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I  met Kim in 2015 when she hired me as her publicist for her first book.  Since then, we have become sisters in Christ ...

I met Kim in 2015 when she hired me as her publicist for her first book. Since then, we have become sisters in Christ and good friends. She is a woman of unwavering faith in our Lord.
When He speaks to her, she springs into action; never questioning or doubting what God wants her to do with the messages He reveals to her.
That is the reason why I feel compelled to share this message from God, through Kim Chadwell.

“In the quiet of the night . . .
After nineteen months of silence, the Lord spoke.”

I pray your heart will be fertile soil to receive this word.
May the word of the Lord be praised.
Kim Chadwell

For more information contact Kim at: [email protected]

After nineteen months of silence, the Lord has spoken. Inquiries: info"dot"holynationrise"at"gmail.comTelegram Channel: a...

February 19, April 19, May 19…How Christ’s “9-11” Warnings in Matthew 24, 25 Fit May 19 This YearFebruary 19 is “Preside...

February 19, April 19, May 19…How Christ’s “9-11” Warnings in Matthew 24, 25 Fit May 19 This Year
February 19 is “Presidents’ Day,” a national holiday, but it was also when truckers were going to boycott NYC for a fraudulent fine of $355 Million for “trumped up charges” against Donald Trump. The boycott began--
Suddenly things went sideways. rtrump-but-then-something-strange-happens-3309387.html This short video was respectful of serious problems if truckers got on-board of a boycott that could easily spread and become difficult to shut off nationwide.
The date of April 19 is also of interest. It was when the FBI used flammable tear gas on the Branch Davidian Compound and ignited it with a flame-throwing tank to burn 76 Branch Davidians alive. The media said su***de, but this writer saw a video of the tank and talked to a survivor who bailed out. They did not commit su***de.
April 19 came again two years later when the Oklahoma Federal Murrah Building was blown up by Timothy McVeigh after the FBI staged a “mock drill” putting explosives on the supporting pillars under the building and the building came down, killing 168, including 19 children and injuring 500. Less obvious was that the records of the Waco attack were stored there and were a risk for the FBI’s role in the 76 Davidians who were murdered.
Those April 19 events under Bill Clinton’s administration became twisted to an appeal for a name change as the Bureau for Alcohol, To***co and Drugs went on steroids to become FEMA—Federal Emergency Management Administration and they were in NYC doing a drill on the World Trade Center which could explain how airliners could bring them down--even Building 7 with sensitive records not accessible after 9-11, but not hit by a plane.
Christ gave six parables that all support a warning for May 19 this year, but obscured by bad translation. We see His words, “No man knows the day or hour” but overlook the rest of the sentence, “BUT as the days of Noah.” Matthew 24:36,37. The Flood came with Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month, a “9-11” modification.
Noah buried his grandfather, Methuselah whose name meant, when he died, it will come, and the Flood came the next month according to Numbers 9:10,11. We may think that’s odd, but the next parable begins “THEN shall two be in the field, the one taken...” “THEN” means at the same time or as a direct consequence, but it’s not about a sn**ch to heaven as a fictitious movie portrayed. It could mean a trip to a FEMA Camp for screening under martial law when some who believe Bible prophecy and are vocal against a UN New World Order may not come back…
An evil servant begins to smite his fellow servant. “THEN” shall the kingdom be like 10 virgins. When five missed the wedding, Christ said His disciples didn’t understand, “for the kingdom is like a man traveling to a far country.” Matthew 25:13,14 is again a “9-ll” focus. If an Israelite took a long trip and couldn’t get back to Jerusalem in time for Passover, he was not excused because Passover represented judgment--he was to observe it a month later, as seen in Numbers 9:10,11. Christ’s last six parables can be shown to have 9-ll links--to get our attention?
This year, May 19 has 9-11 significance! To understand how, we need to see that the “day of the Lord” is the end-time extension of “night of the Lord” (Exod 12:12,42) when God executed judgment on Egypt for enslaving Israel and throwing their babies in the river. The US has enslaved most people in alcohol, to***co, drugs and negative lifestyles, and had thrown 63 million babies in the trash. Worse than Egypt and for reasons beyond our scope here, we may expect judgment in connection with Christ’s warning when we see Jerusalem “compassed with armies,” Luke 21:20. His warning included fleeing the city.
“The day of the Lord” is said to be a day of darkness, Joel 2:1,2. Googling “Dark Day,” we find May 19, 1780 was unexplainably dark. New Englander took it as a sign of Christ’s coming, but it was repeated 200 years later when Mt St Helens erupted, and wind carried the ashes overnight to darken three NW states on May 19, 1980.
Too amazing for mere coincidence, it would seem like God, who knows the end from the beginning (Isa 46:10) was marking May 19 for some reason, and this year it as unique timing. Noah entered the ark (to be saved from the Flood) on the 10th day of the month (Genesis 7:4,11), counting from the visible crescent of a new moon. The Gregorian Calendar has no relationship between the new moon and the new month as in the Bible (Exod 12:2).
This year, we may expect to see the thin crescent of the new moon on the eve of May 10, making it the first day of the month, and May 19 will be the 10th day—the same day that Noah entered the ark for safety. The Flood came a week later (Genesis 7:4,11). The bottom line is that if Muslims attack Jerusalem this spring (Zech 14:1,2)—it will be followed by a huge earthquake, probably the 7th day from May 19. If so, we should expect martial law in the cities, and it may include an EMP attack on our power grid so that May 19 may literally be a “Dark Day.”
Let’s watch to be ready. For more information, readers may visit
About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.


