If you've considered ordering something unique for Christmas from us this year... 'Tis the season. 🤞🏻🛍️🎁🌲🥰 With only one CNC things are started in the order we receive payments. We've got a few special requests on a short list but, plenty of room for YOU. 💕
In the comments I'm going to drop some goodies. 🙃 First, my Venmo. Custom orders are paid in full up front. We can accept a partial on larger orders. Just reach out to discuss. & If you want something, but haven't decided what exactly yet... $40 deposits are an option and they get you in the lineup; then apply to your order. ;)
I'll also post photos of pieces that are AVAILABLE as well some things that have sold in case you're needing inspiration. That said, feel free to throw us your ideas too Pablo and I are always up for another project. 🤘🏻
Annnnd... If you've read this far, thanks for being here or checking in. Thanks for thinking us. Thank you for ordering art and having us help with your IT needs. Thanks for sharing our stuff with your friends and family we may not know. Thank you, for real, for being so dang awesome!! Every order we ever get goes to making this crazy life better in some way for our family. 💕 When y'all shop small you help pay the bills, make ends meet and often just put food on the table. So, even if you don't shop with us this today be on the lookout for other Mom & Pops. There's some cool people out there doing real neat stuff. ✌🏻
Before I let you go... Anyone else hear this gif? 🤣🤣🤣