Ka'ena Point Bird Sanctuary, a Hawaii State Nature Area Reserve, is located on the northwest tip of O'ahu and is enclosed by a fence that protects the birds that nest here. You see, back before any humans lived on O'ahu there were over 100 different species of birds that lived on the island because there were no mammals to eat them. Without any natural predators, land birds did very well here.
Jackie’s Diner serves fresh local, Hawaiian, Puerto Rican and Poke to!!! Waimalu Shopping Center Oahu!
#Sunday #beachlife #hawaii
West side sunrise, Oahu
Good morning!!! Happy Easter!!
📸 GO808Express.com
Aloha and good morning from White Plains Beach, barbers point Hawaii
Merry Christmas, as families take a break from the long lines at the stores; long lines for COVID testing are getting longer. Here at the Honolulu airport, waits up to two hours to get a test
Waikiki, International Market Place
Pyramid Rock, Kaneohe HI
Pyramid Rock located inside Marine Corp Base Hawaii is a hidden gem. No big crowds, white sandy beach, great for swimming, boogie boarding or surfing.
Oahu, H3 Highway, scenic drive
The newest of freeways on Oahu, H3 offers stunning views of the koolau Mountain range, Kaneohe and parts of the North Shore. Make it a part of your drive when you are in the area.
A short drive down Ala Wai Blvd
It’s not always blue skies and sunny I’m Hawaii!😞 Down pours 11/24/2020
Honolulu Airport is still a quiet place
“Hawaii’s Reopening May Be Good for Tourism. Is it Good for Locals?” Article from the New York Times: nytimes.com/2020/11/06/travel/COVID-testing-reopening.html