National Running Day! We somehow dodged the rain but not the Michelob Ultra. Thx Athletic Annex!
Got it ✅ done tonight at #Globalrunningday #Nationalrunningday and we love the Annex ❤
Join us next week for the Run317 back in Broadripple
Team Film made the big screen, ya'll!! See TF member and Boston runner Kathryn Yost at 7 seconds in of this Patriot's Day clip at the bottom left in a bright blue tank with our neon Team Film logo! Big Love to Boston and the Boston Athletic Association for all they've gone through during the Boston bombings a few years ago. #Bostonstrong No run like it on Earth! See what #liveyourfilm is all about at!
Running to the Indianapolis women's march!!
Team Film Member Party!!!!!
Hump day calls for getting over the hump or your fears and trying something new today! Go for it! This is part of our Team Film mantra! What are you waiting for? Share your brave moment or getting over the jump with us here!
FLASH CHALLENGE: Ladies & Gentleman, start your engines! 500 sit-ups and push-ups done by the finish of the Indy 500. Break it up however you like but get 'er done! Show me whatcha got! Here is a teaser!
This is how we finish and win a 100k Trail relay in the cold....Just a sampling of our weekend at Dances with Dirt. More pics of the serious fun coming this week! LIVE YOUR FILM--who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!! Or
Hey, momma rock me like a wagon wheel. Rock me momma any way you feel.
Thanks for a great post-race party Athletic Annex!!
Karen shares her risks and her 50 new things for 50! Listen to part of her story here. Way to go, Karen.
Prepare, breathe, do. Watch Britany's #risktalk and see what motivated her to do over 500 skydiving jumps, scuba dive, and face her biggest fears! We love having members who will share their stories to motivate us all.