Or****ic Consciousness is a way of life. Or****ic Consciousness is what orchestrates our cells in healing mode. When induced in or**sm we feel our soul expand into ecstasy. Or**sm connects us to the richest part of ourselves and we do not escape reality, instead we fully embrace it! Or****ic Consciousness is the mind state of the woman who knows herself as Goddess. Or**sm is a path we choose when
you are ready to embrace the fullest part of ourselves. Thriving is easy on or**sm because we love every moment of the experience. Or**sm is fully embracing the moment to it's highest potential; in turn expanding our potential higher and higher. Or****ic Consciousness is an awareness that constantly grows because it is so open to receive with joy and pleasure. At the expense of their relationships and their own mental, physical and spiritual health, many women in American society have been conditioned to distort, block, suppress, misunderstand or forget the essence of their feminine sexual nature and to feel guilty and, at best, ambivalent about its full expression. Consistent with the highest principles of spirituality, our aim is to teach women the truth about their feminine sexual nature and when and how to release and use it to achieve healthy relationships and mental, physical and spiritual well-being. During the workshops and private one-on-one sessions in a safe and confidential environment, women are provided with methods and guided practices to:
1. Open their sensitivity to their internal energy flow.
2. Open the sensual, erotic and magnetic power of their feminine energy.
3. Open the seat of their enlightenment by teaching them the Divine Source of this energy. On this path to enlightenment, this powerful energy blossoms into their or****ic joy. How Does It Work? When we begin to move from a place of damaged closed feelings, to a place of rich and expanded openness, we are literally expanding our consciousness to receive more! Our bodies then shift and begin producing the hormones that give us an experience of pleasurable satisfaction! These hormones that our body produces, heals and harmonizes us internally, restoring our physical, emotional, and spiritual being. When we reconnect with our bodies in a manner of reverence and love, that consciousness extends to our environment, restoring our relationships and mother earth. This reawkened consciousness is what allows us to attract more of the harmony and abundance we desire.