: Co-Lead Investigator/Paranormal Sensitive
Bio: I have been surrounded with the world of the Paranormal my whole life, but never really thought much of it. Being able to hear, see and feel certain things, I thought was normal. Later in life, I learned more and more about the Paranormal and became much more interested in it when I learned i could communicate with the dead. When i go on investigations, I sometimes get scared of what can happen, but it's kind of a rush though. It motivates me more and more to go out and investigate places when I've reviewed evidence with the team and get something on our recorders from previous investigations.