Dolphin are flipping awesome. 😉
Some days the view is so good, we don’t want to go back to the dock.
Dynamite conditions at Cheeca Rocks today!
Dolphin sighting on our afternoon trip!
Fever of Spotted Eagle Rays
Did you know that a group of spotted eagle rays is called a “fever”? We spotted this fever in about 15ft of water today near the reef. We love to watch them swim!
Mama and baby dolphin hunting in the mangroves before sunset. #islamoradaboattours #islamoradaecotour #islamoradatimes #islamoradasunsetcruise #visitfloridakeys #visitflorida #dolphinsighting
These dolphin came by just as this afternoon’s storms rolled in. We watched them play for a bit before heading back to the marina. #islamoradaboattours #snorkelislamorada #visitflkeys #islamoradatimes #dolphintour #ecotour
It’s always a great day when these guys show up! #islamoradaboattours #floridabay #dolphinsighting #ecotour #floridakeys #islamorada
Check out our brand new @power.pole shallow water anchor system! This is a game changer for sandbar and shallow water snorkel trips! Thanks MJ! #islamoradaboattours #powerpole #islamoradasandbar #snorkelislamorada #shallowwateranchor #newtoys #boattoys #bestbossever #thanksmj
Dolphin sighting this morning! #islamoradaboattours #snorkelislamorada #ecotourislamorada #dolphin #visitislamorada #floridakeys
Happy Monday! #islamoradaboattours #snorkelislamorada #dolphin #ecotour #floridakeysecotour #islamorada #visitfloridakeys #visitislamorada #islamoradatimes
When you are tired of the “surf” and what you really want is the “turf”. #islamoradaboattours #surfandturf #islamoradatimes #visitislamorada #lizardsforlunch #floridakeys #visitfloridakeys
The dinner bell is ringing!! We were in awe watching this shark cruise the flats after sunset looking for his dinner. Such a beautiful creature, such an amazing backdrop. #islamoradaboattours #islamoradasunset #respectthelocals #dontfearthefin #seewhatsoutthere #islamoradatimes #sharksarefriends
Sunset friends! #islamoradaboattours #floridakeyssunset #dolphinencounter #visitfloridakeys #ecotour #sunsetcruise #visitislamorada #islamoradatimes
Monday morning manatee in the mangroves. #islamoradaboattours #manateesighting #ecotour #islamoradatimes #islamorada #visitfloridakeys #manateemonday
Spring break is just around the corner, have you booked your snorkel trip yet? #islamoradaboattours #springbreak2021 #snorkelislamorada #islamoradatimes #visitislamorada #alligatorreef #youshouldbehere #islamorada #anglerhousemarina
This dolphin pair really put on a show for us this afternoon in the Florida Bay! #islamoradaboattours #dolphinsighting #floridakeys #islamorada #ecotour #visitislamorada #islamoradatimes #floridabay