May 2024 Boat Ride
This May we were boating out to the main body of water and came across this beauty.
#dreambigbay #fishthechip #haywardwi #chippewaflowage
Dream Big Bay
Summer on the Flowage
Boat music
Boat music: Yes or no?
#dreambigbay #haywardwi #chippewaflowage #fishthechip
They say picture is worth a thousand words -- we're not sure how that translates to this video but here is another quick video of the main living space at Hayward Waterfront Cabin, Dream Big Bay. Lots and lots of natural light pours through the living room and kitchen area.
For us, this is space is most definitely worth a thousand words.
This summer we took this quick video of what it looks like to walk through the hallway into the living room / dinning room and kitchen area. Full view of the Chippewa Flowage (you can see folks out on their boat in this video).
Wow! Fantastic night listening to Gerard Fischer & Lisa. Thank you Treeland Resorts for hosting.
Evening Cruise
We can't wait for summer evening boat rides as the sun is setting. Peaceful, beatuiful and 100% Northern Wisconsin views.
#dreambigbay #haywardwi #chippewaflowage #summer #fishthechip
Sledding Funny
Sometimes getting on is the hardest part. But then the giggles at the end are worth it!
#dreambigbay #haywardwaterfrontcabin #Hayward #haywardwi #fishthechip
Ice fishing Prep
Teamwork makes the dreamwork.
#dreambigbay #haywardwaterfrontcabin #haywardwi #Hayward #fishtheChip
Colors are popping up on the Might Chip.
#dreambigbay #haywardwaterfrontcabin #haywardwisconsin #haywardwi
The sunsets are worth the boat ride,...