Richard Ruhling
[email protected]

Current Events & Bible Prophecy

Yahoo’s Guide to Doctor Appointments? Not Recommended: MD“Medical care is not health care and has nothing to do with hea...

Yahoo’s Guide to Doctor Appointments? Not Recommended: MD
“Medical care is not health care and has nothing to do with healthy habits that can add a decade to life according to a study by the late Dr. Breslow of UCLA,” says Richard Ruhling, MD who, after being board-certified in Internal Medicine and a Cardiology Fellowship, did Executive Health at Loma Linda University, 1974-78.
In 1970, the FDA reported the UGDP study of 8 or 10 university hospitals for diabetes which found that patients treated with the two most common drugs, Orinase and Diabinase, had double the risk of cardiovascular death compared to those who had no treatment. “This altered the need for early diagnosis and remains true today for most conditions because Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) have made medical care the leading cause of illness and death,” says Ruhling.
But the CDC has never mentioned this or listed medical care in their top ten causes of death in the past 25 year in spite of the Journal of American Medical Assoc. reporting 106,000 deaths in hospitals from ADRs making medical care the 4th to 6th leading cause of death. (4-15-1998) Two years later, the Western Journal of Medicine reported 199,000 deaths in outpatients from drug reactions. Combining in and out of hospital studies made 305,000 deaths and medical care was the #3 cause of death, (June, 2000).
In Sept. 2007, the Archives of Internal Medicine reported a 7-year study from 1998 to 2005 with 2.6 & 2.7-fold increase in illness and deaths from Adverse Drug Events. Multiplying 305,000 deaths x 2.7 is 824,000 deaths and medical care is the leading cause of death in the US, but never mentioned by a lying CDC in business with pharma, says Ruhling, whose former wife died of a stroke after taking Cipro, a urinary antibiotic for 3 days. It wiped out the platelets in her bone marrow. After a splenectomy, she was treated with high steroids and transfusions till death.
Her hematologist signed her death certificate as idiopathic (unknown cause) but Physicians’ Desk Reference lists platelet disorders for Cipro. The PDR is about 3600 pages of fine print about all the things each drug can do to you.
Helpful to understand issues is this article,
Ruhling says that medical care is based on a false science of pharmacology as see here: “Drug action always represents artificial interference with the natural functioning of the organism. In the widest sense of the word, pharmacology and toxicology are one, and the art of medicine is to use these poisons beneficially.” Drills Text-book of Pharmacology in Medicine, Chapter 5, Mechanisms of Drug Action. Ruhling says it’s an oxymoron to call poisons “medicine” but it comes from a textbook. Dangerous? Yes, it’s why MDs are licensed to practice medicine.
Frying his own eggs and hamburgers, Ruhling helped to finish half-gallons of ice cream growing up, but he also got penicillin shots from his dad. His health improved when he became a vegetarian and is in great health at 82. He did fill a prescription once while on a trip and he didn’t want to stop at every gas station for intestinal flu.
Colin Campbell, PhD Prof. at Cornell University summarizes his China Study--the largest nutritional study with Oxford University in four words—“Plant-based, whole foods.” It means avoiding refined foods, starches, sugars, fats and oils.
Nathan Pritikin reported how low-fat diets got 85% of people with high blood pressure off their drugs because fats make the blood sticky and it needs more pressure to circulate. Low fat also helps 85% of diabetics off their drugs. This information and more on Covid with a diet reported by British Medical Journal giving 73% less severity for healthcare workers who got Covid can be appreciated in Ruhling’s book, How It All Ends!, with more information on his website, , including these two graphics—

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:
After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.
Richard Ruhling
[email protected]
About Dr. Richard Ruhling:
After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.
Richard Ruhling
[email protected]

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study:UN—“Children Must Have Sexual Partners”—All Must Opt Out of UN or Suffer Plagues, Revelation...

