Some of Anna Benson's contributions to the Health, Fitness & Entertainment industry include:
• As Designer of the original methodology ("Aerobic Weight Training") and Founder of The FIRM, she is the exclusive DVD manufacturer & distributor of pre-2001 'classic' The FIRM workouts previously unavailable as DVDs (1986-2001).
• Designer & Performer of IndePrime & RootLock workouts (2007-8).
• 2 reb
ounder workouts, G-Force 1 & 2 with Tracie Long (2004) and Carol Miller (2006). First to promote rebounder cardio workouts to strengthen the pelvic diaphragm & reduce incontinence & cellulite, during safe, low-impact cardio training.
• Created FitPrime 'fusion' methodology in workout studios (2001 - 2006). First to publish 'Weights, Cardio, Pilates & Yoga FUSION™', 'Non-Dominant Training™', 'Pelvic Diaphragm Training™' & age-appropriate 'Smart not Hard™' workout concepts.
• Designer and Director of 12 Women's Health and Fitness Network (WHFN) workouts: FitPrime and 6 WHFN KickButt! (2005).
• Conceived FitPrime methodology in workout studios (2001 - 2006) as taught by Anna and shared with her instructors in South Carolina. Introduced Weights, Cardio, Pilates & Yoga FUSION™, Non-Dominant Training™, Pelvic Diaphragm Training™ & age-appropriate "Smart not Hard™" workout concepts.
• Now considered collectables, Designer & Director of 10 "Original FitPrime" workouts (2001 - 2004).
• Co-Author with sister Cynthia Benson, of the book "Firm for Life" ©1988, Broadway Books.
• Workout Designer and frequent Director/Editor of The Firm's 48 pre-2001 workouts (1986-2001).
• As conceived by Anna, studio classes developed The Firm methodology in South Carolina. Her instructors were not only trained in her exercise techniques, but many were also trained in acting techniques for the camera. Their collective contributions as performers in various home workouts during the last decade continue to reflect Anna's influence on both exercise methods and instructional performance.
• Designed original exercise techniques for The Firm and invented equipment, including the original step "Fanny Lifter" device.
• Founder of The FIRM (1983 - 2001) with Cynthia Benson and Mark Henriksen.
• Created International award-winning travelogue "Dear Charleston" with Mark Henriksen and Cynthia Benson in 1982.
• Created International award-winning travelogue, "The Key West Picture Show" with Mark Henriksen in 1978.
• As taught by her mother, Anna Marian Stanley Tucker, Anna continues to research the most accurate, up-to-date information on superior foods and nutritional supplements to enhance physical prowess and mental acuity.
• Elizabethian history, especially the biographies and work of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, true author of the Shakespearian canon, are one of her primary interests.