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study:

UN—“Children Must Have Sexual Partners”—All Must Opt Out of UN or Suffer Plagues, Revelation 13-18
“The World Health Organization and United Nations are s*xualizing little children...for the purpose of normalizing pe******ia.”
“The Bible represents the governments of the world as fierce beasts of prey, and if we love our children, we must make difficult decisions in the near future,” says Richard Ruhling, a retired MD and author.
“Righteousness exalts a nation,”(Solomon) but for decades, the US has been murdering the unborn and bringing the US to judgment worse than Egypt when they threw babies in the river and enslaved Israel.
And the US has also enslaved most people with alcohol, to***co and drugs. Prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness and death due to adverse reactions when "properly prescribed and administered." (Ruhling)
Until Covid, medical care was optional, but globalists found a way to make it seem needed. Evidence is mounting that the FDA was right in their warning three years ago in a post that media never picked up—Could it be because Biden gave media $1 Billion to promote the shot? Cambridge University reports 25% of those who took the shot now have VAIDS—Vaccine Associated Immune Deficiency Syndrome. See p 16-- &
In retrospect, it seems damnable for the Biden Admin. to mandate an experimental shot that has resulted in untold illness and deaths when media won't report anything bad ($1 Billion).
Early Americans saw the first beast of Revelation 13 as the papacy that burned people at the stake for having a Bible in their home when Rome banned the Bible, so pioneers risked life at sea, starvation and Indians for freedom in the New World. But Rome wasn't satisfied with all of Latin America. They chafed at the loss of world control and strategized using immigration to secure a majority vote for Catholic control, first with Irish immigrants, protested by Samuel Morse in the late 1830's, now as millions seek food stamps, rent subsidies, education and medical care.
Rome suffered a "deadly wound" as the Gutenberg Press, the Protestant Reformation and the discovery of America combined to provide a parallel to the "Promised Land" when Israel left Egypt, but we can see Exodus II coming, says Ruhling, referring to the first part of Jeremiah 31 and middle of Ezekiel 36.
When God made a covenant with Israel, He became their protector in Exodus 34, to drive out the Canaanite, and He must do the same for His end-time people when UN (world government—image/look alike of the first beast that pioneers saw as the papacy that survived the other beasts and their cultures that Rome assimilated in Revelation 13.
The image beast will compel compliance or death by a mark enabling buying or selling, including false worship so that God's warning is to opt out or receive the plagues that will fall on those who don't come out of spiritual Babylon. Revelation 18 even includes medical care—pharmakeia is the Greek word in verse 23 that "deceives all nations," but it's badly translated as sorcery. Why would pharmakeia be translated as sorcery unless it was to hide the truth?
Yes, Pope Francis was right that the Bible is a dangerous book as it unmasks the Vatican in Revelation 17 and there is more that is beyond the scope of this focus, but the three angel's warning in Revelation 14 are clear that a time of judgment (krisis in Greek) is coming when Babylon (false systems) will compel and all who are willing to accept a mark of compliance to a New World Order and suffer the plagues with loss of salvation that God will be offering.
For more information, readers may visit It's time to understand why the Bible is the all-time best-selling book and how it can spare us a tragic mistake of going along to get along.

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:
After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.
Richard Ruhling
[email protected]

Health, Happiness & Destiny Come from Wise Choices! "Unlock Health, Happiness, and Destiny!" “Reclaim Your Health Naturally and Discover Your Destiny.” Here's a short video showing how we can reverse diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart and other problems without prescription drugs that ...

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study2024: How Muslims Taking Jerusalem, Triggering Apocalyptic Earthquake Is Good News, Biblical ...

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study

2024: How Muslims Taking Jerusalem, Triggering Apocalyptic Earthquake Is Good News, Biblical View

“God reveals the end from the beginning.” In the book of beginnings, Abraham’s son, Isaac, was spared by sacrificing a ram, but Muslims say the son was Ishmael. What’s unfolding in the Middle East proves the Bible is the true holy book and a militant Muslim ram gets stomped in Daniel’s vision “at the time of the end.”
A ram fights with its horns and the horns represent the kings of Media and Persia that are now Iraq and Iran. With Saddam broken, Iran is next. The US doesn’t want war with Iran, but when Muslims take Jerusalem, the goat flies from the west to break the ram’s remaining horn and militancy. In Bible times, horns were used to make trumpets. The goat’s great horn may represent Trump who makes the goat great. .
When the end-time “day of the Lord comes” nations will be gathered against Jerusalem. “The houses will be rifled, the women ravished…half the city will go into captivity.” “The Lord shall roar from Jerusalem… heavens and earth shall shake” and they will flee. But the earthquake has “day-of-the-Lord” context when God “will shake the earth terribly.” [Reference #’s are linked to Bible texts here,

Christ is “Lion of Judah” and the roar responds to Muslim’s Quran that says, “Allah has no Son.” The earthquake initiates a time of judgment when everyone will need to evaluate how their belief fits Bible teaching.
The Greek word for “judgment” in Revelation 14 is krisis and the Chinese characters for crisis are danger and opportunity. So it is with Christ’s teaching in the wedding parables that show a sudden, unlooked-for calamity.
In Matthew 22, the King makes a marriage for his Son and sends his servants to bid people to the wedding, but the messengers and invitation is scorned until the remnant get their city burned.
In Matthew 25, the cry at midnight represents the same calamity, an echo of the first cry at midnight when God “executed judgment” in “the night of the Lord.” God then took Israel to Sinai for a covenant that make them His kingdom and bride.
But God got an ignorant bride that worshiped a calf. This must not happen to Christ and the wedding feast is a provision for an intelligent bride as seen by Christ’s saying, “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees” meaning their doctrines. So it’s about spiritual Bread that has been leavened (made light) by preachers in our time.
Luke’s wedding parable has triple Passover imagery and the week of Passover was when Israel was to eat unleavened bread that symbolized Scripture as the Bread of Life. The Good News in trouble that’s coming is that if we understand the biblical view and are ready, “He will make [us] ruler over all that He has” or beaten with stripes if we aren’t ready despite his warnings.
The wedding parables are not about a sn**ch to heaven as many Christians think. The wedding is in the covenant like Israel renewed when they returned from exile. Christians need a better understanding of the Bible’s covenants. The pro-active party gave seven of something to secure the covenant like Abraham who gave Abimelech seven ewe lambs and God told Abraham seven times that He would give land to Abraham for his seed. The apostle Paul said, “If you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed.”
The reason God let the Jews be driven out by Muslims is their view that the land is theirs, but God is T going to give to it Jews who accept their Messiah and Christians who accept Moses laws with the statutes. That is the context of Elijah whom Christ said would “first come and restore all things.” This is so Christ doesn’t get an ignorant bride as God got when Israel worshiped a calf, Baal.
God’s plan to give the Promised Land to Christians who accept Moses’ laws and Jews who accept Messiah is seen in Ezekiel 36,37 where two sticks become one stick and one kingdom.
This is essential to spare Christians and Jews when a New World Order is set up and compels compliance with false worship, homos*xuality, pe******ia, and children getting s*xual partners in public schools.
The earthquake that’s coming will enable us to see that “Babylon is fallen” and we must come out of the false system of education, medicine, government, and religion to separate from the world or receive the plagues.
Christians may wonder what’s behind the New World Order. It’s the pope. Protestants fled the Old World for freedom of worship and God prospered America. But the king of the north (spiritual Babylon ) has overflowed our southern border with millions of aliens who will vote the pope’s agenda for food stamps, rent subsidies, free education and medical care. America is changing. Will our readiness have the biblical basis we need?
For more information, readers may visit

Saturday/Sunday Bible StudyPublic Schools--"Children must have s*xual partners" UN, WHO Inviting Biblical Curse “Remembe...

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study

Public Schools--"Children must have s*xual partners" UN, WHO Inviting Biblical Curse

“Remember the law of Moses…statutes and judgments. Behold I send you Elijah…and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and…the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” Mal 4:4-6.
“When I first read that passage from Malachi, I thought it meant home-schooling our children as Moses said. Moses is the central law-giver in the sculpture over the Supreme Court entrance,” says Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who now sees a role of Christians to help Elijah whom Christ said “must come and restore all things,” Matthew 17:11.
Children who are homeschooled often do better in life and some of the world’s geniuses never finished college, like Einstein who said that education is what we have after we forget what we learned in school. Sadly, those who want to control the world do not honor home schools that have sprouted in some states since the Covid pandemic.
Gone are the days when reading, writing and arithmetic were the main focus in elementary school. Biblical education included practical education. A girl would learn homemaking arts of cooking and sewing. A boy would learn to help with agriculture, care for animals and learn a trade. Christ learned carpentry from Joseph and Paul was a tent-maker; his skills helped to support others in his ministry.
Those times were a far cry from perverted focuses we see today with kids wondering am I a boy or a girl and they are sometimes talked into gender surgery and drugs, learning only too late that it was a bad mistake that can’t be changed, and tax-payers are forced to help pay for such abuse.
Considering the trend of moral impurity as a result of s*x education with the sharing of showers or beds in high school, this country is going down for many reasons while “righteousness exalts a nation,” Proverbs 14:34.
65-75% of the US identify as Christians and shouldn’t we all want to help an Elijah ministry to “restore all things” as Christ said of His forerunner.
For more information, readers may see a short video about an Elijah course available online at

Saturday/Sunday Bible StudyThe Abomination of Desolation Warning by ChristWhen asked about the end of the world, Christ ...

Saturday/Sunday Bible Study
The Abomination of Desolation Warning by Christ

When asked about the end of the world, Christ gave many signs like war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, but these have existed for thousands of years. The most specific sign in Matthew 24 is “the abomination of desolation” that early believers understood as Rome. When Rome came with an army under Cestius in 66 AD, Christians took it as Christ’s sign to flee and they were spared the siege by Titus in 70 AD when mothers ate their babies.
We should wonder, why was Rome “the abomination of desolation”? Rome copied the history of Babylon that put three Hebrews into a fiery furnace for unwillingness to bow to an image that represented Babylon and its king in Daniel 3. Persecution desolates the faith of those whose experience has not matured to the point of dying for God.
Babylon’s history was copied by Rome--they threw early Christians to the lions. Daniel 7 represents governments as fierce beasts of prey. A lion, bear, leopard and dragon represented Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome.
Rome is called Babylon in Revelation 17 for its confusion of systems of medicine, education, government and religion and it also has used force in compelling the consciences by Auto de Fe, Act of Faith in burning “heretics” at the stake during the Dark Ages when they had the support of kings to do so.
Half a dozen clues in Revelation 17 warn of the papacy also described in Daniel 7:7,8 as the “little horn” that grew out of the Roman Empire as it fell, further described in Daniel 7:20-27. The Protestant reformers were united in their belief that the papacy was that diverse little horn (different—it was a religious power) that persecuted saints.
The Gutenberg Press had movable type enabling the printing of Bibles. The Protestant Reformation was a “deadly wound” to the papacy, represented by the 1st beast in Revelation 13. The papal power was broken also as Napoleon took the pope prisoner in 1798 when America was emerging as a lamb-like beast in verse 11.
Two horns uncrowned as the previous papal beast supports Protestant America—a church without a pope and a nation without a king. “Lamb-like” (gentle and peace-loving) but it causes (nuclear) fire to come down from heaven. The US caused the world to make the UN, an image of the papacy because of so many Catholic member nations.
It is the UN that will compel false worship that no one can buy or sell without the mark of compliance (Rev 13:15)
Rome still wants supremacy. They signed a concordat with Hi**er to make the world Catholic when he won WWII, so Catholic nations, Italy and Spain joined with Hi**er, but they didn’t see US rescuing UK across the ocean.
But what did Christ mean when he said the abomination of desolation would stand in the holy place? The holy place in Jerusalem was where the law was kept in the ark of the temple. In 2015, Pope Francis came to where US laws are made—to Congress. His Laudato Si’ and his predecessor’s Dies Domini are encyclicals favoring a law to close businesses on Sunday so people can attend mass and the eucharist.
The pope’s appeal to Congress and a cluster of other 2015 signs were a 7-year warning like Joseph gave Pharaoh in Egypt. God judged Egypt for throwing babies in the river, but US has trashed 63 million babies.
Egypt enslaved Israel and the US has most people in bo***ge to alcohol, to***co and drugs—medical care is also bo***ge to MDs, tests and prescriptions that make medical care a leading cause of illness and death from adverse drug reactions. We should be able to think spiritually or abstractly to see the parallels for our time.
The UN is the pope’s road to supremacy. Trump was more interested in making America great, which is why big money and media went against him, but he may be back because in Bible times, horns were cut off and blown as a trumpet. The goat’s great horn may be the great Trump in Daniel 8:8 that makes the US great when the US flies from the west to stomp a militant Muslim ram (Daniel 8:17,20) after Muslims take Jerusalem in Zechariah 14:1,2.
With 61 attacks on US facilities in Syria and Iraq in the past month we should expect escalation of the war.
For more information, readers may visit for a 90-second video, and then a Spotlight TV interview with Richard Ruhling, author of How It All Ends! a book that’s also on Amazon.

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

After Internal Medicine training and board certification, Ruhling had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure. Ruhling developed a Total Health Seminar to help people with positive lifestyle changes to avoid high-risk Rx drugs. At 82, Ruhling claims excellent health and may be contacted by corporations to cut their medical costs, or by churches, book clubs for speaking.


Richard Ruhling
[email protected]


Houston, TX


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